
We ran across this video on Marcus Anthony’s blog. It’s stunning. Here’s part one:


And part two: no need for any explanation.


On Christmas Day, 18-year-old Ben Breedlove died. Fifteen hundred people turned out for his funeral.


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18 Responses to Wow!

  1. bozo says:

    but if’ he’d of been “black” with a deformed face,,,,, sometimes our attitude are created by a mirroring of how the world treats us,,, a “cute ” kid gains a cute personality cause that’s what the world reflected… Not saying BOZO can in any way read into the heart of just about anyone,, cause he knows he can’t,,, but then again whose got Heart trans-plant synchro….. BOZO

    • Darren B says:

      That is a fair point you make Bozo…but one of the most inspiring films I ever saw about a human being was David Lynch’s “The Elephant Man”,based on the story of John Merrick
      This poor soul was trapped in a hideously deformed body,but had the spirituality of a saint.
      If his attitude had of mirrored how he was treated in his life,then we would probably of had the biggest mass murderer in history,going by your theory.
      I do agree with you though that life opens more doors for the cute…but it seems irrelevant in Ben’s story,since a life under these circumstances could turn you bitter very quickly with the able bodied world if you were to let it.

  2. Darren B says:

    I saw this clip for the first time at Marcus’s blog…and what a message is contained in it.
    He obviously felt compelled to share his experience to as many people as he could.But what struck me also was another “unrelated” post at Mike Perry’s blog about names called,”Our Names May Influence What Jobs We Choose”
    (or the paths we take in life maybe?)
    He used a lot of humorous examples,but his inquiry into names was perhaps a little in sync with Ben Breedlove’s story.

    Look at Ben’s name.
    Ben \ben\ as a boy’s name is pronounced ben. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Ben is “son”. Short form of Benjamin, or less commonly of Benedict or Bennett. Now used as an independent given name, being especially popular in Ireland. Many Hebrew names combine Ben with another name, for example Ben-Baruch, meaning “son of the blessed”.
    Definition of Breed:
    : to produce (offspring) by hatching or gestation.
    : to propagate
    : beget
    : bring up, nurture

    And well…Love…need I go on ?

    And how coincidental that he went to the light on the day that “the light of the world” is born in to the world?
    Which reminds me of this song from the “Godspell” soundtrack.
    I like it for the Gnostic truths it contains.
    Ben Breedlove…could you think of a more apt name than this for Ben’s life path ???

  3. I’m glad you shared this, Trish and Rob, as this is a wonderful gift for everyone. His dying on Christmas Day is surely a synchronicity too. There is certainly something very beautiful about his smile. Christ-like, perhaps. Such innocence and light!

    Happy New Year!


  4. connie cannon says:

    I have no words for this. They played it on the NBC national news tonite, showed him with the notes as he had written them, and afterwards announced his tragic (????) death. Then his sisters were on as well. What a beautiful child, what a gift to the world he was. And he must be in pure bliss at last.

  5. Peaceful and proud, can’t stop smiling. Yes.

  6. gypsy says:

    the last story i read on yahoo news this morning before coming to your site this morning was this very same story – a particularly touching story – and one that more than resonates with me – thanks for posting!

  7. Nancy says:

    Thanks for sending me the link – I’m posting it too. What a beautiful young man.

  8. Awesome! Beautiful! thanks for posting this.

  9. I didn’t realise he has now died – how sad.

  10. Another wow! Says so much more than many lengthy books. Gosh, how we often complicate things, when life (and death) in reality are quite simple.

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