Subway Angel

Synchronicities that occur in the course of our daily lives usually cause us to sit up and take notice. Some of them are one-time deals. But others, like this one, recur over time, almost as if to complete something.We’ve posted Mike Clelland’s synchronicities before and they’re invariably intriguing and complex.

I was living in New York City at the time. It was a lovely summer morning, probably 1984 or ’85, I was about 22 years old. I got on the subway in lower Manhattan on my way to an office job uptown. This was the E train, and I got on, as usual, at Spring Street.

The next stop was West 4th Street, and when the doors opened a very pretty young woman got on the train.

I don’t understand why – but for some reason – I literally thought she was an angel. I’m not kidding. I was convinced she was somehow delivering me some mystical message. Maybe I died, and she was escorting me to the great beyond. Maybe this was the subway to heaven?

I was thunderstruck, and it was extremely strange.

I can vividly recall EXACTLY what she looked like and what she was wearing. She had short blond hair and she was reading the NY Times. She folded the paper in the proper way that only the savvy new yorker knows. She had on a simple white summer sun dress and wore white cotton “boating” shoes, low top and clean. No socks and unshaven legs. She was smiling as she read the paper. She stood, and never sat down. And she never looked at me.

She got off at 34th street.

Now, at the time I was living with my girlfriend (Catherine) in a little apartment in SoHo downtown. When I got home that evening I told her about this weirdly profound event, alas – she didn’t understand how intense it was. She actually got kind of angry at me – and that was typical of her. She simply saw it as me ogling, and immediately felt defensive.

Anyway – Now the story jumps a few months later, on a busy street in Greenwich Village (just east of Astor Place), I was walking on the sidewalk with Catherine on a cold wintry Saturday morning. We had a rather tense relationship and clearly remember we were having a little squabble, typical of us. Then – she suddenly blurted out, “What are we doing? We shouldn’t be together! I’m not your type, SHE’S your type!” and she pointed to this random woman on the sidewalk…

And it was her!

And – she was wearing the SAME shoes!

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21 Responses to Subway Angel

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now THAT'S impressive!!

  2. musingegret says:

    Synchronicity at work! I'd not gone to my favorite watering hole for 3 months but one night I felt a powerful urging to go get a brewski and play some shuffleboard. He ditched his buddy at the last minute and on an impulse (!?) headed over to **that particular** watering hole. He was looking around for a partner to play the next game of shuffleboard and an oldtimer directed him to come ask me to play. I was sitting on a barstool talking to a chick friend and felt a tap on my left shoulder. Turned around and gazed into the bluest eyes I'd **ever** seen. The rest is history.

    P.S. It had been 2 months since he'd been in that place!

    wv: suclast (suck last? sure classed?) 😉

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, musing, way to go! How did this meeting come about? Were you introduced through friends or what?

  4. musingegret says:

    Regarding Sansego's tale of manifestation I thought I'd add my own. Seven years ago I was involved in a long-distance relationship that was rapidly disintegrating. One afternoon lying on the couch I started 'daydreaming' about my perfect man. I'd truly never done this before. I determined that I wanted a blue-eyed poet who worked with his hands. Less than 4 weeks later I met my sweetheart: Eyes of Windex blue, writes and plays his own music, is an expert home remodeler, auto mechanic and personal computer builder.

    Now that's Manifestation!!

    wv: melmete (mel meet? well met?) LOL

  5. Vicki D. says:

    Mike your posts just keep getting more and more interesting.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike, we also have a Connie who posts here. She's one of the planetary empaths, who picks up earthquakes in advance.

  7. Mike Clelland! says:

    Alas – I didn't run after her.

    I was 22 years old, and I loved Catherine dearly. We were, in our own funny way, quite a good couple.

    I still have the feeling that I'll see her again someday.

    Also – The word verification below states CONNI, maybe that's her name?

    And – ealier today I was writing a woman who frequents this post (named Stacey) and I was listening to an audio pod cast from William Henry – and – I was typing the name of this website – and as I typed the word SYNCHRONICITY, the guest on the show spoke that word aloud.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like Nancy's take! Mike – you should've taken off after her!

  9. Natalie says:

    Great post. 🙂

  10. Von says:

    The same shoes in Winter?That is weird!

  11. Nancy says:

    Wow. I would have ran after her and introduced myself!

  12. Mike Clelland! says:

    That wintery day on the street in Greenwich Village:

    It was gray and blustery and she had on a heavy coat (a big green army coat). And the same shoes, not very sensable for NYC in cold weather.

    Alas, right then, there wasn't any of that weird angelic shock to my psyche. She was with a guy, who had long hair and a beard. And – this is a funny impression from 20 plus years ago, I remember thinking this bearded guy was kind of a manipulative creep. I got a bad vibe from him.

    I never saw her agin.

    New York City is a hard place to just walk up to someone, especially when I was with my girlfriend (Catherine) at the time.

    I did see someone at a UFO conference in 2007 who was about the right age (and had a similar nose!) and I did ask her if she was in NYC in 1983 0r '84 (we soon figured out that it wasn't her) and I've become a good friend of this woman, and we chat on email quite often.

    Maybe we'll meet someday???

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – maybe Mike will drop by and add a PS.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Your story is great, Sansego!

  15. Sansego says:

    The story is great…except I wanted to know what happened with that guy's relationship. Did they break up? Did he end up with the angel lady? What happened?!?

    Something interesting happened to me last night. You read my post about the snobby pretty girl I tried to have a conversation with last week and she stone cold rejected me after a few "unbearable" minutes.

    After that painful rejection, I decided to test my "manifestation" skills, so I asked the universe to send me a French lady who wears a scarf around her neck, has dark hair, and someone I find attractive. Last night, a lady came to a discussion group I participate in. She had dark hair and cool glasses, and was wearing a scarf around her neck. She's not French, but she's fluent in French and has been living in Paris and Senegal for the past few years! We had a great conversation and she's planning to move back to Portland and be more involved with this group. Not sure if it will amount to much more than this meeting, but I had a good laugh about it afterwards.

    Be careful what you ask for…you may just get it, even when you're joking!

  16. Vicki D. says:

    Have you seen her since?

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe this phenomenon happens more often than we realize!

  18. Katrina says:

    Love this. Also: stopped in to check things out today and saw your note about your book coming out in August. Woo hoo!!

  19. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Weird. I traveled yesterday by bus sitting next to a woman. She is not so young and attractive or anything like that. The point is that I sat on the last free sitting place. Twelve hours later,while I was going home, she did the same thing – sat next to me on the last remaining place. Once upon a time, also a traveling angel (the most beautiful girl in the world) introduced me (she is still totally unaware of that) to the crazy world of synchronicity (before I've even known the difference between Freud and Jung – some very dreamlike and symbolic synchronicities).

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's certainly intriguing – but I wonder what happened next!

  21. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    That was a good story. Kept me every instant. Truth stranger than…

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