Cancer Full Moon Jan 9, 2012

Full moons are often a time of madness on the planet. The crazies come out of the woodwork, people are more accident prone, impatient, reckless.  At the heart of it, though, the hidden is illuminated – on both a personal and a collective level- and that can drive many of us to emotional extremes.

On January 9, the full moon in Cancer falls at 18 degrees, 26 minutes. Go here to find out where this moon falls in your chart.

Cancer is a nurturing, subjective, and family-oriented sign. It is highly intuitive, its feelings are easily hurt, and its energies are focused, directed. It dislikes emotional confrontations and, like the crab that represents this sign, it retreats at the first sign of conflict, withdrawing tightly into its shell.

What’s interesting about this full moon is that Mars forms a close and beneficial angle to it. Mars represents our physical and sexual energy. It’s our booster rocket in life, that part of us that explodes forward to pursue what we desire. It’s our heat sensor, our personal GPS. While it’s in Virgo, it’s able to get us from point A to B without any problem. We might even get from B to G. But too many steps beyond that, and we’re lost. We become Hansel and Gretel stealing off into the forest at night, tossing bread crumbs behind us in the hopes that we find our way back.

If we rely on our left brains, our ego-centered selves to get to where we want to go, we can pretty much figure we’ll be wandering for along time. If we allow our intuition to guide us, our emotions, our hunches, then we’ll do just fine during this full moon.

On the night of this full moon, Mercury and Pluto are widely  conjunct in earth sign Capricorn. This means that any type of visualization and meditation you do clarifies whatever confusion you have about something, and puts you in the power seat because you suddenly get it. Venus and Neptune are closely conjunct in air sign Aquarius, a wonderful indicator for creativity and the beauty of romance in any intimate relationship.

Jupiter forms a tight and beneficial angle to Mercury on the night of this full moon (in earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn) so your conscious mind is primed and ready for expansion.

Between January 1-22, every planet is moving in direct motion – they’re all behaving! Then on the 22nd, Mars in Virgo turns retrograde until April 14. And that aspect is for another post.

The sign of Cancer refers to your native country.  Look for revelations about something that has been hidden. In the U.S., for instance, it might be this headline.

In your country, it might be something else. That headline may define the year ahead for your country.

I used to write monthly, individual predictions for each sign. Then I discovered Susan Miller’s site and she does this so well, so thoroughly, that I stopped. Check her out. If you know your rising sign, check that sign, too.




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15 Responses to Cancer Full Moon Jan 9, 2012

  1. rosita ruiz says:

    susan millers predictions are good but to long. just find thisone thank u.

  2. connie cannon says:

    Thanks so much for the love, J. She’s really down, and feeling her age, which is several years older than I and I’m feeling mine as well, considering my BD was on the 2nd and it was one I’ve dreaded. My mind and thoughts are still 30 but this old body laughs at me! Lauren, I’m with you 100% on the political stuff, especially O. I can’t find a single person campaigning for whom I would cast my vote right now. Hopefully that will change, but things don’t look very bright in that arena. I certainly won’t cast a vote for the incumbent under any circumstances. A recent, very trusted and reliable poll stated he is considered to be the most “ineffectual president” this country has ever seen. That seems to be the operative word in his regard….ineffectual. He fooled a LOT of people. Great appearance, great orator, nothing substantial. So horribly disappointing.

  3. Lauren Raine says:

    Thanks for the post…………it has felt like a potent full moon indeed, although I confess, I’ve been feeling rather depressed, at least politically. I’m very disappointed in Obama, and for the first time I can remember, feel like I may not vote this year.

  4. connie cannon says:

    Ditto on all points, Cousin J. I have Cancer rising, moon in Cancer, Cap sun. Tomorrow will be interesting. Am feeling the energies already. Have had recurring disturbing dreams for past couple of weeks but am planning to do some positive dreamwork to understand them. My sister in MO lost three of her oldest friends today in separate incidents of various illnesses. She’s in deep mourning….needs good thoughts sent her way. THANKS to any and all. And Trish, love the astro posts as always.

  5. gypsy says:

    your astrology posts are always always so interesting – and i usually read them, as this time, several times at one sitting to make sure i’ve not missed anything! good news about mars and physical energy – mine is ebbing at very low tide of late! interestingly, however, just yesterday and day before, began picking up and today more than those days! yay!!! but, i’ve always been so directly impacted by the full moon! anyway, good news for my low ebbed energies – tomorrow night will be visualizing/meditating – perhaps about venus neptune and aquarius! so sad the new of obama’s signing away the constitution for us all, isn’t it – really sad – and disappointing in many different ways – in any event, thanks so much for your always thought provoking and informative astrology posts! i love it when ya’ll talk astrology! 😉

  6. Nancy says:

    Thanks for the update. I followed your link on headline – pretty amazing, huh? It seems this president is even worse than the last when it comes to curtailing American rights and liberties. That was a very scary act of legislation he signed, quietly, over the winter holiday.

  7. DJan says:

    Thanks for all the information about this upcoming full moon. I have felt the energy but not understood it, until you described it. And I’m hopping off to Susan Miller’s site now. Thanks again!

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