The Assault on Women’s Health

Imagine it. You’re a woman, single or not, who has made the difficult decision to have an abortion.  But before you can have the procedure, you are mandated to have a transvaginal ultrasound, where a probe, a wand,  is inserted into your vagina. According to Medline Plus, “this probe sends out sound waves which reflect off body structures. A computer receives these waves and uses them to create a picture. The doctor can immediately see the picture on a nearby TV monitor.”

The point of such an unnecessary procedure, of course, is to get the woman who wants the abortion to look at the ultrasound image and change her mind about the abortion. It’s one more weapon in the right-wing arsenal to overturn Roe V Wade. In Florida, in fact, if you refuse to look at the ultrasound image, it will be noted in your medical records. So, let’s say fifteen years later you’re in the midst of a bitter divorce and custody battle and your spouse’s attorney requests that your medical records be submitted as evidence that you’re an unfit parent. She wouldn’t even look at the ultrasound image.

The most recent battleground over this issue was Virginia. According to the Washington Post:  “In Virginia, the bill began muscling its way through a legislature that recently came under the rule of GOP conservatives. It moved ahead despite an outcry from women and Democrats, including a female lawmaker who called it ‘state-mandated rape’ and another who made her point with a failed amendment requiring rectal prostate exams for men seeking Viagra prescriptions.”

Nearly 1,500 women silently protested this bill in Virginia’s capitol and presented Governor Bob McDonnell with petitions that had than 30,000 names  protesting the bill. Then the bill was lampooned on Saturday Night Live and uh-oh, suddenly the popular culture was informed. And apparently the Republican  politicians realized they were on the wrong side of this bill. The governor backed down. Maybe it finally dawned on him that the majority of voters are women.

The Guttmacher Institute, which researches abortion-related issues, is keeping close tabs on this issue. Here’s how they break down the ultrasound laws around the U.S.:

Existing laws: Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas

Enjoined laws (not currently in effect): North Carolina, Oklahoma

Bills pending that require ultrasounds: Alabama, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Virginia

Bills pending that require doctors to offer ultrasounds: Iowa, Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey

Even in conservative Mississippi, a bill that would have banned most forms of contraception, was dropped.

This assault on women’s health and choices is appalling and horrifying. We live in the 21st century and Roe V Wade has been federal law since  1973. And what’s with the attempts to ban birth control?

As Rob has said repeatedly, to a Republican, you’re a person only until you’re born. After that, sorry, you’re on your own. You can’t have health insurance, we’re going to take away your public education, we’re going to make life so hard for you that you’re going to wish you were just a fetus again.

Is this the reality we desire for democracy??












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10 Responses to The Assault on Women’s Health

  1. lauren raine says:

    Patriarchal culture is not just an interesting idea, it’s an institution that has been around a very long time, and is very deeply embedded in the way we think, not to mention our religions. From Paul saying in the Bible that “A woman should not be suffered to speak” to what you describe on this post………there it is, deeply entrenched. It’s important to remember that black men were granted the right to vote in this country 50 years before women were. Think about it……….people of color were considered responsible human beings with the right to “speak” and participate in a democracy 50 years before women were granted the same human rights.

    The issue of abortion, and birth control, is not about the fetus – clearly that is so, because these “religious” people have no concern for the horror that over-population is is bringing to the future of all people on this small planet – but the issue is really about the control of women and male privilege. Frankly, I feel this issue of female empowerment and choice is fundamental to our being able to create any kind of sustainable future……any kind at all.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    One problem that I have seen is that the younger generation of women do not fully realize that we really only just got these rights and how tenuous they are.
    Tell our younger voters how important this is and that their vote does count.

    It scares me to see what is going on, and “not an invasive procedure?” Bend Over!!!
    I agree what kind of country are we becoming?!

  3. Nancy says:

    The Republican party wants to take us back to the Dark Ages. I’m so glad I live on the West Coast.

  4. Yes, Trish – this subject is appalling and horrifying. It leaves me speechless, only because there is so much to say about such a depressing state of affairs. And why should any man have a say about what any woman should do with her body? Perhaps women should take charge and decide for men what they should do about their bodies. We could come up with some good ones, maybe “fix” them like dogs. How would they like that? I’m so mad I probably shouldn’t post this. “The devil made me do it.”

  5. The ultrasound seems scary legislation. As awful as it is, I suppose you also have to ask: if that could happen, what next?

  6. DJan says:

    I really like the Viagra prescription proposal. Turnabout is fair play. I know that most women who have had abortions agonize over the need for it, but to put these kinds of roadblocks in their way is unconscionable. Thanks for pointing all this out, Trish.

    And Rob is right: once they’re born, they are on their own. What kind of country are we becoming?

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