Masaru Emoto’s Prayer for the Gulf

On new year’s day 2010, we did a post called Mind Over Matter, about Masaru Emoto’s research into how focused intentions change the energy of water.  If you aren’t familiar with Emoto’s astonishing work, be sure to read the first link first.

Today, a friend sent me a prayer that Emoto had supposedly issued about the oil spill in the gulf. I had to poke around for awhile on the Internet to make sure it was actually from him, and found it. Here’s the prayer:

To whales, dolphins, pelicans, fishes, shellfishes, planktons, corals, algae and all creatures in Gulf of Mexico
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.

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11 Responses to Masaru Emoto’s Prayer for the Gulf

  1. ~~Just Me in T~~ says:

    Folks currently are questioning if God is so good, then why did He cause, or why did He allow the Deepwater Disaster to occur, killing 11 innocent men, and putting the entire eco system of the Gulf of Mexico into a catastrophic decline. And it’s not only the ecosystem but the future health and livelihoods of the Gulf’s inhabitants and possibly those of the entire southern parts of the USA. – Not to mention innocent people elsewhere, which the deadly toxins might affect, as is being postulated currently.

  2. turbowitch says:

    I sent this prayer some months ago to be used in any situation,personal or global. It is very powerful & perfect for this situation. When we all take personal responsibility together, then the world can heal & change. I use it whenever I am aware of anything distressing.Its from Hawain ho'opono healing rite. So Happy it is now spreading across the globe!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi grandmother, and welcome. Try this url:

  4. Grandmother says:

    p.s. I'm trying to list your blog as one I follow but it comes up as "not known". What's your http address?

  5. Grandmother says:

    I'm in- thanks for sharing it with us.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautiful! i'm posting also – it WILL work – it IS working…

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Now that's the way to pray. All of us accepting our responsibilities and our part in the oil spill (or anything else) – and not playing the blame game. Perfect.

  8. Nancy says:

    I'll post it also!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:


  10. maggie's garden says:

    I love this prayer and am familiar with Emoto. Would you mind if I posted this prayer on my sidebar in hopes it catches on with other bloggers, and in mass we can make a change? Thank you so much for all of the awesome posts found here. I love reading your blog…it's always so interesting and imformative. Through your link to the Healing Mudras I found the book Frequency by Penney Peirce…so thank you so much. You are both making a wonderful contribution through your writing in making positive changes in the world we all share together. We ARE all connected. Blessings to you both. xa

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