Rongo-Rongo Synchronicity

Here’s one that Dale Dassel sent a couple of days ago. By way of introduction, Dale is Indiana Jones fan #001.

Last night I logged onto Wikipedia to do some research for my story, and there was an article on the decipherment of the Easter Island Rongo-Rongo script, which immediately reminded me of the novel Indiana Jones and the Interior World. As I read the article, I decided that I wanted to reread the novel this weekend. I took the book from my shelf and flipped open the cover. I read the preface, and then turned it over to read the author’s inscription written for me several years ago. Here is the synchronicity: The date of the inscription: 4/5/04 – which also happens to be today’s date! Plus five years.

But here’s what makes it a double synchronicity. The author of the novel, Rob MacGregor, is the same one runs this synchronicity blog, along with his wife, novelist T.J. MacGregor. How cool is that?

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