Blanche Lincoln’s Synchro

This is one of those curious global synchros that so often occur in politics. It concerns the Democratic senator from Arkansas.

Some background on this woman. She’s been a senator since  2003. Before that, she served in the House of Representatives. She is considered a centrist Democrat, but her voting record on issues important to progressives suggests she has the heart of a Republican. Her recent voting record, in fact, may be why she is scrambling tonight in the Arkansas primary.

So today, primary day (May 18) in Arkansas, she goes to her polling station to vote – and has to cast a provisional ballot because she has requested an absentee ballot that she failed to fill out. As soon as I heard this, I felt that the primary wasn’t going to end well for Blanche. Sure enough, she failed to win the majority of votes in the primary and now faces a three-week fight with Lt. Governor Bill Halter for her party’s nomination. The runoff will occur on June 8.

The symbolism spoke clearly:  absentee ballot, provisional ballot, runoff. So I’m going to make a prediction here: unless something major shifts in Lincoln’s psyche – like she actually is transformed into a politician who supports progressive ideals – she’s going to lose the primary. As a politician, in these divisive times, it simply isn’t possible to play both sides anymore and come out on top. You have to take a stance, one side or the other.

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13 Responses to Blanche Lincoln’s Synchro

  1. simple says:

    a 2 party system where each party wants the other to fail is insane……. also a system of comprise,, like when you have idea A which my be able to work or idea B which maybe able to work so in order to comprise you come up with something in the middle which won't neccesarly be workable

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The story was covered on the news tonight, about the teacher. Real story, real nut case. Thanks for the clarification about "cc."

  3. Anonymous says:

    This is off-subject, Guys, but I don't know where else to post it so I asked y'all to please forgive me for going off-subect here. There's a poster commenting on Dan Mitchell's new blog who has my initials, cc. I just want to clarify to everyone here that the person who is commenting there, although our initials are the same and I sign my comments cc, we are different. Thanks for letting me post that, Trish and Rob. I don't comment on his blog. Regarding the political situation, it's a mess that seems to just be getting messier by the hour, and the man-on-the-street seems helpless to do anything to turn it around. Sometimes I wonder if our votes count at all, or if everything is decided before the elections even start. Awful to consider! I saw that news banner, too. There was a study done awile back about "subliminal suggestions", and that those banners are one means of accomplishing that. Lots of times an idea is flashed and we don't really realize we've picked it up. Hate to think about that.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, geeeee – it WAS REAL – and i really did see it! unbelievable!!!!!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nut cases abound. The teacher should be fired and blacklisted.

  6. d page says:

    The Alabama teacher who had his students do this does not deserve his job. There is a video on about it. This is disgusting.
    The polarization and divisiveness in America is scary these days.

  7. Raksha says:

    DJan, Trish, Rob and everyone,

    I'm happy to see a solidly progressive POV here, although granted this isn't a political blog. But count me as another one who is thoroughly disgusted with so-called Democratic "centrists" (i.e. DINOs) like Blanche Lincoln, and equally disgusted with the lack of backbone in the Democratic Party. I keep telling everyone that if I never hear the word "bipartisan" again, it won't be too soon!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think I saw that same news banner, gypsy. I'm going to check some of the news sites. Pretty sick, if true.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, you took the words right out of my mouth, all of you above – i caught just a few minutes of this yesterday on the tube – geeezzzeee – what this country needs – the world needs – is some decisiveness and some cut the cord tactics – so sad, the divisive times we are in –

    and i'm going to mention just one more thing and then only because it nauseated me so – and i hesitate even now because i do not know all the facts – but – i could swear i saw on one of the little news banner things across the bottom of the tube screen last night that a school teacher? devised a test given to students wherein one of the question/correct answers had to do with the murder/assassination of obama??? shades of palin and her crosshairs – albeit she is a politician [uh, that's what she seems to be called in "some" circles] – but a school teacher!!??!!

    ok – that was it!

    great inciting post, macgregors!

    oh, too funny the wv=inymo – any more???? 😉

  10. Nancy says:

    I agree with both comments. It's time for them to do something more than watch out for their own interests. I have absolutely no problem voting them out if they are not progressive.

    Very interesting post. I believe there is energy going against all those that are hiding their own agendas in Washington.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    No backbone sure says it all!

  12. DJan says:

    I agree. I just read that all three of the people who were earlier expected to win easily aren't. I hope this means we will see change in Washington, for the better, but they don't seem easily moved to act in the people's interests. As a lifelong Democrat, I've been saddened by the lack of backbone in my party…

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