Fortune Cookie Synchro

Today we offer a fortune cookie post. It’s appropriately brief.

Fortune cookies are a form of divination, which makes those little messages inside the sweet cookies all potential synchroncities. Here’s a good one from Rob Lessman, who posted it recently in one of the synchronicity sites on Facebook.


“At the Chinese restaurant, my wife told me about this thing she and her friends used to do: Adding the words ‘in bed’ to each fortune being read off. Right after she told me, I opened MY fortune cookie…


We like to pose questions before opening the fortune cookie to see if we get an answer. We’ll have to try adding ‘in bed’ and see what happens.

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11 Responses to Fortune Cookie Synchro

  1. Haven’t any experience with fortune cookies but I guess ‘in bed’ would add an interesting dimension. Love the new colours.

  2. gypsy says:

    NOW, we’re cookin’ with color!!! oh, yeah!!! L O V I N’ it all! way to go!

  3. Glad to know that I’m not the only one who uses the ending “in bed.” A friend of mine told me about this more than a decade ago and it always gets a laugh.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    My husband is 7 years older than me. I love to tease him about it especially when he says things like ” when I was in college…” and I’ll say ” I was in High School!” etc. anyway we were having one of these silly convos,( honestly the age difference has never been an issue) and we were at a chinese restaurant and my fortune said ” Better to be an older mans love than a younger mans fool!”
    My husband said ” How True” and promptly kissed me!

  5. Nancy says:

    This reminds me of the little fortune cookie message I carry in my wallet. My husband and I were discussing the fact that I want to travel to more places than he does. He works, his time is limited, he travels often for business, and the very last thing he wants to do in his free time is travel to foreign destinations. He prefers to spend his time in Maui – doing the things he finds relaxing. I, on the other hand, have a great deal of free time and wish to see sights unseen. Just as we are ending the discussion our fortune cookies arrived – here is mine:

    “You desire to discover new frontiers. It’s time to travel.”

  6. Darren B says:

    On the subject of fortune cookies,I was at Mike Perry’s Blog “67 Not Out” last night
    (my time,that is) reading his post “The Answer To If Is The Answer To Life”
    and I found all these great quotes on one of those quote sites,relating to Fate vs Chance.
    I thought they were so good that I felt I just had to put them all into the comment section of the post.
    Then when I looked back up the comment column,it looked like I had just been opening fortune cookies and laying the contents out into the comment box.
    So I ended the comment with this explanation;
    “Sorry,I felt like baking a batch of fortune cookies tonight.
    Bon Appétit.”
    Then I went to bed,because I was starting to fall asleep at the computer.
    So,it was “time to go to bed”for me.
    I also watched the movie “Dragon:The Bruce Lee Story” this afternoon,so the past 24 hours has had a very distinct Oriental flavour to it for me.
    2012 is the Chinese “Year of the Dragon”, yet another completion cycle.
    What a year it is shaping up to be for the worlds cultures.

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