Out of the Blue

We write about our synchronicities here and share those that are sent to us, but Ray Schmitt has managed to film synchronicities as they were happening. To do so, he reached into his heart and in his search for answers reveals that synchronicities are deeply intertwined with our emotions – the second secret of synchronicity.

Ray began a two-year spiritual journey with his camera in September 2007 after suddenly losing his wife and film partner Judy Lee. He couldn’t imagine her ‘not being.’ Where did she go? She had to exist in some spiritual or energy form otherwise he would have been more devastated by the loss. He set out to re-examine, or affirm, his belief system.

That’s the premise of his new documentary, Out of the Blue. Using Ken Burn’s film, “The Brooklyn Bridge,” as a metaphor, Ray builds a bridge to the metaphysical world. He travels to Mexico and has numerous synchronistic encounters, including meeting the widows who share their own personal stories.Ray explores whether things can exist in different forms or dimensions, how the universe connects with us and us with the universe, and how inspirational thoughts or messages can seemingly come out of the blue.

Here’s a trailer. And it’s available here.

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14 Responses to Out of the Blue

  1. Ray says:

    I want to see the entire film. the trailer itself is profound.

    Ray G

  2. Anonymous says:

    Hi Nancy,

    I have your order. Thanks. DVD will be mailed off tomorrow.


  3. Nancy says:

    I just ordered the film. I know someone who just might need this right now.


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Ray – glad you stopped by. I think your film will be a terrific success. I'll copy the link to your website and put it in the post.

    Gypsy – oops. Dominica. Hmm.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yep – as in dominica! 🙂

  6. Ray says:

    Hi Rob and all the others who commented on my trailer. I really appreciate what you have all said. Hearing comments like those make this filmmaking process so rewarding. I really appreciate your taking the time to comment.

    The film is available on my website: http://www.realearthproductions.com

    You can also email me from the website because I would be glad to talk more about synchronicity and how it affected my life.

    Ray Schmitt

  7. simple simon says:

    "out of the blue" huh,,, a guy who gets laughed at by his family, claims to have, well actually is run over with synchro's,,,, lets see,, his last name CHECK cousin last name CHECK high school girl friend CHECK,, boy hood sports idle CHECK,, but out of the blue this morning true,, he was doing some thinking, (no really) when he realized that he had made construction his Kraft,, wonder what the name of his first construction employeer,, (when he was 16-19) WAS, can we guess…. on topic right Rob,, just this smorning came across this….. Out O. the B.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I watched this documentary early this morning before the post came up, and was impressed. Ray goes to Mexico with his video camera and 'randomly' encounters teachers on his path, many who have lost spouses. He interviews them, all adding to the story.

    The DVD is available. I know Ray through the blog. He comes here from time to time and leaves e-mails. Hopefully, he'll come on and leave a comment here.

    He also has other documentaries, including another new one called, 'Our Phishing Trip,' which he describes as a 'synchronistic documentary' about a road trip to a Phish concert in Knoxville, Tennesse with stops along the way to talk with musicians, artists, filmmakers, actors, adn Phish fans. A couple of Phish songs are included. – R

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I hope this documentary will be available in England. Having lost loved ones I know that they live on – but a little 'back up' helps to reinforce this at difficult times.

  10. whalechaser says:

    Maybe dying is the beginning to really living. When you have experienced the deep loss of losing someone you really cherished, life takes a whole new meaning. Material things become meaningless, essence of life begins to take over and shows you wonderful things you never knew existed.

  11. Anonymous says:

    What a gentle yet magnetic glimpse of "what is" and of "what may be".
    One has only to lose a beloved to KNOW, beyond any shadow of any doubt, that there is More. That the law of physics which states "matter cannot be destroyed; only changed". Viewing this and listening to is as a MUST.
    It says 'coming out in Spring 2010Is it available? cj

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Can't wait to see the film. Go Nica?? As in Dominica?

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    totally mesmerizing, just the trailer – cannot wait for the whole thing! beautifully begun – and i've asked those same questions as i'm sure we all have – but he has done the exploration!

    how did you come about hearing of him? thanks SO much for sharing!

    wv=ganica [trish, i'm reminded of "go nica" with this one!] interesting for this post i thought!~

  14. Natalie says:

    What a wonderful idea. I am interested to see where he goes with it. 🙂

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