UPDATE: Censorship in Thailand

Apparently Thailand censors the Internet. We received this note from a friend who is living there, concerning our post about supernatural breasts!
” You know, I can’t open the post on your blog. It’s been blocked by Thai super authorities…because of the bras, I think. Weird when you think that in Patpong, the red light district, there are women serving drinks with no clothes on, wearing just boots.”

She subscribes to the posts, however, and was apparently able to receive today’s post through email. The censorship concerned her access to the actual post.

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13 Responses to UPDATE: Censorship in Thailand

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Fox is nothing more than a propaganda machine, churning out one lie after another 24/7. Buy lying and hate mongering are incredibly lucrative – just look @ the salaries that Rush, O'Reilly and the rest of them make.

  2. Sansego says:

    The conservatives are still trying to "rewrite" history by blaming Obama for everything Bush did wrong. And they tried to blame 9/11 on Clinton. I know too many conservatives who think Clinton is to blame for what happened on 9/11 (because he had "failed" to capture Osama bin Laden in Sudan in 1998 or 1999).

    Censorship exists in the U.S. Especially on the Fox News Corporation.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ray – I think it was category five. Got some angry letters about it.

  4. Ray says:


    Which one of your books told of the cover up of the truth about Hurricane Andrew? I looked up all the references to find that they are true or at least suspected to be true.


  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think there's a lot of dangerous editing of history that's going on. The previous administration was always trying to rewrite history.

  6. Ray says:

    Censorship is my number one pet peeve. We have our own censors in the US.
    They are state authorities ordering textbooks to meet their standards even to the point of revising history to suit their beliefs.
    One state wants Thomas Jefferson out of school books. They don't like his stand on religion. Another wants to replace Stonewall Jackson with Jefferson Davis.
    Slanted history is no history, it is propaganda.
    Bras shown in a post on a serious subject is not the same as being shown for titilation.

    On a poster. "Burn Censors not Books."

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, I love your story about how she sang to the elephants! Here's the link to nancy's blog for this story!

  8. Nancy says:

    Although my daughter enjoyed Thailand very much, and felt the people to be very friendly, she was happy to get home. We were very happy to get her home, considering the problems Thailand is experiencing.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    censorship and oppression, as VD says, live on! incredible!!! thanks so much for update!

  10. Vicki D. says:

    It is scary in this day and age to realize so much censorship and oppression still exists.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – bizarre about the currency!

  12. Sansego says:

    My mom, who is from Thailand, often told me about ridiculous laws in Thailand…such as the bra not being allowed to be shown, even though a string bikini was permissible. Also, its illegal to step on the Thai currency because of the King's picture (yet you put the money in your wallet or pocket and sit on the King's face).


    wow,amazing photo,nice location

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