Synchronicity and the G20 Summit

Synchronicities often surround global events. We’ve posted several synchronicities related to global events. Here’s one of the most interesting. So let’s see what’s going on with the G20 summit in Ontario this weekend.

Two days ago, Ontario experienced a rare earthquake – 5.0 – that was felt as far south as Pennsylvania. There was also a tornado in the town of Midland, which devastated a trailer park and left 8,000 people without power. Midland is about a hundred miles from Toronto, where the summit is being held. So, these two events could be addressing the context of this summit.

The G20 and G8 summits, held in two separate locations, are where the world’s leaders, finances ministers, and central bank ministers come together to discuss how the world is run, who runs it, who buys and sells it, and, well, all the rest of that. Canada is footing the huge bill for this, estimated to cost around $893 million in just security.

When you add in another $500 million in Canadian dollars for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, $2 million Canadian for a marketing and meeting pavillion, it’s no wonder that some in the Canadian media refer to the summit as “a billion dollars waste of time” (national weekly MacLeans). Columnist James Travers, writing in The Toronto Star, the country’s largest newspaper, was even less kind: “There’s a nagging sense police, public servants and politicians are wallowing in a bottomless trough they figure Canadians will constantly replenish.”

So perhaps these leaders and finances ministers should pay closer attention to the synchronicities that precede this summit – the earth rocking and rolling, a tornado…even Reuters noticed the coincidences and asked, “Might a plague of frogs be next?”

Interestingly enough, as I was writing this post, a Google alert showed up in our inbox about the synchronicity of these events. It’s from the , located in our area, and the author notes, “People have been gathering for many years to protest the secret plans of our world leaders. It seems Earth may be joining that protest now.” He ends his piece on a humorous note (that may not prove to be so humorous in the end): “Take a hint, guys, or Gaia will getcha!”

Not only Gaia, but the cosmos are also aligned against the G20, since they chose this particular date to kick off the summit. Astrologically, today, June 26, is not the best day for such an event. A fairly rare astrological aspect, a cardinal cross, creates all kinds of stress and tension among people, within the earth, and in weather phenomena. Read about that here.

Stay tuned.

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51 Responses to Synchronicity and the G20 Summit

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, I've been sort of absent because we have guests, and didn't realize this had grown to 50 comments. Love the tangential stuff, Connie, Gypsy, Vicki, others!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    am just now coming back to this post – and finding these latest comments – in terms of connections with others here, as connie mentions, she and i find parallels almost daily – it's an incredible thing! and as she said, we have the genetic link as well – truly amazing – and like others here, from the beginning for me, there was an instant uncanny familiarity, a "knowing" of both trish and rob, enough so that at times i forget that we have actually never physically met [well, in this life] – vickie d mentions knowing me and mentions a castle – my family lineage is connected to both the eilean donan in scotland and to the chageau gaillard in france – and you macgregors i'm sure have such family ties as well – and here we all are brought together again in cyberland –

    great post and dialogue here!

  3. Natalie says:

    SO AWESOME! That is such a gift for you both. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  4. Anonymous says:

    Off-subject but relevant to other posters: as most of you know, I'm wearing an "Artificial Intelligence
    Device", a sophisticated cardiac event monitor with many computer functions. My heart's been quiet for awhile, but today, Sunday, I had a series of power arrhythmias that began about noon EDT and continue. I've checked the USGS and discovered that there have been mag 5+ quakes in many places all over the globe today. I'll be glad to get this device removed in two weeks. It's intensifying my planetary empath symptoms. I'm beginning to wonder if those of us who had an existence in Atlantis and/or Lemuria, (MU) which were apparently destroyed by catastrophic planetary events, have a unique sensitivity this time around, even if we've had multiple life experiences between then and now….maybe now because Gaia is once again in similar circumstances. cj

  5. Anonymous says:

    Must interject here that not only have Gypsy and I realized that we are definitely from the same OverSoul Spirit "family", but we actually share HUMAN GENEOLOGICAL HERITAGE, and not very far back on our family tree. We share GreatGrands of the same unusual name from the same county in Ireland! And, her life and mine are so parallel in this incarnation that sometimes the constant synchronicities thrill us and creep us out! I wonder how many of us here are con-joined to each other in this manner and simpy don't know it yet….cemented not only from many past life experiences together, but perhaps also in our human heritage. It's been so amazing for Gyps and me to enjoy our new-found kinship and our on-going parallel life experiences that we've discovered began when we were both young children! Gosh, love this WV: "helers" YES! cj

  6. Vicki D. says:

    Natalie- yes, I always see us holding flowers and we do some kind of healing with the blossoms from the flowers.
    I have also seen us gathering these herbs and flowers outside on the grounds of a castle.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – intriguing interpretations! And love the WV!

  8. Natalie says:

    Salsbury. Stonehenge, rituals, paganism and healing. Priestesses.
    I keep seeing fine rain, robes/cloaks of indigo velvet.
    Herbs along with pink, white and yellow blossoms in a bundle. Flags from a castle nearby….red and yellow and white.

    wv = myoun my own.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – fascinating. I would be curious about the locations where these lives too place. Interesting that blogging connects people who may be connected from previous lives.

  10. Vicki D. says:

    When I first began reading your books I had no idea who you were yet I felt a connection with you. I kept thinking that someday I would meet you (I've never felt that way before about an author) then of course years later here is your blog and we realized we have several things in common. Frankly the Carol Bowman connection solidified it for me but then NY too!

    When I first saw a picture of you though I thought "I know her" even though I didn't. This has happened to me before and it is always someone who becomes important in my life.

    I haven't meditated on it because I actually need to do a regression but…I get two "times" medeival, I see us as priestesses working with healing and nature and flowers.The other place I see you is tropical, with long flowing black hair and I also have that (I'm a blonde now) and I have seen others in that life time. I usually only see us all very happy, serene, by a waterfall surrounded by lush tropics and we are very carefree.

    Both times I see you as a healer and I always feel that even now.

    Another person that I "recognized" is Gypsywoman. I don't know how or where yet but I do "get" her in a nature/forest setting.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – any life in particular? Setting? Time?? Most curious.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ah, the Mystical Underground, a place outside of time and space where past lives converge in the now.

    Something like that.

    Of course, the password is MU!

  13. Vicki D says:

    I have always felt past lives stuff here and especially with Trish. The first time I saw her picture I "recognized" her.

    A few days ago I was describing this blog to a friend and I mentioned that this was such an interesting group and that I was sure we have known each other before. Then today here we are talking about that.

    Love the Mystical Underground name, it just flooooooooows so nicely!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    same groove for sure!

    and lunar eclipse plus unsettled geomagnetic fields all day – and don't we have a total solar eclipse coming up in a few weeks – july 11 and then a total lunar december 21 –

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Barbara – wow! 10,000 protesters? That's great. & what a word veritifcation – cinge=singe? Burning police cars?

  16. Barbara Martin says:

    Interesting post.

    Now that some of the 10,000 protesters in downtown Toronto have burned two police cars, I wonder if that will make any impact on the G20 summit leaders. Not likely. World leaders are interested in their immediate area of control and bank accounts. The protesters would have to make a much larger impact to be noticed.

    The Mystic Underground sounds good. There are subversives everywhere, even people who keep their opinions and comments to themselves harbour secret intents. Oh, I'd better be careful, or I'll have some Mountie paying me a visit early in the morning and confiscating all my computer files in the hope they uncover some conspiracy plot.

    wv: cinge

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nat – I was just thinking the same thing and wrote that very thing to Nancy A. We're all in the same groove today, right along with this lunar eclipse.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ditto cjc – together!

  19. Natalie says:

    One day they will listen.

    In regard to Mystical Underground :
    I LOVE IT! Whoo Hoo! I have long felt some past life stuff going on here. πŸ™‚

    wv = Tuftrec , tough trek.

    Won't be easy.

  20. Anonymous says:

    And Sean Pean in the movie Mystic River? Hmmm. It was a murder story, right? I don't care for Sean Pean so never watched it. I'm with the Group, whatever makes everyone feel at home and "together".! Sorry, Gyps….I emailed you the little story behind the bug-splattering! It was hilarious when it happened, out of the mouths of babes! Hey, interesting WV: lumin. As in illumined? :)cuz

  21. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, apparently, cjc's last post at 5:26 had not yet popped up when i did mine at 5:27 so i had not seen it and was referring to her comment before that one – but listen, i'm good with mystical – ya'll probably already know i'm a word freak too and love the rhythm and flow of words – mystical has a really beautiful sound and feel to it, too! i'm good to go on mystical!

  22. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    see, i don't think of mystic pizza at all when i hear the term mystic underground – but i don't always hear what others do anyway πŸ™‚

    and as far as i'm concerned, the group may rule on this –

    interestingly, i just found this as i was rummaging around on google – check it out – i read down to earthquakes and volcano –

    and my little wv this time = nones

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Megan said that mystic underground sounds a lot like mystic pizza (the movie). Hmm. Mystical underground?

  24. Anonymous says:

    Yep. Either/or. Mystical Underground, (mystical as an adjective), rather sounds like a harmonious musically flowing of people in a magical place/space where a person would love to BE, whereas Mystic Underground, (mystic as a noun), has a slightly different connotation and seems less definitive of the inhabitants there. Just my thoughts. Being a
    "word person", I enjoy the beautiful lush sounds of flowy language. cjc

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    there is a rhythm to MYSTIC UNDERGROUND that i don't feel with MYSTICAL UNDERGROUND – the syllables thing – uneven/odd number of syllables in MYSTIC UNDERGROUND which feels/flows better to me, anyway – and after cjc's little tidbit above, perfect!!! it all fits/comes together!

    and what about a logo image?

    anyway, i'm a proud member of the mystic underground – πŸ™‚

    oh, and miss connie! oouuuuuhhhhh!!! thanks a lot! that's a lovely image i'll have the rest of the evening now!!! πŸ˜‰

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm not sure which one I like better. Mystic Underground kind of reminds me of Mystic Pizza. Pretty good movie. Mystical or mystic… they both say the same thing. Connie's numbers are positive for both, too.- R

  27. Anonymous says:

    Another amazing syncronicity: MYSTIC UNDERGROUND: The Lost Continent of MU (MU = frequency 7), which many consider to have been Lemuria but which many consider to now be Egypt. A very highly evolved ancient civilization which apparently simply vanished either under a land mass (underground) or under the sea. These are thrilling synchronicities, as they seem to indicate a coming together of old comrades from the far distant past, at a time when our planet is now once again under seige and our very continents and its inhabitants are stressed to the max. Wonder of wonders. cjc

  28. Anonymous says:

    Hey Gyps…your WV sounds like the little noise a bug makes when it splatters against the windshield of a vehicle as we're driving down the highway! Sorry…couldn't resist! Perfect WV for this nutty comment: "honsessi" ! NONSENSE! cuz

  29. Anonymous says:

    DPage, look at the time you posted for the formation of the Mystic Underground: 2:02, or 22….. that Master frequency which encompasses foundation, building, the geometric square, the manifestation of (esoteric) ideas into the material. Can't deny the synchronicity of such timing! cjc

  30. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    greetings, brothers and sisters of the MU – fantastic!!! absolutely incredible how all these things fall into place – [but not surprising!]

    love the astro/frequency breakdown –

    interesting about nancy's frog, too –
    hmmm…but i'm not liking the wv here – plierspa – which sounds painful! πŸ™‚

  31. Anonymous says:

    In deference to Sansego, I ran the frequencies for SUBTERRANEAN UNDERGROUND, and it carries the same frequency as MYSTICAL UNDERGROUND, which is 11. In the Oxford dictionary, "subterranean" and "underground" are synonyms: interchangeable with each other, although subterranean is defined as subversive and "underground" doesn't have that definition….oddly, since they are synonyms. MYSTIC and MYSTICAL both reference "esoteric" matters, depending upon whether they are used as a noun or an adjective. For me, it seems it would pretty much come down to which phrase has
    a more melodious and harmonious sound to it. Since the words "mystic underground" popped into Rob's mind unsought, that may probably be the right one?? cjc

  32. Anonymous says:

    OK. MYSTIC UNDERGROUND or MYSTICAL UNDERGROUND? Either/or, frequency-wise, is great in terms of influences. Mystic, (7) however, is more relative to the manners in which most of us as a group live our lives spiritually, and conversely Mystical,(11), is more relative to the outer, tangible manifestation of the inner spiritual workings. Which shall it be? Have a look at this WV: olver "Lover". Chuckle. cjc

  33. Anonymous says:

    Ho, guys…I made an error, but it's even better! I previously used "mystic" instead of "mystical". Went back to correct the numbers, using MYSTICAL UNDERGROUND, and guess what that frequency is? Bet you all can guess! It's 83/11! That great Master Frequency 11 !! Is anybody surprised? Nope!

  34. Anonymous says:

    What an auspicious numerical synchronicity for the joining of the Mystic Underground members! The frequency of MYSTIC UNDERGROUND is 16/7. That is the frequency of the mystery schools, of all things spiritual, good secrets, metaphysical matters, psychic work, etc., etc. Don'tcha just love it when a plan comes together! cjc

  35. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hmm, I like the reference to the bet generation, but subterranean undergrounds sounds too much like sewers or something. Why would an aetheist automatically dismiss synchronicity?

  36. Sansego says:

    Mystical Underground sounds too much like The Weatherman Underground or something subversive. How about "Subterranean Mystics"? It alludes to Kerouac and the Beat Generation, who were all about nonconformity to the power structure.

    I recently had a debate on Facebook with someone who considers himself an atheist, dimissing coincidence and synchronicity as random events of no consequence. What bugs me though is that he claims to be "open-minded"…but if one is invested in a belief system and discards anything that does not fit one's ideology, I see that as "closed-minded." Open minded is being open to possibilities, even if you don't quite believe in it.

    I was open to the idea of reincarnation since childhood, but I didn't become convinced that it was the way our world works until I was in college and finally read a book that answered all the questions I had about life and the meaning of it all.

    I suspect that world leaders are so into power that they lose their sense of spirit and wonder. I think it always causes problems for a religion or spiritual belief when people in power embrace it (such as Christianity after Constantine's "conversion"). Its better that true spirituality operates "under the radar", as you suggest. We must guard and protect these beliefs from being mass-marketed and used to control people.

  37. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ra- regang! Good one.
    Here's my initial interp of the chart.

    Libra rising, venus rules, venus falls in the 11th house of friends, groups. That fits.

    Sun in Cancer, moon in Cap, the south node in cancer, close to the cusp of the tenth (the public) Past life associations?

    Saturn in the 12th, in virgo. Secret knowledge. Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in the 6th – this is somewhere most of us do daily, always looking for the unexplored and that search expands our daily lives.

    The moon and pluto closely conjunct – power and its uses (and abuses), intuitive power is the foundation of this group, the north node close to the moon, indicative of the direction this group should move to evolve spiritually, creatively, emotionally.

    Neptune in the 5th, in aquarius – a creative venture that encompasses ideals and idealism, a better, all encompassing vision for the world – and for ourselves and our children.

    The vertex – Vtx falls in gemini in the 8th house. Very interesting. Suggests agreements made among us prior to being born. The exploration is metaphysics.

    Mars, ruler of the 7th house in this chart, falls in the 11th house – groups/friends, so there's a lot of forward thrust with this exploration. I like that the part of fortune is in aries in the 7th – close to the cusp of the 7th. Suggests partnerships that read like the star trek motto – going where no man (or woman!) has gone before!

  38. d page says:

    The "Astro Weather" chart is done by AsroLabe in MA (Robert Hand). The aspects that I highlighted are not affected by the location.

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    And it on the day of a lunar eclipse and a cardinal cross: it means positive things can come of these aspects.

  40. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow. Debra, what location did you use? I'll draw up a chart!

  41. d page says:

    The"astro-weather" report for the formation of the Mystic Underground (which was at 2:02 pm EDT)looks exciting:

    Some Highlights:

    "Sun Sextile Mars This aspect is favorable for assertiveness, initiating first time events or for breaking new ground."

    "Applying Moon Trine Mars"
    This is a time for action, initiative, and decisiveness. It’s a good time for constructive projects and physical activity. "

    "Applying Mercury Opposite Pluto
    Under this transit the truth may come out, which may disturb some people. Powerful announcements are made and persuasive talks occur. It’s a time of challenging situations, eliminations, disruptive events, storms, and stories of secret operations. "

    see here:,MA

  42. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, let's make it official. We're all now members of the Mystic Underground! Thanks, Rob, for the name!

  43. d page says:

    Interesting story: to bad the World Mob can't "read the signs".

    Reagan had an astrologer: Joan Quigley. The British monarchy have always astrologers. The Gov't of Tibet in Exile have astrologers…

    I love the idea of a Mystic Underground. Let's do it!

    wv= unbrine

  44. Ray says:

    If the G-8/G-20 (lackeys of multinational corporations) didn't need a dog and pony show they could have had a teleconference and saved Canada the money as well saving the the money spent on the leaders and all the staff including jet fuel polluting the atmosphere. When there is a tax increase, remember this boondogle.

    word verification: regangs. Does this mean the G in G-8/G-20 stands for gang?

  45. Nancy says:

    A frog ran into our garage last night, too, Gypsy. It''s going to be interesting times ahead, I think.

  46. Butternut Squash says:

    We felt the quake in Cleveland.

    I think that the sign seekers are quietly working their magic all over. Even if people are publicly dismissive, I often find that privately, they have a whole lot to say about their spiritual encounters. All they need to know is that they have a willing ear.

  47. Vicki D. says:

    Mystical Underground…I like that, sounds like a great book title too!

    That earthquake rattled into Connecticut too and a tornado touched down in CT and Long Island.
    Lots of weird stuff.

    Batten down the hatches folks its going to continue to be a crazy summer.

    I thought the same thing about web cams and you can conference with large TV Screens, ridiculous waste of money.

  48. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It might be best that Western gov'ts don't pay attention to astrology and signs. Ancient cultures, like the Romans and Greeks, who did so, tended to institutionalize the process, making it rigid and unyielding and biased toward the power structure.

    That, for the Romans, resulted in the onset of Christianity and ultimately a whole new set of biases and signs, leading to the Renaissance and the dismissal of pagan and Christian signs alike.

    So now mainstream science disavows the spiritual world and religions build walls around their beliefs. So maybe it's best for the sign seekers, astrologers and mystics to work below the radar–some in gov'ts, some in science.

    We could call it life in the MU – the mystical underground. – R

  49. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But what a different sort of world we'd be living in if they did listen.

    Gypsy – funny WV. Is it all just prose to these world leaders?

  50. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Spot on but, unfortunately, we aren't likely to get world leaders – and those who control them – listening to such signs.

  51. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    no doubt mother earth is speaking to her children who don't seem to learn from their mistakes –

    interesting your comment about the plague of frogs next in light of the one who ran into our house the other night [notwithstanding it really was just for lisa] –

    and i'm just wondering if all these big boys [are there any females involved] don't have web cams – would have saved a few million in costs that could have been put elsewhere, but that's just me –

    great great astrology article –

    and great post, macgregors!

    oh, well, and my wv is "prose" –

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