
Can you figure out that title? Hint ‘Frigga’ means Friday…and there’s a phobia at the end.

Yes, Friday the 13th. If there’s any superstition that the average Muggle abides by, it’s the fear of Friday falling on the 13th of the month and the supposed bad luck that goes with the day.

However, among those who transit the mystical underground, I’ve noticed that some of us don’t abide by the bad luck scenario, and even consider it as a day of good luck. Maybe that’s because 13 is a lucky number in paganism– as in 13 lunar cycles in a year. There are lots of theories about the origin of the superstition, but I’m not going into that here.

Instead, here’s the story. Trish and I were supposed to do interviews today  about The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity for Whitley Streiber’s radio show, Dreamland, and Unknown Country’s subscriber Podcast. What happened? Mid-morning we received an e-mail from Anne Streiber saying that she was ill after returning from an 11-hour flight from London. So the show is being re-scheduled for a latter date.

So, it could be construed as bad luck–no interviews…or good luck in that we don’t have to do our interviews now on Friday the 13th! 😉

Sorry to bombard everyone with three posts today, but we couldn’t pass up Friggatriskaidekaphobia.

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12 Responses to Friggatriskaidekaphobia

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Actually, I just noticed another interesting number progression. The title of the post before this one was 8-9-10-11-12. Followed by Friday the 13th!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree, Mike! Belief seems to be key about everything.

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Must try and remember that word! I'm writing this on the 14th but had a great day yesterday. Partly it's the old thing about, if you believe it's unlucky then it will be.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please excuse my mis-type! I hit the wrong key. Jesus had 12 disciples, not 10, and that did not include whoever "the beloeved" disciple may have been. So, He had 13 disciples. cj

  5. Anonymous says:

    Raksha, in the ancient, traditional Wiccan Coven there are 13 adepts, including the High Priest and High Priestess. But in Christianity, there was Jesus and 10 disciples, plus "the Beloved" disciple who was never named but was alluded to in the New Testament, thus 13. 13, as with any other frequency, has both a positive and negative pole. I've never seen a building with a 13th floor, which I find interesting.
    cj WV: adeetr

  6. Raksha says:

    You WOULD have to remind me! So in paganism 13 is considered a lucky number? Somehow I never heard that before, and it's going to take a little getting used to. My birthday is February 13th…and I turned 13 on Friday the 13th!!! I tell everyone who will listen it's been downhill ever since.


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I love #13 too!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a neat 13 story! and trish, i just sent you a note saying "no stage fright today" – i see i was right! 😉

    dear goodness, cousin cj – what an idea! where's the piano, trish? 😉

    wv= glarithr [glare at her]?

  9. Anonymous says:

    If I may go off subject and briefly return to Stephanie's comments about the sky-written numbers, 7744 6, I have a request. Could someone with access to a piano play this: GGDD-interval-F as a single chord: GGtwice, simultaneously with DD twice simultaneously with F, (a three-fingered chord), then go back and play the notes separately: G-interval-G-interval-D-interval-D-pause-F, (a series of five-fingered notes), and see if the resulting tunes are in any manner familiar? I don't have access to an instrument, and this came to me a little while ago during meditation. Would appreciate any help. Thanks!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Gee, Guys, sorry to hear about the postponed interview, but we know everything happens for a reason, right? My paternal GrandDad, who was the most grounded person who ever drew a breath, and a brilliant engineer, would not leave the house on any Friday the 13th. As for me, my whole birth name number is 67=13=4, AND I'm pagan, so I love the number. Probably why my soul selected 13 to be my name number! It's always been very fortunate for me, and I try to schedule as many things as possible on a 13 day. Would love to hear about the experiences of the rest of the MU community on 13!

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