Synchros in the news

Patrons at a bar in Wisconsin had a reason to ‘fear the deer’ when two deer crashed through the glass door and raced into the bar while the patron were watching the Milwaukee Bucks.
+ + +

Meanwhile, the address of the busted Times Square car bomber was made public. It’s 119 Long Hill Ave., Shelton, Connecticut. Those numbers, of course, are 911 backwards.  It looks like he did everything backwards, bungling the job. A good thing, too.

Thanks to Connie Cannon for the heads up on the address. She also notes that numbers are read right to left in Hebrew and Aramaic.

Here’s the best synchro in the news for the past week. A newscaster reporting about Tiger Wood’s neck injury misprounced disk calling it…Tiger’s ‘bulging dick.’

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8 Responses to Synchros in the news

  1. Anonymous says:

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  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Hadn't heard of Cinco de Mayo before – sounds fun!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes! The 5th of the 5th! Cinco de mayo.

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    911 / 119 – interesting.

    In the UK and parts of Europe 911 would have been 119, as we put the day before the month. Fortunately though we can all agree that today is the 5th of the 5th.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow – very interesting! neat post!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    good one, anonymous!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Long Hill Ave Shelton anagrams into "No lethal shovelling"

  8. lakeviewer says:

    Gosh! Too many coincidences!

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