Connecting with Atlantis

Following yesterday’s post about dolphins and the planet, here’s a personal story.


This experience/synchro is related to Atlantis and was sent by a British woman, Jenny Yemaya Cook. It’s a fascinating tale, which includes references to the ancient Miami Circle, which provides clear evidence that ancient man resided in what is now called the Bermuda Triangle. The letter was originally addressed to Rob and Bruce Gernon, who co-authored THE FOG: A Never Before Published Theory of the Bermuda Triangle Phenomenon.

Dear Bruce & Rob,

I’ve just watched the documentary you did on the Bermuda Triangle aired on Channel 5 here in the UK, where I am from. I felt compelled to write to you and tell you of my experiences in Bimini and Miami.

I first came to Bimini in 1998.  I had read Edgar Cayce’s theories on Atlantis and felt a strong need to visit there. A series of quite extraordinary circumstances finally led me to the island and I ended up living and working there with the wild dolphins for two years. Three weeks into my stay on the island I had a dream that I was back in time thousands of years standing in a stone circle on the edge of a harbour peninsular in Miami, which I knew to be in a direct east alignment with the Bimini islands. There were symbols and artifacts in the circle with me and I was performing a ceremony.

When I woke up from the dream, I asked the people I was staying with if there was an ancient stone circle in Miami, but they said no. This was 1998, and about a month later the Miami Circle was discovered on Brickell Point. The artifacts that were found, the eye carved into the stone on the east alignment and the position of the circle on the harbour entrance were EXACTLY as I had dreamed a month earlier.

Shortly after this dream, I led a group of women on a trip out to the Bimini vortex, about 40 miles NE of Bimini. As we approached the grid coordinates, it felt as if we were entering an area of dense energy, like going through a wall of fog. All of the electrical equipment on the boat broke down and the compass just started to spin back and forth with no direction.

We anchored the boat and although we were advised  to stay out of the water, I entered with snorkel gear. As I dived down it was like a spiraling vortex and I became weightless, and was unable to tell which way was up or down. It was very disorientating. We did a meditation at the vortex and I had an emotional recollection of Atlantis and its destruction.

Later that night, once we were back on the island, I laid outside on a sun lounger, watching the full moon rise. I fell asleep at one point and when I opened my eyes I saw 7 UFO’s lined up in the sky. I had seen a UFO in the UK as a child with my parents, a saucer like the one you described, about 300 feet in diameter.

I now run regular retreats each year on Bimini and am in the process of buying properties on the island and setting up a permanent retreat center there. Here is the link.


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12 Responses to Connecting with Atlantis

  1. As far as i know i am not related to Captain Cook…Although i certainly have his sense of adventure 😉

    Here is the link to the Horizon series on The Miami Circle.

    As with all these things they can only go back as far as “science” dictates, which to them is the earliest know inhabitants of this area The Tequesta Indians. I have no doubt that the Tequesta inhabited the site at a later date than its origins, which i believe to be Atlantean.

  2. Lovely comments and thank you for posting my letter Rob & Trish.
    Back when i first had that experience in the Bimini Vortex in 1998 and had the recollection of the destruction of Atlantis it was like viewing parallel realities of how the power was misused then (during Atlantis) for personal greed and gain, whilst at this time the same scenario is playing out in our lifetimes. The alpha and the omega, except this time we come to it with the experience and awareness of what went wrong before. We are at a critical crossroads…A choice point and the future is in our hands. The new consciousness being brought forth is the rising of Atlantis. As more of us raise the frequency and vibration, particularly from the vortex points on the planetary grid, the energies are amplified and sent forth to create the change the planet needs. We are creating The ARC (Atlantis Rejuvenation Center) in Bimini as a light generator and gathering place for those souls called to participate in the earth changes at this time. Others are gathering around the world at ancient sacred sites and vortex points and the grid is being reconnected. The whales and dolphins that i work and play with are reconnecting the underwater grid. These are powerful times for change. The ancients knew of these power points and left us the signs and markers, we are slowly recognising the enormity and power of such places, there for us to tune into.
    I also noticed you have a face in the clouds story 🙂 Loving our synchronistic connection and look forward to meeting you in Bimini one day.
    Jenny Yemaya

  3. Nancy says:

    I clicked on the link and wish her the very best on making her dream a reality. It sounds like a magical place. There are so many stories like this one that seems to be circulating lately. It may be an uncertain time in history, but it is also exciting. People are following their intuition and trusting their way to what they should be doing. Soul purpose is important right now and stories such as this one help the rest of us to trust in ours.

    • That is a really wonderful story. I would love to go have a look for myself.

      I remember reading about the Bermuda Triangle and Atlantis as a child. When I asked my father what he thought of the disappearing vehicles in the triangle, he told me a story about being in the Bermuda Triangle when he was in the Navy in the early 1950’s. He said that there was fog and that the navigation instruments went crazy. He and some other sailors were sent to watch for obstacles in the low visibility. He was the only one who didn’t become violently ill so he stayed out on watch in the freezing cold fog and rain throughout the night by himself. I can’t remember more than that. But I know that he never wanted to go back there. I always wondered about the cold down there. Isn’t it always warm in Bermuda?

      • Rob and Trish says:

        It IS a cool story. Bermuda is the northern most point of the triangle. Bimini is way south, in the Bahamas. Interesting story about your dad, Butternut!

  4. Darren B says:

    I noticed that when you click on the link above
    and go to Jenny’s site,she has her own face in the clouds
    story to tell,as well.
    I was also wondering if Jenny Yemaya Cook is somehow related to the man who is “officially” credited with discovering Australia – Captain James Cook ?
    Another interesting fact about Cook,that I just realized,was that he was killed in a massacre on the 14th Feb 1779,which is St.Valentine’s day,oddly enough.Not that it means anything as far as this post goes,I just thought that it was interesting,that’s all.

    I did a post about wooden ships on my own blog today and Cook’s wooden ship was called the “Endeavour”…and Jenny Yemaya Cook seems to be on her own endeavour to claim this land on Bimini.
    My Favourite NRL football team are located just up the road from where Cook first set foot on Austarlia,along Captain Cook Drive;
    And the field that they play on was called “Endeavour Field” originally,before the days of sponsor’s names replacing the original names of stadiums.
    Now they’re trying to sell some of their land to stay afloat in the NRL. If they don’t succeed the club will be financially sunk and either re-located or thrown out of the NRL.
    So there are a few syncs here…or should I say…sinks .-)

  5. Adelita says:

    What a fabulous dream story, past life and precognitive all rolled into one.

  6. I’ve been attracted to the stories of Atlantis and Lemuria since way, way back. Great post but have to admit that I hadn’t heard about the Miami Circle previously.

    In an old book I have about Cayce he talks of the Atlantis technology using special crystals. He says that “the records as to ways of constructing same are in three places on earth as it stands today.” It is interesting that one of these places is “under the slime of ages near what is known as Bimini …”

  7. fortune500 says:

    Today I’m going to pull out my copy of THE FOG and read it again. For no apparent reason, Atlantis has been on my mind in recent weeks, even months, but I haven’t read THE FOG since Rob sent me a copy when it was initially released, and that has been a few years. Although we live on the ocean (it’s directly east of our home) I’ve never felt any kind of close connection to it, as many thousands of folks feel. I’m a “woods” person instead. However, lately the sea seems to be “calling” to me and, again, Atlantis keeps coming into my mind. Cayce spoke of Atlantis rising, and I’ve begun to wonder if perhaps his prediction didn’t refer to an actual rising of the original continent itself, but rather of our own country falling into the exact same circumstances that caused the destruction of that great, highly advanced culture and
    peoples. It’s a disturbing thought, but not without some merit, considering the direction in which we are so rapidly disintegrating. Now off to grab THE FOG for deeper study!

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