Mysterious Object

GOES Project Science is a joint project involving  NASA and NOAA – the National Oceanic Atmosphere Administration. Satellite pictures of Earth that are snapped daily can be found here.  Click on any of these to see how the planet looks on a given day. Then take a look at this You Tube video. Anyone have any idea what this could be?

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9 Responses to Mysterious Object

  1. Nancy says:

    Really strange. Those UFO sightings come to mind where people have said they’ve seen buildings in the sky. Literally huge UFO-like buildings. This one would be a doozy of a big building!

  2. gypsy says:

    ok, children – it’s obvious to me what it is! it’s SANTA CLAUSENE in her flying red sleigh! geeezzzzz, kids!!!!!!

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    Ok, I’ve probably gone round the bend when I see a butterfly landing on the Earth in the video. But if you look at the image symbolically instead of literally… is almost 2012……

  4. Thanks for those links but no idea what this could be in the video.

  5. Lauren Raine says:

    Wow, that’s really something. It’s absolutely authentic, there couldn’t be anyone messing with the image, or maybe the camera has a speck of something on the lens?

    This sounds fanciful, but I thought of a black butterfly when I saw the image. Strange.

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