Synchronicity or Delusion?

 When Rob was in college, he knew a woman who saw signs–signs in everything. He remembers her playing a Beatles’ song, Here Comes the Sun, and where he heard a simple, pleasant song, she saw vast implications that directly affected her life. He and his friends just went along with her. It was the hippie era and people said all kinds of strange things.

They lived in a large house near a college campus and every few months a new roommate would arrive as one moved on. One guy wove fantastic stories about his past that never happened. In one, he was working as a ski patrol and delivered a baby on the side of a mountain. (Women who are nine months pregnant don’t ski down mountains, except in his world. He didn’t ski, either.)  One woman who only stayed a month wore three or four layers of clothing and played the piano for hours. She also saw signs. Rob doesn’t t know what happened to her, but the first woman he mentioned went into a psych ward.

So what’s the difference between delusions and synchronicity? It can be a fine line between genius and insanity. One famous movie director, whose first movie was a huge, huge hit, started seeing signs in everything. It affected his ability to write and direct and his movies declined in popularity and were ravaged by reviewers. Now he has trouble finding financial backers. Carl Jung skirted madness while writing The Red Book. He called it a “confrontation with the unconscious,” but it looked like madness, and he admitted that.

The point where synchronicity crosses the border into delusion occurs when you begin to believe you’re chosen, that you’re somehow special, that it all revolves around you and your mission, whatever that mission may be. Nut houses and prisons are filled with people who live in self-contained universes constructed on quicksand.

Years ago, Trish worked in a prison for juvenile offenders. One young man, while high on drugs,  had strangled a child  because he believed he was delivering her from evil. He heard voices that urged him to commit this act. He saw signs. Another young man had killed an elderly couple because a voice told him it was his mission.  You get the idea here.

When you begin to believe you’re the voice of synchronicity, that it speaks through you and only you, and then attempt to use this “evidence” to prove you’re not delusional or to prove that you’re innocent of a crime, you’ve crossed the border. Jung’s translator and trusted friend, R.F.C Hull, read the Red Book and called it the “work of a lunatic.” But he also pointed out that Jung was a medicine man in a long line of shamans who “understood madness and could heal it because at periods they are half-mad themselves.” Even Jung, who coined the term synchronicity, never claimed to be its voice.

Synchronicity isn’t the voice of a god or a devil or an inner twin. It is non-exclusive. It belongs to everyone. Anyone, from any walk of life, can experience it, learn from it, and enrich their lives.

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35 Responses to Synchronicity or Delusion?

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's apparent with repetitive numbers- until you get the message of the number synchros, they just keep happening. That's how it is with synchros generally, anonymous.

  2. Anonymous says:

    "If I were going to attribute "chosen one" status to anyone, I would have to experience my own sychronicities related to that individual."

    That is perfectly understandable and makes a lot of sense.

    The great thing about synchronicity is that if you found yourself in that situation you could just ask ("God", "The Universe", "The I Am", your "Higher Self", or whatever you prefer or believe) to provide you with that experience.

    As they say, seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be given.

    Though I imagine that in that specific example you would have to be honestly willing to accept, be open to the possibility, that you could have your own synchronicities about that.

    Sometimes synchronicity just jumps out at you and you can't ignore it, and other times you may consciously or subconsciously reject it at first, so it can help to truly be open to it.

    Often if you are rejecting synchronicity that points to a truth, that synchronicity will just keep coming back again and again until you are ready to see and acknowledge it.

    After all what purpose does synchronicity serve if not to help guide us along our paths and expand our view of the world around us?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego, a neighbor of M. Night's in Media, PA once tossed one of Trish's novels, The Other Extreme, over the wall of his house, hoping something would come of it. But, alas, no.

  4. Sansego says:

    So I was right in my guess that it was M. Night Shyamalan? He did have another hits besides "The Sixth Sense" ("Signs"). However, his "Lady in the Water" was done without any input by anyone else and it was widely panned as an ego project. "The Happening" was awful and creepy. I'm probably not going to see "The Last Airbender" in theaters unless it gets fantastic reviews.

    Its a shame if he can't find a worthy project. I'd love to collaborate on a story idea with him that I consider terrifying and worthy of being made into a movie. I do like the way he plays with audience's perceptions and tries to keep us on our toes. He could use a collaborator, though, to bounce ideas off of so that he can make a great film like "The Sixth Sense" or "The Village."

  5. Anonymous says:

    Any ANONYMOUS by me on this blog is always followed by my initials signature cjc. Wanted to clarify. I use ANON because I've not got a google name yet. Of synchronistic interest, I just watched the old movie THUNDERHEART with Val Kilmer….about the ruining of the reservation land by todays gov't drilling for uranium and polluting the Native American's source of water in their rivers. And we aren't responsible for polluting or for climate change? Someone needs to go back to school. Night, all. cjc

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – regardless of signs and synchronicities that may surround saints, prophets etc., the bottom line is that each individual has to evaluate those synchros for himself. If I were going to attribute "chosen one" status to anyone, I would have to experience my own sychronicities related to that individual. A synchronicity is, first and foremost, a personal experience.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Interesting ideas you present.

    It is worth noting that in virtually every religious and spiritual traditional all of their past saints, prophets, and saviors were specifically identified by "signs" and "synchronicity".

    Likewise in virtually every religious and spiritual tradition their prophecies predict that there will be a "chosen one" who will be identified by specific "signs" and "synchronicity".

    In essence the identification of "special people", i.e. saints, prophets, saviors, etc. via "signs" and "synchronicity" is one of the major constants among virtually all the worlds religious and spiritual traditions.

    To dismiss that as "delusional" is to point to all the world's past saints, prophets, and saviors as "delusional" and by extension all of their followers, i.e. all of the Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, and so on.

    Of course one has to ask…

    "What If" there really were a "chosen one"?

    Wouldn't that person be surrounded by "signs" and "synchronicity"?

    "What If" you judged and dismissed that "chosen one" as delusional and missed out on understanding whatever message they offered?

    Interesting food for thought.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and like cjc, i also thoroughly enjoyed the comments of marcus – particularly, as trish/rob said, the idea of the ego as a trickster – which makes perfect sense – great dialogue here!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Marcus, such relevant comments and observations! A good read. I especially relate to your remarks about "ambiguity" and the reasons for it, and agree. Also agree 100%with your asessment of folks who use hallucinogenic substances as a means, they think, of obtaining clear vision. It actually has the opposite effect and skews everything beyond any kind of genuinely valid experience and recognition of reality. One need only work in a hospital mental "lockdown" unit where patients are routinely, legitimately administered such medications as Thorazine, etc., to comprehend the disastrous impact even such "legitimate" drugs have on the psyche. Enjoyed your comments immensely. cjc cjc

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great points, Marcus. Love the idea of the ego as a trickster. Maybe it's the ultimate trickster.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's m night. Read a biography about him that touched on it. Beautiful mind really depicts that edge of madness.

    Vicki – love the therapist's reply.

  12. Marcus T. Anthony says:

    Yes, it's a good question. Even though I wrote a book with the word "synchronicity" I it, I don't consider myself to be an 'expert' at it. But I think I can make some general observations about signs and spiritual guidance.

    Firstly, the transpersonal stages of cognitive development have always been confused with the lower, prepersonal stages. Ken Wilber often makes this point, and he's right. One of the commonalities is seeing and hearing things that others don't perceive. I’ve written quite a bit about David R. Hawkins on my blog, and his critics often equate his work with psychosis. Yet for someone who has done some inner work and experienced some of the things he writes about, it is easy enough to see the distinction between insanity and higher cognitive development.

    And while it is true that a process that leads to a sense of positivity is generally good, some very painful truths may also be growth-producing and “spiritual.” So it’s not always ‘love ‘n light”.

    I think it is true that much of what occurs in New Age and popular spiritual culture is delusional. The problem is that the human ego simply cannot perceive truth from falsehood in and of itself. It has to let go, and allow a deeper part of the mind to know. And this is where people get into trouble.

    The truth is that a very great percentage of the human race is barely conscious enough to be able to genuinely understand spiritual information when it is given to them, and many people are simply incapable of understanding it at all. And for people who can, it requires a real commitment to the truth to process it, because the ego is a trickster.
    Another point is that spiritual guidance, at least most of what I get, is ambiguous. It is deliberately ambiguous, because each soul is responsible for its evolution, and it is a violation of the person’s autonomy to tell them what to do and think. It is far more empowering to give a man a fishing rod, than a fish.
    My experience is that it is not a matter of “if” we are deluded, but to what degree. I think if you can appreciate that, then a little humility follows. You never know when someone or something is going to come along and pop your bubble. If we are too attached to our interpretations of events and “the way it is”, there will be drama and suffering. If we just allow it, then we can move with the consciousness of it with a sense of lightness.

    With synchronicity, I don’t think it is necessary to analyse things too much. If you relax, the meaning should make itself known to you. If it doesn’t, then just let it go.

    Finally, it is well appreciated by most spiritual teachers with a little experience of these things, that it is best not to get too caught up in the psychic realms. They can be useful, but the essence of spirituality should be bringing the mind into presence, and developing the right relationship with the ego. One of my great influences, Leonard Jacobson, recommended not to bother with the psychic realm, because “it takes you into the mind.” (i.e. the ego). It is sad to see some spiritual teachers get too caught up with “visions”, and really lose the plot. There are one or two very successful New Age authors whom this has happened to. Mind you, psychadelics have been involved.

  13. Sansego says:

    I think this is a good explanation for cult leaders, and even for extremely religious people who feel that their conversion is required by everyone else that they meet. They don't understand that what might work for them doesn't necessarily work for someone else.

    Seeing "signs" in everything could drive any person crazy. If anything, I probably miss some synchronicity or coincidences because I'm not paying attention. When I have one that knocks me on the head, then I usually pay attention.

    The movie "A Beautiful Mind" is brilliant in how it shows a person's obsessive need to find connections in random things can get out of hand.

    I was curious about what you said above about the director whose first film was a hit. Which director was it? Sounds like M. Night Shyamalan, but its probably someone else.

  14. Cole says:

    Great post and good reminder. A fine line indeed, but as someone above commented, being "grounded" when your involved in being open minded and more aware is essential. Love Butternut's comment as well, too good. It is good to see you taking a moment to acknowledge your beliefs on Synchronicity, and how although one could find meaning in all things, it doesn't mean one should.

  15. Vicki D. says:

    This was a very interesting post and something that many of us who deal with different energies, paranormal, spirit guides etc. often ask ourselves.

    Is this real or is it me? I have had many lessons on recognizing energies.

    Many years ago when I was doing therapy, I was lucky to have as a psychologist someone who was comfortable dealing with a psychic.
    One day I looked at him and asked him, "I sit here and not only tell you that I hear voices but that I have discussions with them and often take their advice. Why haven't you committed me?" and he smiled and calmly said "Because the energy around you is good, and everything you tell me they say is always good, healing, moves you forward and often is helpful to others."

    He made it clear to me that when things get negative or begin to run your life that is when it tends to be bad.

    I have had experience with that also but quickly knew it wasn't one of "my" guides and told it to go away. I went through years of lessons on recognizing the differences and sometimes it can be quite subtle.

    I guess part of it is recognizing that the info. one gets is not from within. My guides are usually off to my side speaking to me. I have always had issues with people who change voices or talk strangely, although I think some feel that is how they diferentiate it from themselves.

    Good post and interesting discussions! Thanks.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautiful and moving – and on point – comments and stories all –

  17. Anonymous says:

    Nancy, an astute, wise observation! cjc

  18. Anonymous says:

    Trish, it goes without saying that I couldn't drive out of my reike friend's driveway; just sat there listening to the words and weeping with joy. For those who don't know how relevant it was to the experience in the healing room, the words go something like, "Oh my PaPa, to me he was so wonderful! Oh, my Papa, to me he was so good! Gone are the days when he would hold me on his knee, and with a smile, he turned my tears to happiness!" It was so appropriate and I knew he was with me in Spirit. The odds of that old song coming on the radio at that exact moment? Can't imagine! Mystifying and perfect.


  19. Nancy says:

    Great post. For those of us who believe differently from others, we often have to legitimize ourselves. This is a very good description between fantasy and the esoteric.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – meant to say that your synchro involving your dad and the song is just incredible. What are the odds?

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – great synchros. Little or not, they signal the right path!

    Debra – I'm 100% in agreement.

  22. d page says:

    Such an important reminder. The true spiritual path is called the "razor's edge" for a reason. Insanity happens more often that enlightenment. The purpose for all the practices and disciplines in an authentic spiritual tradition is to build an intellect and a psyche that is strong enough to contain the forces you will encounter. If you are unstable your ego will identify with the forces and you become insane . You will believe you ARE a god… then you are truly lost.

  23. musingegret says:

    Ooops, I re-wrote my entry after the first didn't post and now I see that blog-owner-approval is responsible for the delay. MacGregors, please delete one of the entries; I had redundancy!

    wv: nordl

  24. musingegret says:

    I love CJC's "Papa Synchronicity"—-now that's real and meaningful.

    Most of my 'little synchros' occur once daily and I interpret as teasing winks from the universe.
    For instance: Yesterday while channel surfing I landed on a segment on E! that was reporting on so-called curses associated with Hollywood personages or objects.

    On the screen was a duplicate model of the Porche Spyder in which James Dean died and the
    narrative about subsequent legends that grew around the car. For some reason I was most struck
    by the large '130' that was painted on the hood; I knew nothing of the urban myths (till later.)

    An hour later, after a bite to eat and online bill paying, I returned to the tube and while surfing down the channels to local weather I landed on a scene from some movie I'd never seen that was playing on the Chicago station WGN that showed **the same exact car with a big 130 on the hood** and two guys discussing whether or not it was the presumed-lost James Dean car!!

    Different stations, different times of day, same vehicle and its myths!

    I just chuckled, looked up and winked at All-That-Is and gave thanks for the little trickster force that spiced up my day.

    Alas, I'm not in the market to purchase a Porche but 4 days ago after my sweetie was describing
    the new shiny black Porche Carrera that his client had purchased, within hours an identical car passed me as I drove to the cleaners! And I **never** take notice of cars. 😉

    wv: tronsib

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I've read that Aum mani padme hum is considered the most popular and repeated prayer in the world, yet to Westerners, the literal translation is somewhat baffling:

    Hail, the jewel within the lotus flower.

    I like your adaption: a prayer about creation, the beginning, the mystery, the enlightenment.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Butternut, that's absolutely priceless! Great response!! I'm a numerologist as well as a graphologist, (with specificity in deciphering the codes in ancient Egytpt),and have spent my entire adult life in a delightful and informative study of all forms of symbols and their meanings and impacts,or lack thereof, in our lives. I think millions of folks embrace an uplifting belief that certain material objects affect certain things in our lives, and many of these effects have been pretty well established to be true. We know, for example, that there are some natural stones that have positive effects on our bodies, and we know that Light and Colors also affect us in ways that are only know becoming recognized.
    But throughout history Man has carried rabbit feet and horsehoes and other "lucky" charms, secure in their beliefs in their powers. MY husband carries a lovely piece of pyrite in his left pocket all the time, and he believes that it is a lucky charm for him, bringing him work, therefore income. Seems to do the job! I personally think a lot of it has to do with the mind power with which we endow these little totems that ultimately may bring the desired results. The energies in the Mind are infinite, and material objects absorb and hold and emit energies….we do know that to be fact, which is why psychometry works. But I completely agree with everyone on the blog… to attribute every tiny thing in one's life to some kind of synchronistic ability owned by oneself alone is distorted beyond all sanity. I'll share what I believe was a REAL synchronicity, then I'll hush. Not too long ago I had a Reike healing by a woman who is a genuine born hands-on healer, but who uses her Reike as a focus. During the healing process, I "sensed" the non-physical presence of my deceased Dad, whom I loved deeply. After the healing, my friend wrote what she had sensed during the healing, and I wrote what I had sensed during the process, on separate pieces of paper. Lo and behold, we both wrote exactly the same thing: "Loving Presence of Daddy in the room"! If that isn't enough, when I got into my vehicle to come home, I turned the radio on, and Perry Como was singing the old standard, "Oh, My PaPa"!! Now for me, THAT is SYNCHRONICITY, especially if one is familiar with the lyrics of that song!! Smiling here! 🙂 cjc

  27. Butternut Squash says:

    Prayer Wheels are wonderful. Yes, people treat them as good luck charms, but they are really prayer generators. Spinning the wheel sends prayers for the enightenment of all sentient beings. In other words, the good you prayer for others, will come back to you. The prayer itself is a description of all creation; the beginning, the mystery, the enlightenment.
    "Aum mani padme hum."

    WV: forkyaes, Love it!

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Butternut – I can imagine that you would get numerous queries about protecting items. Is the prayer wheel jewelry you sell a favorite totem? Love your response to that woman!

  29. Butternut Squash says:

    I am wondering if something happened to prompt this post? Glad you posted it. The potential for misinterpreting or fictionalizing signs and symbols does worry me a little. I often have people ask me for objects that will cure their problems because of the symbolic nature of the things that I sell. They want protective totems. I once had a woman ask me if I could choose a stone for her that would help to keep her husband from beating her. I'm afraid, my answer was, "Get the biggest one you can hurl." But, I did follow it up with, "You need to move out right now."

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Aleister Crowley…good example of a man who crossed the border.

  31. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great post which speaks well on many levels to and of those who have crossed that border between!

  32. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    A good warning. It's why I've written previously in posts about how I feel it's possible to over analyse things and life.

    I too knew someone who could read something into every small incident – and in the end it nearly drove me nuts as well! I had to walk away.

    It's a fine line to delusion.

  33. Anonymous says:

    I've always heard there is a very fine line between genius and insanity, and have seen evidence of that now and then. I have an acquaintance of many years who "sees visions" in anything that has textures in it: the swirls in a carpet, the knots in the wood of a door, anything and everything, and she keeps a journal of all these visions, letting them "guide" her. She's probably got maybe a hundred of those journals now. Nut farm, here we come. That's not to say we don't have visions sometimes, and they can be quite real. Some true clairvoyants use crystals or tea leaves as tools, and they can be on the mark when legitimate. But goodness…living your daily life according to something seen in the nap of a carpet or the movement of water in a fishtank? Ah well, To each his own, I guess. Aleister Crowley may be a good example of crossing the line between genius and schizoid. Hard to know. Gotta stay grounded with this stuff! Great post, Guys. Great Post!!!! strange WV: daterw
    Watered?? cjc

  34. DJan says:

    Thoughtful post. I just wanted to pop in here and let you know that, even though I don't comment often, I'm here and read your blog faithfully. I am a big fan of Carl Jung's work and realize that he often was on the edge. He believed in astrology which really ticked off the establishment!

  35. Natalie says:


    Hmm…..For me, I think that the synchronicities have a certain 'up' feeling to them. An excitement if you like, that often leads you forward.
    Also, other people notice them too, they are not just an isolated space in someone's mind.
    They certainly do not harm anyone or any thing.They are little signposts of love and light.
    Glad you posted this one.

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