Synchro of the Year

We’ve posted at least two hundred synchronicities this year, probably more, and we’ve selected one that we believe stands out from all of the others for a number of reasons.

First, it’s very easy to understand what the synchronicity is. It’s also easy to realize why it is a meaningful coincidence. In addition, it is a synchronicity for which the odds of it happening can be quite easily calculated. Finally, it is a synchronicity about synchronicity, which makes it sort of a double synchronicity. Besides all of that, the synchro has a personal element directly related to us and the blog.

It came to us as a comment on Dec. 20. Like many coincidences that happen in our lives, it could have been overlooked or dismissed with a shrug. Darren, however, who writes as Brizdaz or just Daz, noticed the synchronicity, even though at the time he didn’t understand how unusual it was.

Here’s what happened. Daz came to our blog, read the daily entry, and decided that he wanted to read something else about synchronicity. So he looked down the list of 52 blogs on our blog roll at the right of the page below the book covers.

He picked H2O Radio, one that he’d never visited. He entered the site and saw that there was a broadcast playing. He clicked on and was surprised to tune into an interview with Trish and me. He’d even entered it near the beginning. He figured out that it was a recent interview, but he didn’t realize that it was live!

So what are the odds? Well, let’s figure it out. First, he picked a blog from the list of 52. Let’s simplify it and call it 50, especially since one of those in the list is his own blog. That’s one out of 50.

But what are the chances that he would click on exactly on the hour that we were being interviewed? Well, the H2O blog has been on the list since August. Again, to simply let’s say it has been available for 100 days– a low estimate. So 100 days times 24 hours a day equals one chance in 2,400. Now multiply that by 50 and we have odds of 1 in 120,000. Pretty slim odds of his tuning into us by random chance. Clearly, he found it meaningful.

There’s also the big picture of how we are all interconnected at the conscious and unconscious levels or, to put it another way, we are connected both at the everyday level and in a reality that exists outside of cause and effect. On one hand, it’s amazing that Daz who lives in Brizbane, Australia could press a few buttons on his computer and hear us talking live from Florida to a radio show based in New York.

Then there’s the deeper level, of course, that he was able make this connection outside of cause and effect. We know that because we had not publicized the radio interview on our blog or anywhere else. In fact, we’d almost forgotten about it.

For all of these reasons, we’ve picked Daz’s H2O synchro as the best of 2011. It was Daz-zling!



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16 Responses to Synchro of the Year

  1. That’s a great Daz-zling Synchro of the Year.

    My advice for 2012 is you two remember to publicize your interviews and events. Part of this paradigm shift has been facilitated by the rise of Social Media and it is a powerful tool that will work well for you.

  2. Victoria DeLaurentis says:

    Dazzling! Love that!

  3. Darren B says:

    Synchronicity is a strange phenomenon indeed.Looking back on that day I can still not work out what placed the thought into my head to look at the Blogroll to checkout a new blog like H2O.I sometimes use the links on the Blogroll to checkout my regular sites like Mike Clelland’s,Mike Perry’s and Whitley Strieber’s sites,but that’s usually it (and I’m sure that Statcounter statistics would confirm this to be the case on this site and the H2O site) I haven’t even been back since listening to the interview you guys did,apart from maybe Anthony Peake’s interview.
    Plus to visit that blog for the first time and find you guys being interviewed live is truly weird.
    Where does the thought come from to check out a blog that I normally wouldn’t give a thought to checking out?
    I don’t know,but there seems to be a greater organizing force beyond my conscious self steering me to sites,places and books like this…for what reason at this stage of my life I can not fathom,but I see the same thing happening to others who are just as baffled and just as ordinary as myself,so it certainly is intriguing to me as to where all this is going…if anywhere?

  4. That’s certainly worthy of the Synchro of the Year title. I remember reading the comment from Darren and afterwards I went to the H2O site to have a listen. Must admit I didn’t have time to hear it all – so I’ll have a try again now!

  5. Rob and Trish says:

    As an addendum, we should add that we’ve also just received the SPAM of the year. One that I almost posted.

    The spammer actually complained that there is no spam on our blog and asked if we could help him or her out. For a moment, he/she caught my attention. I almost felt sympathetic. Then I realized that the spammer didn’t look at our blog, that the same comment probably was simultaneously sent out to 20,000 other blogs. What gall! But at least it was original.

  6. lauren raine says:

    wonderful story! And thanks once again for your blog, and your books, which have been a source of inspiration and affirmation – you help to make the “Web” visible…… “the big picture of how we are all interconnected at the conscious and unconscious levels or, to put it another way, we are connected both at the everyday level and in a reality that exists outside of cause and effect”………’ve helped so many to see this, to pay attention and know we’re not alone.

    Sometimes it’s really so amazing. I have a relative who is the worst kind of drug addict, but from obligation to my mother, when he comes to see her, I must share my home. Often I have to leave, because I feel the angry, dark energies around him, and know there is nothing I can do for him. Feeling bad, I sat and wrote for hours in my favorite coffee shop………..emerging from my thoughts, I noticed that Cate, a psychic friend who does energy clearing professionally, was sitting just a table away. I thought “I wish I could afford to hire her on this”. She came over, we talked, and it seems she’s finishing her book, and needs some artwork for it – so a trade is possible. And she gave me some advice about energy sheilding and clearing. Later I decided to visit Morgana Starr’s site, a friend who is a psychic healer. On her blog is a post about cleansing and shielding!

    The universe provides. Happyt New Year, and thankyou!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Thanks Lauren. Here’s a little synchro. We also know Morgana Starr, met her during a visit to Cassadaga, the spiritualist community in Central Florida. Trish was getting a reading in a bookstore and I was sitting on a couch when Morgana came over to me and started talking about her angels and before I knew it she was giving me a free reading. There’s a story about her healing work in Synchronicity and the Other Side.

  7. DJan says:

    That is a great synchro! And you’re right: we are all connected on a soul level, I’m convinced of that. This one is deserving of recognition. I am much more in tune with these kinds of things happening in my own life. I had a terrible theft of my purse out of my car a week ago, and one of the things that seemed unimportant to me was a chocolate bar that I had purchased for my enjoyment on Christmas Day. Once I gave it up and knew there was no way to get another one, a friend showed up on my doorstep with chocolate less than an hour later. I think that qualifies as a synchro, don’t you? 🙂

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