UPDATE on 11s, from a numerologist

 from Soul Cards

As we discussed in a post on April 22, Jung considered numbers to be archetypes. He theorized that when clusters of numbers kept appearing in a person’s life, it meant the archetype of that number had become active in an individual’s psyche.

So we asked our friend, Connie Cannon, a numerologist whom we’ve written about in the planetary empaths posts,to provide some insights.
There is enormous synchronicity in numbers and in combinations of numbers, especially when they appear in pairs – 11-11, 22-22, 33-33 etc.

They are never, ever meaningless. Each of us comes into a given lifetime within a mathematical matrix that has been designed by our higher selves on the soul level, and our lives follow the directives of that mathematical matrix. There is absolutely nothing….NOTHING…. in our individual lives that cannot be found within the blueprint, if we know where to look.

The master frequencies represented by dual numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, etc., always carry heavy-duty, often occult- hidden – meanings for us, and when they appear repetitively in our lives, they are speaking to us. All numbers are representative of frequencies, but those master numbers are universally critical, and that is the reason so many events and incidents of impact occur under the influence of those frequencies. It is not coincidental.

The phrase, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW is manifested in universal frequencies as a mathematical constant. Using the frequency 11 as a single example, the name JESUS resonates to 11, and the name LUCIFER resonates to 11. This is not a happenstance. It is a mathematical fact that is across the board in each and every aspect of the universe.

Generally speaking, I have been able to determine that when we have a master frequency appearing in duality, as in 11-11, it is somehow referencing its two-fold nature. We have only ten number factors in our universe, which are 0 through 9, but there are myriad combinations of those number factors, none of which is without dual interpretations. AS ABOVE, SO BELOW. We simply must learn how to untangle the matrix in order to see the meanings. Fascinating, because it offers insights we cannot otherwise access.

Here are general definitions of the combinations:

11 is the master frequency of inspirational sensitivity and intuition.

22 is the master frequency of bringing inspiration and intuition into its physical manifestation, in whatever material form that may be.

33 is the master frequency of selfless giving….of teaching and sharing the end results of the two previous frequencies, on the cosmic as opposed to the personal level.

44 is a master number “unto itself”.  It is inter-changeable with the frequency 26, and carries the root number “8”, which is the frequency of God.  8 is the single most powerful frequency in our universal number system.  As well as being the frequency of GOD, it is also the frequency of karma and of cancer.

The easiest thing to consider about the oft-experienced 11-11 is that it is actually 22, which indicates something somewhere very important is being manifested into material form.  When the 11 stands alone, it remains non-corporeal, but when it stands beside its twin, as in 11-11, it has become three-dimensional.  Does this make sense to you?

The most essential point to understand is that each of these master frequencies is much more powerful in their expressions than in their lower root frequencies and must be addressed accordingly, whether they are expressing their positive or negative characteristics…..dependent upon the circumstances in which they appear.

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44 Responses to UPDATE on 11s, from a numerologist

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow! at's a lot of 9-11s, Edwin.

  2. Edwin says:

    Its me again…
    I like Connies take on 911 – emerge and see. It fits a lot of what has happened since this all began. I thought I'd share the laugh I had last night though. I walked into the kitchen and in front of me was a wall with a stove, wall oven and microwave. All three had digital clocks that read 9:11. I got what I went in for and went back to the den to watch tv. The television was already turned on and Law and Order was playing. As I walked in the door a character said "You wouldn't want a 9/11 on your watch would you". I had to laugh – especially with the play on words that made it so applicable.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Merry meet and merry part….Blessed Be!
    I will tell you the system for arriving at your 22 in a bit.

  4. Raksha says:

    Rob and Trish and everyone: FWIW, I just now noticed we posted these last comments on May 11th!!!!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Linda/Raksha – keep encouraging Connie to start her blog! I posted her email address at the end of today's post.
    – Trish

  6. Raksha says:

    Connie: Re "The name RAKSHA carries the frequency of 22. Just thought you might like to know that!"

    Now that *IS* interesting for a number of reasons. I knew very little about my screen name when it was first given to me about 12 years ago by a close online friend, who is now one of my Facebook friends. It was originally my chat name on Prodigy Classic. My friend Penny named me after Mowgli's wolf-mother in Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. I really liked the idea of being named after a she-wolf! It's a reflection of my tendency to get into ferocious confrontations online with any political and/or religious conservative foolhardy enough to cross my path. These confrontations often rose to the level of flame wars in the past, although this has become less true in recent years (although it still happens on occasion). I guess I'm finally getting too old for that kind of thing!

    Very relevant to this is the fact that Raksha means "demon" in Sanscrit. In other words, it's kind of an in-your-face name, and again a reflection of my combative nature. I really liked that, so I began using it as a screen name all over the Internet.

    BUT the name also carries a second and very important meaning in Sanscrit, although I only learned about that within the past year. It also means "protection," and as the name for Kipling's wolf-character it refers to her ferocious protection of her cubs both natural and adopted (human). Again within the past year, I learned from Wikipedia about the Hindu festival of Raksha Bandan, which honors the relationship between a brother and sister–who can be, but don't necessarily have to be related by blood. It can also be a purely spiritual bond or bond of friendship between a man and a woman. As far as I know, there is no counterpart or parallel to this festival or the kind of relationship it celebrates in any other country. It is purely a Hindu tradition. This also carries a heavy synchronistic meaning for me, and here the number 22 (as a double 11) becomes significant.

    I'm curious what system of calculation you used to discover that the name Raksha carries the frequency of 22. I'm sure there is one, but I know very little about numerology. I hope you start your blog pretty soon so I can start learning more, and I know I'm not alone in that. Your comments on this thread have been incredibly interesting.

    Blessed Be,
    Linda aka Raksha

  7. Anonymous says:

    Edwin, Trish and Rob have very kindly posted my email address on the blog for anyone who cares to use it.
    It's mathmajik3322@comcast.net if you want to email me and I'll do my best to answer your questions and concerns. That applies to everybody….I'm delighted to be of service in my own small way, so thanks for the opportunity to share !

  8. Edwin says:

    Most often I get 911 when I look at the clock. Even though all my clocks get set to the same time originally, 9:11 has sometimes seemed to follow me through the house on various clocks. It also winds up being a total or change at the store, a score on a video game, or I can be listening to a song on the radio and be hear that it was recorded for a 9/11 benefit or something (several times). It pops up all kinds of ways. If I have not noticed it on digital displays of any sort (clocks, timers, etc) someone will almost always start telling me a story of how they recently had to call 911 for something. That usually comes from people who as a rule do not call 911 – so that it seems to stand out more. I recently had a friend call me one morning saying he woke abruptly from a dream and could only remember I was in it. When he looked @ the clock it read 9:11. He got spooked and called to check on me. I had to laugh one day watching the news b/c the pick 3 lottery numbers they announced were 119. I guess I should have played.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Edwin, hi. Connie here. I'd be most interested in learning how you are "getting" the 911; how is it coming to you? Of course the 911 has become the alert numbers for emergency. Contraily, it can also be saying, "Emerge and See", depending upon the circumstances in which you are getting the number set. In dreams? Meditations? Clock hands? The origin of the signal has an influence on its interpetation. From my own experiences, I've learned that when I receive 911, it may be a warning, and just as often, it is used to bring my attention to something urgent that needs to be recognized, and not necessarily something dire or fearful. That's where the "emerge and see" comes in. Let me know, if you can, the circumstances in which you are getting the 911 and perhaps I can offer an intuitve interpretation as well as a mathematical one. Remember that numbers are an innate part of an individual's life that occur synchronistically with the events that are occurring in our lives, or that may be upcoming, or that are vying for our immediate attention, altho folks usually don't notice numbers unless they really become insistent. I'll help if I can.

  10. Edwin says:

    Hi Connie (& others),
    I have posted before about 911 popping up repeatedly before the death of my father and also a close friend (along with other personal crises), taking a short break and starting again. Over time, I find I still get 911's but also other #'s ending in 11's. Given what the #'s preceeded originally for me and the conventional meaning, I have taken it to be a warning and since they started appearing again
    got a little worried. I'm interested to know from your viewpoint what they might mean. I'm trying desperately to find some positive viewpoint to focus on since this phenomena keeps occuring.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Raksha, a quick mini-note.

    The name RAKSHA carries the frequency of 22. Just thought you might like to know that! I share with you the life-altering loss of our Dads at an early age. Mine died when he was only 42. I wasn't quite 18. It does indeed change the entire course of our lives when we lose a parent when we are so very young.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Connie!
    Raksha – what a ife-changing event at such a young age. Very interesting correlation with Nancy's data.

  13. terripatrick says:

    THANKS CC!!!

    You validated me. LOL! Even my sisters gripe at my efficiency and ability to multitask – and I have been told I tend to scatter my energy but somehow it all sort of works together in the end.

    Thanks for all this information and get an online identity soon. 🙂

    WV: upribur (up river?)

  14. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for the info, Raksha! I meant Google, not Yahoo! Trish has been encouraging me to set up a blog. I'm considering it. I know these comments here have been Loonnnggggggg! It's difficult to answer the questions that were asked about numbers without being a bit long-winded! Thanks again, much, for the great information!

  15. Raksha says:

    CC: It isn't necessary to have a blog here to become a registered user of Blogger. You can go to the Blogger home page and create a profile, including as much or as little information about yourself as you want. That way you won't have to post as "Anonymous" any more.

    I set up my profile several months before I started my blog, so I could follow other blogs and post comments on them–some blogs won't accept anonymous comments. In my case I did intend to have a blog (several, in fact!) when I joined, but it took me a couple of months to work up the nerve to actually write my first blog post. But you can set up a Blogger profile even if you don't ever intend to have a blog here. Although judging by your comments so far, it sounds like you have a lot you want to tell the world about numerology!

    FYI: This site is affiliated with Google and not Yahoo, so be sure you set up a Google account if you want to post here as anything but "Anonymous"!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Hi y'all, CC here….again! Just want to note that folks who follow a blog such as this one of Trish's and Rob's on Synchronicity, are spiritually-oriented and generally are seekers and searchers for Truth, whatever Truth may be to each individual, and usually are trying to evolve spiritually. This being the case, most of you (us) will always have an abundance of the Master frequencies appearing in our lives because, generally speaking again, most of us have had a multiplicity of past life experiences that brings us, collectively and individually, to people and places that might offer paths of emlightenment. Trish and Rob certainly fit that descritpion in their various literary works, and of course on this blog. So it is no surprise that most of the folks who visit this computer place routinely have a history of the occurence of Master Frequencies in their lives, if not consistently, then periodically in the "clusters" mentioned earlier.
    In groups of people who come together physically to form spiritual study circles, there is always a plethera of Master frequencies in the lives of each participant. It's such an encouraging, uplifting thing to read these comments daily and to recognize that there are so many like-minded folks who are hoping and desiring only the very best and highest good for humanity and our home planet. I just wanted to make note of the common bond of Master frequencies among spiritual seekers!

  17. Raksha says:

    Nancy, you said: "My birthday 11/22 which equals 33. (Also he day President Kennedy was assassinated.)"

    I thought you might be interested to know that my father was killed in a train wreck on the Long Island Rail Road on November 22, 1950–13 years to the day before President Kennedy was assassinated. I was not quite five years old at the time. It almost goes without saying that my life changed forever on that day, taking a completely different course than it would have if my father had not been on that particular train that night.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Gypsy, CC here. In possible answer to your query: Very often the series of numbers, (representing frequencies or energies), change either rather consistently or just on occasion. What one must look for, is "clusters" of the numbers. Is 3:33 appearing in clusters? Is 11:11 apearing in clusters? Is 2-11 appearing in clusters? Shifting gears here momentarily, 11-11 is obviously a mass consciousness frequency for this timeframe in human history and is being experienced individually and worldwide as such. But when the other numbers come and go in clusters, or for example a number combination such as 3:33 or 3-33 or 333 appears for an extended period of time, it is a definitive indication that the person or person involved is functioning on that frequency wave that is represented, first by the number 3and second, by the number 9, and the person needs to check out the current experiences and incidents as a means of determining HEY! What's Going On Here? An example: Before we moved to FL from GA, virtually everything in my family's entire life was accompanied by two number frequencies, 5 and 9. When clustered,5 always brings drastic change, travel, motion, activity, movement. Clusters of 9 always, inevitably, brings endings, deaths, closings of doors, tying up loose ends, so that new beginnings can occur. Our address there in GA, our phone number, the date we signed the contract on our home in the country, everything resonated to the 5 and the 9, so I had the conviction, although I wasn't aware how it would manifest at the time, that we were at the end of a cycle and that huge change was imminent. Surely enough, we made the permanent re-location to FL, which, coincidentally, (no such thing!), SEEMED to be sudden, but in the sceme of our lives obviously was a long-planned event and was manifesting its energy in every aspect of our lives for two years prior to overt awareness of the major move to come. So, bottom line, Gypsy, when you are seeing a "cluster" of the same nhumber or numbers, which can change, look for incidents or events, even consider upcoming ones, that
    are synchronistic with that frequency. You'll hear me repeat constantly that numbers do not lie. They hold truth for us. Sometimes it hides from us, but it is there is we seek it! Although 3is not my lifelong operative number, I have been sourrounded by 3 for a very long time now. My vehicle tag, our home address, phone number, everything here, carries as its root, or sum of the totals, of the number 3. The 3 frequency is creativity, and by george, that is exactly the frequency I've been expressing for all the years that I've been living in the manifestation of this 3! It's such a wonderful demonstration, at least IMHO, of the perfect order in the universe, and in the order of the plan of our souls. Because it doesn't happen inadvertently. It happens synchronistically with the events in our lives, and as events change, so do the numbers….when the events are big enough to be life-altering, eithe positively or negatively or both!

  19. Anonymous says:

    TerriPatrick, hi, this is CC. Regarding your dual number 55….Traditional numerology generally recognizes either three or four Master frequencies, which are 11, 22, 33, and sometimes 44. However, for decades my area of math has been metaphysical, or esoteric, mathematics, which incorporates the basics of traditional numerology and has those basics embedded in it, but which is much more ancient and precedes both the Pythagorean and the Chaldean alpha-numeric language systems. In esoteric math, we realize that all dualities of a single root frequency, such as your 55, is a Master frequency. A Master frequency is an indication of a higher resonance, or vibration, of the original root number, and therefore brings much more powerful implications whenever and wherever it may appear. Those implications may manifest in positive or negative ways, depending upon the situation. As a root frequency, 5 is the number of change and activity; of travel; of busyness; (yep, I intended to write busYness!); of scattered energies. When it becomes dual, it amplifies those basic elements, but it also, simultaneously, evolves into the frequency of 10.
    This would indicate, for you personally since it is appearing often in your own indivudal life in various and sundry ways, that your activities with large groups of folks, and the scattering or diversity of your energies, (which, incidentally, in 5's almost always accompanies a person who is adept at multi-tasking!), is resulting in inventiveness and new ideas that are manifesting in the material world. In other words, you are taking the basic elements of the 5 frequency to it's higher level and it is becoming the inventive ideology of the pioneering frequency of 10. This would mean, as one of its expressions, that efficiency is the order of the day for you, but that the efficiency tends to be scattered in many directions yet becomes cohesive rather than being wasteful. 5 in combination with itself, being 55, is a powerfully industrious Master
    frequency within which a person is accomplishing a great deal, if the energy available in that frequency is applied! Don't ingore it. Look around and you'll see it brining you opportunities to use your initiative in new ways! Remember, numbers appearing repetitively in our lives are synchronistic with the experiences that are occurring and can be used as guides. Hope this helps!

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and your analysis, fascinating!!! thank you very much for your input, CC!!!

  21. Anonymous says:

    I'm coming in as Anonymous because I haven't established a yahoo account yet with a name, so will begin my comments with Hi Y'all CC here! As a means of indicating I'm not the other Anonymous! 🙂 Just want to say that numbers and combinations of numbers appear in each of our lives as a Synchronistic addendum to events and incidents as they occur throughout our lives from the moment we are born, and most often those synchronistic numbers and number combinations will be repetitive (the same) as we move through our lessons and experiences. They are indications of what is happening. Each of us has what is called an "operative number" that is static and that will re-appear over and over and over in one way or another…maybe the amount of money spent on groceries, the numbers on the clock when we glance at it, the time and date of an important appointment, the date of signing a contract, on and on. Many of us have more than one operative number, and if we study and learn the meanings of our individual operative number/numbers, we can gain invaluable insights into our experiences as they occur. This planet and its group of human inhabitants also have operative numbers that synchronistically occur simultaneous to certain types of events. I'm learning this myself as I watch everything unfolding around us universally as we approach 2012, which apparently may be the culminating point of some kinds of ever-incresing, forward-moving shifts. Whether this culminating point in 2012 (which, byw, =5) manifests on the human consciousness levels or within the very planet itself, or both, remains to be seen. Be that as it may, it has become apparent that certain types of events that affect all of us on the group consciousness level have SYNCHRONISTICALLY occurring numbers…meaning that the same frequency is involved in particular types of events or incidents such as natural disasters or man-made catastrophes.
    To my ever-analytical mind, I find this synchronistic display of relative numbers fascinating!

  22. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great responses to A, you 3!

  23. Anonymous says:

    Ahhhh, my comments to Anonymous went through! YeeHaa! This is Connie, Hey, all!
    Sansego, 10-10 is a dual number, which indicates that it has integrated the meanings represented by the numeral 1 and has become MORE than the 1 as when the 1 is standing alone. 1 is the baby in the crib. (0 is the CONCEPT not yet manifest. 0 becomes manifest when it is added to a number, and is incrementally more and more according to the number of zeroes added.) When we think of the infant in its crib, we understand that everything in the infant's life is pertinent to Self. Feed me, change me, hold me, pay attention ot me, etc. It also indicates the beginnings of making sounds, crawling before walking, all that is fresh and new. 1 is the frequency of invention, of the pioneer. On the less positive side, it is the frequency of selfishness and me me me. However, when 1 is joined by other frequencies, or numbers, as in your situation 10-10, it becomes 20, or the root number 2, which indicates cooperation with or combining with another. The 1 is no longer standing alone. When a zero is added to any number, it increases the power of that number exponentially, depending upon however many zeroes are added to the number, just as in money, we have a one-dollar, ten dollars, etc. The value of the root number changes upwards…is exaggerated…as zeroes are added. However, in your case, the zero is followed by yet another 1, or 10. We can't separate the 1 and appraise it as a 1 because it has become 1-1, each 1 amplified by a 0. So again, you have 20, or 2. I would interpret this to indicate activities or events in your personal space that involves relationship, associations, partnerships, etc., but all on a one-to-one basis rather than in a group. That can be a one-on-one doctor's visit, a counseling session, a teacher-student situation…anything involving 2 folks in a one-on-one connection. If you're seeing it a lot, take a look at these areas of your life and see what may be going on there! Let me know if this helps! I'll go back and read the other questions and do my best to offer replies inasmuch as I am capable.

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – the comment went through!
    – Trish

  25. Anonymous says:

    Without intending to seem combative, I feel compelled to reply to Anonymous that mathematics is not arbitrary or conducive to manipulations. Math is a constant. One cannot remove or add any number to an equation as a means of achieving a desired result. To remove or add a number factor destroys the integrity of the equation, or combination of nunbers. Numbers were the first language of the human species, Anonymous. Math is the foundation, the basic building block, of our universe and of All that exists within the universe. Math is not a science that is amenable to interpretation according to a person's individual ideas or individual perceptions or whims. Our universe, and every atom and molecule of matter existing within it, creates frequencies which create waves. Those frequency waves, in whatever manner they present, are measurable by numbers. Numbers themselves have absolutely no meaning whatsoever. Numbers are inanimate and inert; abstract. It is only when they represent something that numbers then become animate and are no longer inert and abstract. So, one cannot equate the interpretation of numbers with the
    idea of thinking a particular cloud in the sky may look like a giraffe to one person and a long-necked bottle to another. Math, again, is a constant and isn't subject to individual interpretation. Here's a simple example: if there are 3 people in a group, we look at the group and see 3 people, Not 1 person, and not 4 people. There are 3 people in the group, and that is what is perceived. If we have 1 person, then 2 more people join the group, it becomes a group of 3 people. 1 + 2 = 3. It cannot be argued. In chemistry, or in astrophysics, or in music, or in creating a food dish from a recipe, number measurements are used. Without the numbers and their representations, life would be at zero point. There is no aspect of life that is not measured by numbers, and as a result of this, since the inception of the human species, each of the numbers 0-9 have, inherent within them certain characteristics that are recognized and applicable, and the myriad combinations of those numbers have inherent applications within them as well. Mathematics is a science. It isn't a woo-woo New Agey game that can be adapted to individual interpretation.
    I will be thrilled to attempt to offer answers to the questions of the posters if this comment goes through. I'm having trouble getting my comments to post but will keep trying. LOVE the SYNCHRONICITY Blog!!

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great topic and dialogue – i'm wondering if there is any significance attached to the methodology involved in certain numbers appearing in our lives – for example, awakening from sleep at precisely 11:11 pm or 1:11 am or 3:33 – or only glancing at a clock when awake when it is those times? would there be a different significance if the numbers show themselves in dates, instead? i am assuming not, but?

  27. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Never had 11s etc in my life. I'm all 7s and 6s or 6s and 7s. Interesting post.

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Furthermore,anon, the power of belief ultimately trumps the power of disbelief–that we are merely random collections of atoms and molecules that spend a few decades on this planet for no particular reason. Somewhere along the way there's usually a crack in that wall of cynical disbelief that continues to be perpetrated by mainstream science.
    IMHO, R

  29. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't know if that's what it proves, anonymous. Everything is composed of vibration and energy, even numbers. And if numbers are archetypes, as Jung said, then when you experiences clusters of particular numbers, that archetype has become active in you, for whatever reason. In Marlene's case, it seems that 11 is no longer an active archetype for her. Whatever she was supposed to learn, she learned.

  30. Anonymous says:

    What all this proves is that anyone can project what ever conscious or un conscious meanings they wish into anything including numbers, cloud formations, crop circles, mantras.

  31. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I see by my computer clock that it's 20 after the hour and there seems to be a lull in the conversation…but then I guess I just messed that up.

  32. sigeweald says:

    Straying some from the topic here, back in the early 70's, the circle of friends I "hung with" became aware of a certain phenomena – that lulls in conversation almost invariably ocurred either at 20 minutes past the hour or twenty minutes 'til. Has anyone else ever noticed this synchro-oddity?

  33. Nancy says:

    Ha! Mine was the 11th comment. 🙂

  34. Nancy says:

    My birthday 11/22 which equals 33. (Also he day President Kennedy was assassinated.) This was also several members of my family's birthday. My daughter is 1/22. I thought this post was very helpful, and so was Vicki D's comment. My youngest daughter's birthday is 5/6 which equals 11. I wonder what, if any, significance that plays. Numbers are fascinating when you think of them in terms of vibrational frequency and a mathematical matrix.

  35. Marlene says:

    The number 22 has been a very important number in my family for as long as I can remember..My parents always spoke of important events happening on the 22 of each month..and number appears constatly in day to day events…When I moved from home.. I carried this number 22 into my personal life..alwasy 22 marked a change good or bad….when I married my husband who at first laughed at this ,he too became a believer when the number again showed itself indicating major events in his life..ect…the number is like a mark of sorts..in our life events..when a change is about to happen whether spiritual or physical..or so it seems..funny things is… I re married years ago.. the number never followed my current husband..for some reason..and the number since our union (20yrs) has lessened considerably..I find that interesting…could it be activated by the close proximity of people of same frequencies??? just a thought…

  36. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    terri – I asked connie if she could post comment to answer some questions.

  37. terripatrick says:

    This post is great!
    If Connie could add insights on 55 I'd really appreciate it.

  38. Natalie says:

    The eleven certainly fits my profile,(I am an 11) and I was born on the 26th = 8. Sounds like I am in for quite a ride. 🙂

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Vicki! I figured 1s had to be new beginnings, but since my knowledge of numbers is not up to snuff, figured I'd let someone else answer this one!

  40. Vicki D. says:

    10resonates to the number 1 which is the beginning Of the nine year cycle. New beginnings 1 symbolizes the spiritnat the center of things.
    1 resonates with having to overcome the negative expressions of self.
    1also has the ability to create his own reality.
    It also can represent the need to find a new direction in life.

  41. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    10:10. Maybe Connie will comment on this one, Sansego. That's an odd one!

    Marguerite – how cool! What year was he born? Hope your day was great.

  42. Marguerite says:

    Very interesting post! My son was born on the 22nd day of the 11th month and these numbers frequently appear in my life. Hope you had a Happy Mother's Day!

  43. Sansego says:

    After I bought my groceries at Safeway, the cashier said, "You saved $10.10 today." Lately, I've had the tendency to look at the clock when it was 10:10. I've experienced the 11:11 phenomenon quite a bit, and I've had many coincidences involving the number 22, but it's weird that my latest "tendency" is 10:10. What can that mean?

  44. Anonymous says:

    The information on these numbers shed new light on numerical frequencies. Thanks for posting.

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