Be the Change Synchro

This synchronicity came from Vicky Watt,  whose blog – Acoustic Wave – covers all sorts of mysterious stuff, including synchronicity. It’s a good one!


Yesterday – Thursday 24th November – I finally finished a 6-part  ‘Be The Change’ blog series on my own webspace.  It was very late at night and it had taken me all day to create.  Following an initial post a couple of weeks earlier (inspired by your Occupy/Stephen King discussion funnily enough), I had planned to just write a follow-up post with a few bullet points summarizing the  way people might embrace the ‘be the change’ ethos.  Clearly I subconsciously knew that each theme deserved to be a little more fleshed out as I had already stalled the project for many days.   At the same time, I was very keen to complete it all in one day because I’d put it off for so long!  When it was finally complete,  I laughed out loud to my partner, asking what had even compelled me to create the ‘Be The Change’ series?  I joked that few people would even read it!  My blog doesn’t have a very big readership 🙂

Anyway, despite it being very late at night, we had agreed to watch an episode of the American TV comedy drama ‘Castle’ before going to bed.  First, I browsed the other writers on my blog list and saw that Seth Godin had written a new post for Thanks Giving.  The post read…

“A great way to give thanks…for the priveleges we’ve got is to do important work. Your job, your internet access, your education, your role in a civilized society…all of them are a platform, a chance to do art, a way to give back and to honor those that enabled you to get to this point. For every person reading this there are a thousand (literally a thousand) in underpriveleged nations and situations that would love to have your slot. Don’t waste it.”

This small note from Seth Godin to his readers really inspired me.  He was right. The message I took from this for myself is that it didn’t really matter how few people were reading my blog.  I was in a very privileged position and I should use it, wherever possible, to speak my truth, to  to share positive messages.   Isn’t that what it means to be the change?

Finally, just before a long overdue bed time, we cozied up to watch the episode of  ‘Castle’ and as I relaxed into its lighthearted fictional storyline about a crime writer who helps to solve cases, I forgot all about being the change for a while.  Then, at the end of the episode – just before the credits rolled – the woman who plays the part of Castle’s mother, announced that as part of her new career as a life coach, she was hosting

a ‘Be The Change You Wish To See‘ gathering for her social group.

That night, I slept happily, knowing that my efforts had somehow been given a little nod and wink of acknowledgment from the universe.


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12 Responses to Be the Change Synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    Look at Vincent van Gogh for example,when it comes to influencing lives.
    He could have given up in despair because nobody was buying his paintings,but try to imagine taking his ripple effect out of the pond.
    You would not have the song “Vincent” written by Don McLean for starters .-)

  2. Nancy says:

    Wow, I was just thinking I would end my blog at post 700 (I’m at 687). My thoughts were that it was time to do something else, maybe go in a different direction. I try to post things that are of value and can make a difference, but sometimes you just feel as though – why bother? Does anyone really read this stuff – or care?

    Great post – thank you.

  3. Great post. I believe that if we really ‘feel’ we have to do something then we should always follow this through. With the example in the post it doesn’t matter a jot how many visitors Vicky has to her blog at the moment. It’s what may follow on from this in the future that is important. Anything is possible: perhaps a massive increase in hits or maybe the posts will simply resonate with a few readers, which could have a big impact on their lives. There are limitless possibilities. I feel that when we follow our ‘feelings’, or whatever we may wish to call them, these are some of the most important things we can do within our lives on Earth.

  4. Vicky says:

    Thanks for posting this synchro Trish & Rob – and for these lovely responses!

  5. Lauren Raine says:

    This was exactly what I needed to read this morning – my thanks to you, Vicky Watt for her eloquence, and Darren above as well. We can’t know what affect our contribution can have, our creativity. We just need to do it, and trust in the impulse. When the universe gives us a “wink of acknowledgement”, wonderful!

  6. Darren B says:

    Vicky’s determination to write these six posts on “Be the Change” even though her rational mind was telling her it would be a waste of time because hardly anyone reads her blog sent mental images of Kevin Costner’s determination to build his baseball diamond in the corn fields of Iowa in the movie “Field of Dreams”.
    And to quote the tag line of the movie to you as sound advice for your own dreams;
    “Build it and they will come”.
    Gut feelings hardly ever will lead you astray,because gut feelings sense danger too,
    but the so called “rational mind” will just about always make you miss the boat if you listen to it all the time. Go with the gut is my advice and you will see “miracles” happen.
    I just about wrote the same comment at Mike Perry’s site in a response to his
    (very good) red balloon post.I would encourage reader’s here to check that post out to see synchronicity working at it’s freakiest best.

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