Many good years, many good books, many roads traveled. More to come! When we first met, you asked me if I knew what synchronicity was…and now, after all these years, that question turns out to be a synchronicity itself!

Soon after we met, I showed you a magazine article I wrote about getting captured by a guerilla army in the mountains of Guatemala, and you seemed more impressed that I’d gotten published, than that I’d escaped! So you handed me a manuscript, Nine Strides to the Roses, that became In Shadow, your first novel.

We both soon quit our jobs, got married, and took off to South America. We’ve been exchanging manuscripts ever since. You fulfilled my dream of finding a partner who was also a writer. 

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18 Responses to HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TRISH!!

  1. Jeninacide says:

    Happy Belated Birthday Trish!! I hope it was lovely! xo

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Happy birthday, have a wonderful day … year … life …

  3. Shadow says:

    what a message to the birthday girl!!! happy birthday to you, trish, from me…

  4. Marguerite says:

    Such a sweet post, Rob! Happy Birthday, Trish! I didn't realize that you are a Gemini, but should have known! Wishing you a fabulous day and year ahead! Cheers and bon voyage! Have all the fun you can!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, all! We got here, even have had a synchro.

  6. maggie's garden says:

    Happy birthday Trish…enjoy your special day. Best of everything is wished for you today. xa

  7. terripatrick says:

    I'm delighted you share the same date of birth as my goddaughter – she's 30 today!

    Happy Birthday and have a great vacation!

  8. Sansego says:

    That's cool to read about how couples met and what brought them together. In my personals ad, I decided to begin with a question. I ask: "Have you ever had a coincidence so amazing that it caused you to question everything you believe in?"

    No responses, yet. I don't meet a lot of ladies my age (mid-30s) who seem interested in coincidences, synchronicities, and other such phenomena…so Trish is definitely rare, I think! Congrats on you two finding each other and having compatable careers as writers.

    Have a fantastic birthday in Aruba (…Jamaica…Bermuda, Bahama…)!

  9. d page says:

    Happy Birthday, Trish!

  10. Marlene says:

    A wonderous and happy Birth Day for you Trish! enjoy enjoy enjoy!
    may the new upcoming year bring magic to you and yours! Marlene

  11. Ray says:

    Happy Birthday Trish. Enjoy the island paradise of Aruba.

    IN SHADOW is a name out of the past. I remember reading it in the cab of a truck during wheat harvest while contrasting the heat and the golden grain with the snow on the Cascade Mountains in the distance to the West.


  12. Nancy says:

    Happy Birthday, Trish! You are an amazing woman and a very talented writer. I feel so blessed to have you as a friend! Have a great day.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear trish! mere words seem so trite to wish you all the magnificent magical things you deserve!!! and so, i leave it to the magic of the universe which is all yours! happy happy happy!!!

    and trite, too, mere words to congratulate the two of you for the team you make obviously for each other – and then for all of us!

    have a wonderful bluegreen crystalline time!

  14. Anonymous says:

    Have a beautiful birthday, Ms. Trish! Did you bring her breakfast in bed, Rob? That's a requirement on birthdays….with a rose on the tray! Enjoy, Guys! And a toast to one of the most creative and informative couples we know!

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  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Nat, Dale. And thank you, Rob!

  17. Dale Dassel says:

    Happy Birthday, Trish! You're so lucky to have found your true soulmate in Rob (a VERY cool guy!) Here's wishing you two all the best on your special day, and many, many more adventures to come! 🙂

  18. Natalie says:

    So funny.
    Today, i kept coming here to say Happy Birthday, but didn't because I didn't want to be foolish.

    Could've, would've, should've.
    Happy, Birthday Trish! Hope you have a beautiful week away. ♥

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