Haunting synchro

This one is not about ghosts…well, it is in a way.

At 7 p.m. EST last night, Newt Gingrich was named the winner of the South Carolina Republican primary. An hour later, on Turner Classic Movies, Letter to Three Wives, came on. We assume these movies are programmed well in advance.

For those not paying close attention to American GOP politics, Gingrich’s achilles’ heel is his legacy of three wives and the sordid way he left the first two. He was in the midst of an extra-marital affair with future wife three (future ex-wife?) when he was leading the attack on President Clinton for his affair with M.L. This past week, wife two in a tell-all interview with ABC exposed Newt’s request for an open marriage while he was acting outraged about Clinton’s tryst.

So on the night that this hypocrite turned the tide in the primary fight for the GOP nomination in his favor, he was awarded with a little haunting synchro from the invisible world.

All that said, his private life is the least of our worries if this unstable egotist who spewed a dozen lies during his victory speech last night, is elected to the highest office in the land.

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20 Responses to Haunting synchro

  1. Nancy says:

    A Dangerous Method is a current movie? Off to find it.

    I have to agree Newt is dangerous – he is absolutely without morals and he’s intelligent. Scary fellow.

  2. Lauren Raine says:

    hi again………..hope you don’t mind that I copied a comment from this post. You got me thinking about things………….thanks again!

  3. I saw “A Dangerous Method” on Saturday and loved hearing Carl Jung say, “I don’t believe in coincidence” as well as taking Freud to task on his obsession with sex being the root cause of all afflictions. There’s also a great scene in a dialogue between Freud and Jung when Jung is trying to make the case for why psychology should allow for a spiritual understanding, as well. Great movie!

    As for Newt, I really don’t think he will get the nomination. He has too much baggage and is unlikable (he has never really been popular with people and he was the first Speaker of the House to be ousted by his own party). He can, however, inflict much damage on the eventual nominee Mitt Romney so that all Democrats have to do is replay Newt’s comments about Mitt. Plus, when Romney gets the nomination, Newt’s hatred of him might cause Newt to run as the Tea Party alternative and I wouldn’t be surprised if he picked Palin as a running mate.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Newt’s a sad case.

      OK, a dangerous method now goes on my list! Thanks for the recommendation.

      • Michael Fassbender as Carl Jung was absolutely phenomenal and so was Viggo Mortensen as Sigmund Freud. Every scene with the two of them just sparkled. It was awesome to witness two great minds debating the future of psychology and there’s one scene in particularly that I think you will love, when Jung tries to prove to Freud that an external event has coincided with an internal feeling. Freud, of course, was dismissive about it.

        The only “flaw” I found in the film was Keira Knightley. I thought she was over-acting at times and it was really annoying (when she was having her “crazy” episodes and making her mouth extend like a fish or something strange like that).

        But I really loved the psychological depth of this film and enjoyed seeing Freud and Jung on the big screen, fleshed out with human temptations. If it were up to me, I’d give Fassbender the Best Actor Oscar this year (I like Clooney, but that talked about role in “The Descendants” was not nearly as great an accomplishment as Fassbender’s portrayal of Jung).

  4. I think we all have to project the concept that Newt can’t possibly win. Erase the thought from our minds so that it doesn’t travel. Actually, it may be a good thing he won in South Carolina so the Republican’s can keep on dumping on each other.

  5. Lauren Raine says:

    If he wins, like you say, we’ll be a nation that says hypocrisy and lying don’t matter. I have to say that he also represents a world view that is so out of touch with the reality of our global concerns……….we so desperately need visionary leadership that can address global warming.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Great synchro!!!
    This is the first time that 3 different people have won in 3 separate primaries, so I don’t think this SC primary means too much.
    Again, just love the synchro! He is SUCH a hypocrite!

  7. So, you don’t like him then!?

    It’s been mentioned briefly on our BBC news but no real comment made about this – other than that the winner at South Carolina usually ends up as leader (if that’s the right word). I see that Florida is next. Oh, the news item did say that it’s about to turn ‘dirty’ – but aren’t they on the same side!

  8. DJan says:

    It scares me to think that Newt Gingrich might have even the smallest chance to become President. He’s not only terrifying, but his ideas are all wrong for this country (in my opinion). I always enjoy your synchros, thinking about the messages all around us if only we have the will to look.

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