Ana Gram…Arg a man… Anagram

Jim Banholzer offers us the synchronicity of anagrams.

Did you know Edgar Poe is A God Peer, that Stephen King is The Pens King, Clint Eastwood = Old West Action[i] and Darth Vader is Add Hart Rev? What I am talking about is the synchronicity of anagrams and hidden meanings within everyday phrases and names

As legend has it, the first words ever spoken, “Madam in Eden, I’m Adam” were a palindrome. Further fables assert, that immediately after this opening statement, the first thought balloon formed above Eve’s innocent head, reading, “SOS EVE SOS!”

As anagrams are full of synchronicity, so, too, synchronicity vibrates with anagrams. It’s a rich city, sonny! Some anagrams are startling enough to make the hardest Cynic Hint Rosy.

Here are three more anagrams of synchronicity, ripened for your own interpretations:

Short Yin Cynic
Thy Ironic Sync
Cynic, Oh Sin, Try

Pulitzer Prize winner Dr. Douglas Hofstadter in his essay, The architecture of Jumbo, remarks about anagrams:

“Why work so hard to model such a frivolous and atypical cognitive activity? I tried to answer this question in the article itself, but let me just add here that I think that such mental juggling is a very important, pervasive kind of mental activity that has nothing intrinsic to do with anagrams. Perhaps the slow letter-juggling that goes on in the heads of people who have almost never tried anagrams is not of much universality and therefore of little importance or interest, but I think that when the activity reaches expert level, where it is highly automatized and very rapid, it has something in common with the deep processes of reorganization and reinterpretation that takes place in truly creative thought. Not to suggest that all good anagrammists are latent Einsteins, of course, but just that the activity itself, when done fluently, has a special and important quality.”

A few weeks ago, on this blog, I responded to Max’s teapot story, observing that two teacups are potent metaphors. While doing so, I compared Commander Tibbet’s nonchalant postwar walk across the scorched fields of Nagasaki, with a different pace, set by peacenik warrior Lawrence Ferlinghetti. A few days later, I was surprised to read that the Nagasaki local government has officially recognized 93-year-old Tsutomu Yamaguchi as one of a handful of survivors who survived both atomic bomb attacks.

In that vein, here are some AA Anagrams, dedicated to Mr. Tsutomu Yamaguchi

A Mach Yogis Mu Tutu

A Outmatch Guy I Sum

A Mica Thugs Yum Out

A Somatic Tug Uh Yum

A Atomic Guy Shut Mu

A Atomic Guy Thus Mu

A Tacit Gush Mum You

A Tacit Hug Mums You

A A Touch Guy Summit

A Magic Shut Yum Out

A Magic Hut Oust Yum

A Atomic Thug Yum Us

Douglas Hofstadter would probably take pleasure in the Mu anagrams riddled throughout Mr. Yamaguchi’s name.

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One Response to Ana Gram…Arg a man… Anagram

  1. Anonymous says:

    Have to sort it all out. Thanks, Jim!

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