A Slice of Pi

Our friend Gabe Carson from Minneapolis sent us a synchro about pi, or π, which is the ratio of the circumference of any circle to its diameter.  Pi equal approximately to 3.14, but it’s decimal representation never ends and never repeats.

Gabe entered the mystery of pi while at work after a friend sent him a Facebook image of a musician wearing a Pi t-shirt. She asked him if he thought the t-shirt was from an xkcd comic.

So Gabe Googled xkcd pi and found a comic about pi by xkcd, but not the one referenced on the t-shirt.


He chuckled at the comic, and suddenly thought about the web site for ‘Dinosaur Comics,’ which he hadn’t visited in months. So he Googled “dinosaur comics,” and clicked through to the homepage. He came to the current comic and was astonished to see that it was about pi. Beyond that synchro, the comic also implies what pi may reveal about the universe.

A little more researching and Gabe discovered the comic that is on the t-shirt. The graphic image itself reveals another synchronicity–amirror image of pi or I should say ‘pie.’ Enjoy.


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6 Responses to A Slice of Pi

  1. guess "whoot" says:

    that’s ratio,, as in Heratio…. No exact way proportional with a circlar distance

  2. guess "whoot" says:

    point of the never ending decimal is that the raiot between the distance across a circle or from the cneter of one is in “NO EXACT” way porportional,,, like “quantum theory”

  3. Darren B says:

    Great story…and that has reminded me about a movie that I haven’t seen since the 70’s
    called “Lost Horizon”,I meant to chase it down after reading Redfield’s book “Shambala”
    but got sidetracked and forgot.
    This Pi story reminds me of the song out of that movie called “The World Is A Circle”
    So thanks for the reminder to track down this movie…one for the collection I think.

    Let’s hope the land developers never find Shangri-La .-)

  4. Just noticed: In first para you have pi at 4.14

  5. Funny! Pi=Pie, never seen that before. Often thought that the mysteries will all turn out to be something very basic.

  6. Gabe says:

    oops, I didn’t explain that very well I see … what happened was:

    I saw that my friend had commented on that photo of the musician – she had posted “xyz?” under it. Misunderstanding her question, I erroneously thought that she was referring to the t-shirt in the photo – and that she was asking the guy if his shirt was from the comic strip “xkcd” …

    (which led me to search for the shirt cartoon by xkcd and find the other one, which lef me to go to dino comics, etc)

    My friend later informed me that “xyz” is code for “eXamine Your Zipper” – so basically a coded reference to check one’s fly led me into a coincidence about coded messages from/about the universe … which kinda reminds me of “as within, so without” and such. heh

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