Best Friends from Long Ago


We’ve put up several posts about people who find each other after being out of touch for years and there’s always a synchronicity of some kind involved. The next story came from AJ Jeffcoat. He had written asking if any of my novels were ebooks. In an exchange of emails, I referred him to the blog and asked if he had any synchronicities he wanted to share. This one involves his daughter.

My daughter Erin, teaches elementary school in a suburb of FT Worth, TX. She was  assigned a high school student to mentor the children with special needs. Apparently, Erin reminded the mentor of someone but she just could not put her finger on who it was. Bear  in mind this had been going on since the beginning of the school year.

Over the Easter break, the mentor shared her holiday with her family. While talking to her cousin, it suddenly dawned on her this was the person that Erin reminded her of. They spoke the same, stood the same, held their hands the same. The mentor told her cousin what she had realized. Much to their surprise they realized that Erin and the cousin knew each other. They not only knew each other, but were best friends in elementary and middle school. They have not seen much of each other for several years but always call each other on their birthdays. By the way, the cousin is also an elementary school teacher. What are the odds?

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11 Responses to Best Friends from Long Ago

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good story, Jeff. Finding an old friend again is like recapturing part of your childhood.

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great story. It's interesting the links between people that come up.

  3. Jeff says:

    One of my best friends now is actually a friend from elementary school. We went to separate jr. high and High schools though, so we lost touch for many years. One day we bumped into each other at a meeting at a company we used to work for. We worked in different offices, but I got transferred to the office he worked in shortly after that. So we soon became friends again. I've always thought of it as just bumping into an old friend and then becoming friends again.

    Looks like my word verification is vismate.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The world does seem like a much smaller place with stories like these. I like butternut's idea of a large family!

  5. Marja says:

    Love that story. The world becomes smaller like that

  6. d page says:

    Very sweet story!

  7. Butternut Squash says:

    I think that is my favorite kind of synchronicity. It's not spooky, It just makes you feel like you belong to a larger family.

  8. Nancy says:

    Heartwarming story.

  9. trish says:

    love these kinds of stories, vicki. now here's a really cool word verification synchro: quien, Spanish for who

  10. Vicki D. says:

    In college I had lost touch with a very close friend from HS. We hadn't talked for over 3 years and I just had to find her.
    I finally got her phone number and called.
    When she answered she laughed and said "I've been trying to track you down too, in fact I was just about to call you!". She then read off my phone number and I said "Yep that's my number."
    We agreed to never let lose touch like that again and haven't.
    I always remember that because I thought it was so neat to realize that at the exact same time we were searching for each other and about to call each other.
    Cool. It made our connection seem extra special which it is.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    isn't it wonderful when these strings of synchros come together – what a neat story!

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