You Get What You Concentrate on

These two photos were taken with Gypsy’s cell phone. The scene here is the apprehension of a bank robber. Even more interesting than the fact that the bad guy was caught is how Gypsy came to be in this particular place, at this particular time.

Yesterday afternoon (July 20), I get a text message from Gypsy that I actually didn’t see until her second text message came through. Here’s the first one: “Just n middle of bank robbery-exciting -all ok-more later.” Then, the 2nd text message:  “All OK- cops got the guy-very weird story about it all-will send details-“

So my interest was piqued and I emailed her, asking what was going on. When she wrote back, I was astonished by the layers of synchronicities and by how literal the universe takes what we say and feel – i.e., the law of attraction.

The day before, on July 19, a major bank in the small town where both her daughters work was robbed at gunpoint by a man who eluded the police and remained at large. When Gypsy first heard about it, she thought that he was going to do it again the next day. She scribbled a note to one of her daughters, telling her not to go into work the next day.

But on  July 20,  her daughter went to work anyyhow, leaving hurriedly, and taking the mailbox key with her that Gypsy needed so she could pick up a check that had come in the mail. Before she left the house, Gypsy checked her account online. She knew it was low, which was why she wanted to get that check deposited. But when she saw the balance, she nearly fainted. “There were parenthesis around it! It so overwhelmed me it was like a storm. I knew, intellectually, that there had been an error, but just seeing those brackets around my balance was horrific! I knew that if it was my mistake, there would be overdraft charges, like highway robbery. I kept muttering to myself about highway robbery and how those charges were like being robbed or throwing my money away.”

She wanted to get to the bank before it closed, to get the account straightened out. But she needed the check, which was in the mailbox for which her daughter had the key. She had to drive 20 miles to her daughter’s office. During the ride, her anxiety and fury about overdraft charges mounted. Highway robbery, highway robbery is racing through her head. She finally peels into the the plaza where her daughter works, gets the key, and explains she can’t talk because she needs to get to her bank before it closes.

“So I’m wheeling out of there and hear sirens from down the highway and I’m rushing to turn back onto the highway to get to my own bank. Out of the blue, a car whips out of the bank parking lot and cop cars and SWAT teams are screeching to a stop around me. Choppers are swooping down low overhead. All these heavily armed guys leaps out of their cars, weapons pulled, all of them shouting, Bank robber, bank robber! I thought the chopper was going to plung through the roof of my car, that’s how low it was. So there I am, front row seat to the guy being dragged out of his getaway car and cuffed and shovede into a patrol car.”

All this time, Gypsy can see inside the robber’s car because it’s sideways in front of her. The police are so busy arresting the guy and searching his vehicle that they don’t notice Gypsy, who is busily snapping photos with her cell phone. An officer finally comes over and tells her to leave. She remembers she has to get to her own bank and happens to glance at the dashboard clock. It reads: 3:33. She makes it to the drive-thru at her bank before it closes.

Later that night on the news, the story is that the guy wasn’t actually robbing the bank where he was apprehended. He was trying to escape the cops, who were in pursuit and finally caught him in front of a state police credit union. The next morning, Gypsy looked at her online bank statement – which finally reflected everything correctly.

She noted the “oddities:”

1. The bank that was robbed at gunpoint was directly across the street from one daughter’s office.
2. The bank where the guy was captured was directly across the street from her other daughter’s office.
3. She had written one daughter a note the night before, telling her not to go to the bank the day the guy was captured.
4. Worried about overdraft fees, she kept muttering “highway robbery” all the way to her daughter’s office to pick up the mailbox key. That phrase was alternated with,  “I might as well have been robbed.”
5.Had there not been a mistake with her statement, she wouldn’t have been there.
6. If she’d remembered to get the mailbox key from her daughter before she had left for work, she would not have been there.
7. The first time she even noticed the time, it was 3:33 (those clustered numbers again!).
8. As it turned out, there was  no problem with her account.
The law of attraction, indeed!

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26 Responses to You Get What You Concentrate on

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    12:21 – and the other 12 is 7+2+3?
    Cool. (Uh, I think))

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish – your comment right above my last comment – where you ask if "more action synchros" –

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    of this post, Gypsy? Yikes, that WV!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    did you notice the 21-12-21 in your date/time line, trish?

    wv= exhumsha – oh, i'm not liking that one at all! 🙂

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    More action synchros, gypsy?

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, seems the stars are not finished with me this week yet – another series of events based upon the mistakes of others that sent me in a different direction – trish, i think i'll just e-m you about it as it's rather long –

    thanks so much for the 333 clarification, barbara – i love the idea and am humbled by it – apparently right now i need a lot of work and guidance and protection! 🙂

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jenean stars in her own action movie!

  8. Natalie says:

    What a Story! I am loving all that action, Jenean!

  9. Barbara Martin says:

    Strong emotions and anger tend to escalate manifestations.

    I have a Doreen Virtue book about Angel Numbers which appear as synchronicity events. The 333 means: "You've merged with the ascended masters, and they're working with you day and night–on many levels. They love, guide and protect you in all ways."

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The mind sometimes feels to me like a huge magnet!

    hmmm – what an odd wv, terri!

  11. terripatrick says:

    Great story, Gypsy! I love all the layers and twists. Glad it was nothing more than a great story with lots of adventure for you.

    wv: epsychyt (hmmm…)

  12. Marlene says:

    amazing story!! wow..Its sooo true how can we leave to channell all that mental energy into things we do want to create in our lives..The mind is such a powerful and so mis understood thing!

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Waiting for 5 pm advisory.@ the most it'll be a lot of rain. My sense, anyway.

  14. d page says:

    Gypsy, that is one heck of an entangled story!

    Trish and Rob: hold on to your hats… i hope the storm passes soon.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Just a thought on that WV "pawas"
    Could it mean "Pause"??? That's how the Creoles in New Orleans would pronounce 'pause'. It would be said "paw-as", drawn out. Just a thought, though.
    cj Well, here's my WV: "ragise"

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    meant to comment about the tracking into the gulf too, of the trop storm – geeeeee –

    macgregors, do ya'll need to batten down the hatches???

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love the wv cousin connie!!! and perhaps mike's wv was to calm "me" literally 🙂 cause i was NOT calm yesterday when i was muttering to my "other selves" 🙂 that it was just highway robbery!!! tooooo funny now that i look back at it – LOL as i type – the thing on which i need to focus, to learn, to obtain – is the ability to channel all that into the more positive – does rob have a class on that?

    wv=pawas – which, when i first glanced at it read "power" – hmmmm…

  18. Butternut Squash says:

    Gypsy has all of the fun!

    I'm glad that everyone is OK and the bank account is back to normal. Peace.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – calme…sounds like calm…or calm me?

    The national hurricane center just issued tropical storm watches and warnings. We're under a watch, the keys under a warning, and the track takes this into the gulf.

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lakeviewer, Nancy – maybe we're all just becoming more aware how these seemingly random events aren't so random!

  21. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Phew! That is some experience and that thought of 'highway robbery' coing into play. The power of attraction is definitely very powerful.

    wv = calme – could have a couple of meanings.

  22. Anonymous says:

    When Jenean emailed me the details of this harrowing experience, I was momentarily too grateful that she and the girls were all OK that the synchronicities didn't register. It was only when I went back and re-read the saga that it all fell into place. I repeat here what I emailed to her in the wake of this train of incidents: WOW, WOW, and WOW again! What an intriguing series of events, and again, am soooo thankful Gypsy and the girls weren't hurt! Geez….
    Cousin CJ HO! Look at this WV:
    tricies (3 !)

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I wasn't sure how to slip in that detail about the mail carrier, Jenean. But it seems like it was just one more detail that put you in the midst of the bank robbery drama!

  24. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    you know, i read this myself and even though it happened to me it's mind-boggling – so filled with minute [mi-nute] fractions of time where everything in the universe had to jell together for it to have come about the way in which it did and for me to have been there in that split second –

    and the other thing was that there was a substitute mail carrier yesterday – had our regular carrier been working, she would have opened the mail box for me and i would not have had to make the drive – and would not have been there –

    one of the ironies i love the most is that this guy was captured by the city and state police at a state police credit union/bank!

    the power of the law of attraction – truly amazing!

  25. Nancy says:

    Geeeze, you just never know what string of "random" events leads you to an ultimate destination. Sometimes that destination is good – sometimes not. If only we could read the signs and really know ahead of time.

    Great story.

  26. lakeviewer says:

    These incidents are really interesting and coincidental. Lots of these things happen to us.

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