The Story of 8

In numerology, eight is a number of power and money. It’s about thinking big and acting big. The caution is that playing with power can result in a steamroller effect, burying others in your wake, causing resentment.

So it’s interesting that Mitt Romney won the Iowa caucus by 8 votes. It doesn’t exactly cement him as the Republican’s candidate to take on Barack Obama in November, but provides him another slogging step in that direction.

Romney, of course, has big money and is using it to crush his opponents, but he’s not the most popular guy around. Three out of four Republicans don’t even favor him now.  But they will when he’s knocked all the others off the campaign trail.

No doubt the number 8 will haunt Mitt, especially in the general election. After all, favoring the top one percent at the cost of the middle class will surely come back to bite the Republicans and their candidate.

Then of course there’s that other meaning for 8 – as in being behind the 8-ball, and that’s where Romney probably will be with voters on Nov. 4.



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18 Responses to The Story of 8

  1. Rob and Trish says:

    Connie, The reptilian Pat Robertson said recently that he knows who the next president will be. God told him. But he wasn’t supposed to say who it will be. Then he went on to talk about it for five minutes and what became clear is that the God of Pat does not like Barack Obama very much.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    Cj I agree with you. I have seen reptilians too, saw it ALL the time with Bush. In fact I didn’t really believe it until I saw it with my own eyes, and now the one govt. that they are pushing….I pray for a major event to wake everyone up!

  3. connie cannon says:

    But don’t we know in our true selves that none of this matters? The president has already been chosen and groomed by TPTB, and votes don’t make a smidgeon of difference. It’s all just a joke played on us, allowing us to believe we have a choice in who governs this country, when all the while under the radar the chess game has already got its pieces in place. Yeah, I know that makes me a conspiracy theorist, and in this, I tend to be exactly that because history seems to prove it to be the case. All the debates, all the campaigns, all the billions spent by the candidates….just part of the game they play out. It’s a done deal. We just don’t know who the person is yet who’s been selected this time. I accept the accusation of being a conspiracy theorist. Beeen around a very long time, and this seems to be the situation in terms of our elected officials. Our votes simply don’t matter.

    • I’m with you on that one. However, I do think the people do have a choice, as the establishment was behind Hillary Clinton, but the people were for Obama, so he had to be bought out when it was evident that he would be the Democratic nominee. I believe that he’s guaranteed a second term unless something truly goes wrong and the establishment has to dump him in favour of Mitt Romney. However, I think the real game is in 2016 when there will be a better line up on the Republican side: Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Scott Brown, Marco Rubio, John Thune, Rand Paul, and Nikki Haley. On the Democratic side, we might see Andrew Cuomo, Martin O’Malley, Elizabeth Warren, Kathleen Sebelius, Deval Patrick, James Webb, Mark Warner.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    I read somewhere that on election day it will be another mercury retrograde, and that their could be issues about election tampering etc. I believe the last time this happened was with Gore/Bush.
    Also, Holy Cow, did you listen to the interview on Whitley Streibers site with John Peterson? What could that major event in September be that changes all of us! A UFO, the rapture? I really am curious what you all think.
    I also found it interesting that John also felt strongly about sun activity affecting us, just as so many of us on this site have said.
    Sorry I got off topic!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      in the 2000 election, Mercury turned direct right after brokaw had announced that gore won Florida… a few minutes after Mercury’s turn, he said there was a problem with the ballots in palm beach county. We all know what happened after that. This year, Mercury will be turning retrograde on eleciton day. The results are going to be in the air. I think, for quite awhile…

  5. I believe that the moneyed elite behind the Republican Party are merely playing a game of appearances. They know that these pathetic slate of candidates are merely running for the right to be the sacrificial lamb. The real race is in 2016, when the big names will jump into the race.

    The nomination is Romney’s. There is no way Santorum will be allowed to be the nominee. If he gets close, I’m certain skeletons are going to come out of the closet, just like they did for Herman Cain (y’all remember Cain, right???). While Romney has the best chance of any to beat Obama, I don’t think its going to happen because Romney has the same liabilities as John McCain and John Kerry. None of those three are well liked within their own party, all three are super wealthy with multiple homes, and they all have flip flopped on issues, causing people to not trust them.

    When I left the Navy, I got one of the best compliments ever. Several sailors told me, “I don’t like your views on politics or religion, but I appreciate that I always knew where you stood.” I think most people think the same way. They prefer someone they know where they stand on issues than someone who is wishy-washy / flaky. So, buh-bye, Romney! His campaign will be good publicity for the Mormon Church, but hopefully, he has a “Plan B” for after November.

  6. Lauren Raine says:

    It’s very frightening to think of these men leading our nation, of what they represent.

  7. Darren B says:

    To me the number 8 represents infinity.I always picture it laying sideways.

  8. Interesting – just 8 votes seems remarkable. One of our UK newspapers summed up the two candidates Romney and Santorum: “One’s such a puritan he won’t touch coffee. The other’s a hardline Christian who’d bomb Iran. Yesterday they became Republican front-runners for the White House – and Obama would be a fool to write them off.” Is that how you see it in the US?

  9. gypsy says:

    well, about the 8 ball – a place for everything/everyone and everything/everyone in its place, i always say! 😉

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