What We Attract

This story is about what we attract. We’ve posted some synchronicities in this vein before, but this one illustrates just how immediate manifestations can be. It comes from Gypsy, who is very likely one of those individuals I think of as synchronicity generators!

A couple of years ago, around the winter holidays, Gypsy  was really wanting/needing a break from everything. But let her tell it!
I wanted a real vacation, except that I couldn’t really take one right then. I was in the midst of seeing someone with whom time was a real commodity. Anyway. this particular Friday,  my friends and I were standing around as we were leaving work, talking about our weekend plans, etc – and I mentioned how I was thinking of just checking into a local motel for the entire weekend. A friend was in the hospital, so I said, “On second thought, I’m jut going to go over to the hospital and check in. That way I’ll be able to see my friend and have a complete at my command.  

Be careful what you wish for,” warned another friend.

I laughed and said, “Yeah, right, I’m counting on it!

Well, I go home, everything is fine, I go to bed. Within an hour I’m awakened by severe nausea and minutes later, I’m throwing up. I have terrible stomach pains and just can’t stop vomiting. 

My daughter and granddaughter are visiting and are in the other bedroom. Lisa hears me getting sick and by daylight, Lisa has called my other daughter. She takes one look at me and they call  my doctor, who says to come to her office right then. I get there and my doctor takes one look at me and sends me across the street to the hospital. 

I end up in the hospital for the entire weekend on IV fluids for the dehydration and nothing ever showed up in the lab work or radiology results. Nothing – not a virus or bacteria, absolutely nothing that would explain this. But there I was,  with exactly what I had wished for.

When I got back to work, of course, my friends were beside themselves with it all and still, when we get together, this story comes up at times!

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17 Responses to What We Attract

  1. Von says:

    Works for me and of course you all know the joke about the woman who wished she had a partner who loved to shop..no perhaps it's not PC these days but it's a nice illustration especially if you are not homophobic..

  2. terripatrick says:

    The following morning – I was using a cane to limp into the community breakfast – and the first person who rushed over to me was that same friend. And we were a bit in awe that it was the same foot her dog had attacked as if he knew something about that foot…

  3. terripatrick says:

    While on vacation this weekend I visited with friends and their young schnauzer attacked my left foot as I kicked off my shoes. He wouldn't stop until I got stern with him.
    About six hours later, I stepped into a hole and gave myself a nasty sprain – of my left ankle. This required two days of ice and resting – and reading.
    What were my friend and talking about during our visit?
    The books I had brought to read on my vacation – and that I hadn't really read any…
    I read four novels in those two days while coddling my ankle and three of them were all awesome!

    WV: elimptam

    LOL! e LIMP tam?

  4. Natalie says:

    Good story, Jenean.
    Good thinking, Connie.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Makes sense to me, Connie!

  6. Anonymous says:

    One of my closest friends for the past twenty or so years holds a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. He has taught me that the subconscious cannot distinguish bewteen what is real and what is fiction, and that it behaves accordingly. For this reason, it can grab a completely innocent, fleeting comment, or a fictitious remark, and manifest it.
    Because if this idiosynchracy of the subconscious mind, he urges all to be careful what we think and/or say, because even the tiniest words can be perceived by the subconscious as truth and be made real. Fortunately, this goes not only for "bad stuff" but for "good stuff" as well. So if we feed our subconscious good fodder, generally the manistestation will be wonderful. Be careful what we wish for, lest we get it….is true, so he says we should always keep out thoughts and words as elevated as we can, and events will follow suit! cjc

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    like marlene said about the off handed remarks, one example might be like when i walk in front of the tv and the big winning lotto numbers are about to be called and before the balls can be picked out of the bin, i just say all the numbers of the balls that are going to be pulled – it's all just sudden, with no thought at all when this happens – the numbers literally just come out without my "knowing" them or "thinking" them – makes my kids crazy cause i never buy tickets – and there is an almost "physical" difference – an internal difference of some kind in those things and in manifestation – don't know quite how to describe it – just that there is a difference to me –

    oh, and deb, about seeing my friend – listen, for the first two days [the weekend], i had needles in several places, tubes in other places and was attached to a metal pole with swinging bags of fluids rockin' around – and did i mention that they made me wear one of those godawful wrap around tie around pieces of used fabric gown things – by monday, when i was finally able to get off all that mess and put on my own clothes, my friend was no longer on hospital call and had to be at his office – and then i was discharged – so – a lesson on "wishing" to be sure – to be sure!

  8. lakeviewer says:

    Scary! Wishing it made it so, it seems. Ouch!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – another synchro!
    Marlene – so maybe we're all onto something here. Offhanded comments really could be precognitive.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Trish and Rob: Precognitive – I actually wrote that in the comment and then deleted it for some reason!

  11. Marlene says:

    I agree..MOST of the things that have happened (in my case) have been off handed comments…I mean the energy I gave the comment was just like a after thought comment…so the intent was not there ..at least in my case to manifest..but still it happened..I have had many things happen after I casually said them…interesting.

  12. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    That's amazing!

    Only one question – did she get to see her friend while there?!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting observation, Mike. Maybe those offhanded comments are precognitive?

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Be careful what you wish for – how true.

    I learnt this when young. I was 9 years old and told friends I wouldn't be going to school the next day (as a joke). I was off school for three weeks, from the 'next day', after being admitted to hospital.

    I've noticed the ones that often unexpectedly come true are throw away statements with no real feelings of passion about them.

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Really do love this story, Gypsy!
    – Trish

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and what an incredible image! beautiful!

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear heavens!!! i STILL LOL just reading this! it was NOT funny at the moment, but has since certainly given many who know me more than a few loud laughs, including myself !!! just goes to show you really really should be cognizant of what you really "want"!! it was a powerful experience/lesson!

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