What’s with the Phoenix?


If you Google the word Phoenix,  931 million links come up, everything from Phoenix, Arizona to NASA’s Phoenix Mars Lander to the phoenix bird. So it makes sense that on any given day, people may be searching for this word. If you have anything related to phoenix on your blog or website and allow Google to index your site, then chances are some people find their way to your blog through that word.

We use sitemeter here, a counter that provides various types of information about how people find our blog. On November 2, 2010, we posted this story  about the 2010 election results and used the above image of a phoenix. The image addressed the Republican party’s rebirth/victory in the Congress. Rising from the ashes and all that!
Within a few days, we noticed that our hits were soaring and that at least a third of the hits were coming with the search terms: phoenix or phoenix picture. Trish wrote to Mike Perry, who knows a lot about blogging and synchronicity, and asked if he had any ideas about why this particular word might be generating so many hits. He suggested they could be coming from Google images. Sure enough, when we checked the referring URL in sitemeter, nearly every phoenix hit was coming from Google images – not from a blog or website that had mentioned our blog.  In other words, people were entering the word phoenix in Google images, which Google claims is the most comprehensive image search tool on the Web.  
So now the question becomes: why are so many people searching for phoenix? These queries are coming from all over the world – from Brazil to Thailand, Canada to Malta, Istanbul to the Phillipines, Europe to the U.S. It’s the sort of pattern that may provide a glimpse into the collective unconscious.
The phoenix appears in the mythologies of the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, Chinese and Phoenicians. According to the Britannica online, among the Egyptians, it was associated with the worship of the sun. Only one of these magnificent birds existed at any time. It was exceptionally long lived and as its final days approached, it was said to create a nest of various herbs and spices, then it set the nest on fire and immolated itself. A new phoenix was born from its ashes.
In China, the phoenix is considered to be one of the most important legendary creatures, second only to the dragon, and is considered to be the leader of birds. In Japan, the phoenix is called fushicho, which means immortal bird. Then, of course, there’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, dedicated to defeating Voldemort  – the darkest wizard in history – and protecting his targets.
Symbolically, the phoenix is associated with rebirth, immortality, renewal. So what could this word possibly be telling us? Since we believe in synchronicity, it’s ridiculous to write it off as random coincidence.
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29 Responses to What’s with the Phoenix?

  1. bookworm4ever says:

    I looked at your blog and I need this picture of a phoenix because I need a relevant photo for my review of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on the Examiner, the online newspaper I write for. I will credit the photo to your blog on my review. If you'd like me to send you the link to my review so you can see how your photo has been adjusted (only in size), you can go to my own blog on Blogger and comment on one of my posts. I will reply with the link when the review is published (by the end of this week for sure). Thanks so much!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>On this day in time when people are rising up against tyranny and oppression all over the world, not just in one or two countries, I believe is the direct result of the Phoenician (Phoenix's domain) influence.

    Thanks Syn, well put.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, syn, for the explanation!

  4. SynAesthene says:

    I surfed in using Google to search for the keywords, "Synchronicity" and "psychic". I've studied a bit about synchronicity in conjunction with Quantum and with psychic ability. Ironically enough, I believe it's all connected.
    I saw a post that caught my eye on this site about the Phoenix and that's how I got here. It might be a good time to mention that I believe that the Phoenix is far more ancient and meaningful than we realize and has manifest itself in the appearance of wings around the solar eclipse that inspired such symbols from the winged solar disk of the Ahura Mazda to the fantastic presence of the feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl. These are more than myth and are destined all to return from the ashes, sometimes the ashes are a metaphor meaning destruction or trial by fire in some way.
    Most of these symbols have something to do with teaching us language, which could be construed as light. That the myths are all so similar is no mere coincidence, I believe it is synchronicity.
    On this day in time when people are rising up against tyranny and oppression all over the world, not just in one or two countries, I believe is the direct result of the Phoenician (Phoenix's domain) influence.
    I was moved by the stories I read here and the Phoenix, symbol of hope and resurrection shines brightly through all of them.

    la Esperanza es Verde.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Phoenix – thanks for letting us know!! What a cool screen name.

  6. Phoenix says:

    My screen name is Phoenix, and I use this image for my avatar. Whenever I create some new profile somewhere, it's always just a Google search away.

    Thanks for holding on to it for me. 😀

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous – thanks for letting us know!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    I just started to write a profile to a page for singles and it requires one to create a username that is visible to other users. I though of the situation where I am right now – atfer lost of dark and confusing time it is time to see the rays of light again and also – hopefully – find a new relatioship. So the story of Pnoenix, a mythological bird came to my mind. And that's why I googled it – and ended on this page 🙂

  9. Brizdaz says:

    Sorry to read about Meghan's passing,but what a wonderful story about all the synchronicities you mentioned above,and I agree with Trish – this story deserves it's own post,not just to honour Meghan (isn't that Trish and Rob's daughter's name – sync 1 .-) ,but to spread hope (Esperanza,Trish's book title,which is mentioned in the above comment about your daughters web-page – sync 2)
    to others who are looking for answers after the death of a loved one.
    You say "On 08/04/2010, the word Phoenix appeared 7 times"
    (The * 7 * Secrets of Synchronicity,the book you just "happened" to run into in the wrong part of the Barns and Noble store…hmmmm – sync 3)
    Trish…I don't want to put you on the spot…but if B doesn't own a copy of "7 Secrets"…maybe you could send her an autographed copy for free.
    (If not I'll gladly foot the bill)
    You say "I proudly gave the bishop Christa's Confirmation name, Meghan" (Christa is the female variation of Christ,who rose again from the dead {like the phoenix from the ashes},just as I'm sure Meghan has – sync 4).
    "…on 34th street, we passed a store, Phoenix Scaffolding"
    (Scaffolding is a means of support while the main structure is being built…so the phoenix synchs could all be Meghan,or the cosmos,giving you the support signs needed to you and your family as a wink and a code to say "Please don't fret,I still exist and I'm always with you ".

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    B – wow. This story is amazing and is the first feedback we've received on synchronicities involving this phrase. I'd like to bring it forward as a post. This is really an amazing instance of spirit communication through clusters. Would you mind sending us an email (listened at the top of the blog), with your name? I mean, if you feel comfortable with that. Your story could be of benefit to others.

    Thank you so much for sharing this.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Trish and Rob, reading your Phoenix entry has me completely ??!!! Phoenix has been part of my daily conciousness since 8/4/2010. Two years after my daughter passed. Phoenix will appear at least once a day, average 3 times a day. It will not appear if I purposely look for it. I just have to let it show up. Whether the word or image. When it shows, I smile and say, "Hi Meghan, I love you". What to make of it as it seem to be in the consciousness of others as well??

    (proud mother of DIPG angel Meghan

  12. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for this long entry. I am not too blog savvy and had to break this up into 2 :

    My daughter, Meghan, was diagnosed in 9/2007 with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma, a malignant cancer of the pons of the brainstem. She died about 9 months later 7/2008, in Phoenix, Arizona. She was 13 years old. Since her passing, we have been blessed with MANY synchronicitous events.
    In September 2010, I was in Barnes & Nobles and came across your book "7 secrets of synchronicity", and quickly read through some of the events. The book was in the opposite end of where it should be shelved and appeared to be the only copy in the store. That same night, I googled your names and was led to this incredible blog. I would have been happy to remain a silent reader, but your "Phoenix" entry electrified me. I have been away a couple of weeks, and just read the "Phoenix" entry late last night, and debated today whether I should write about my "Phoenix" synchro. The following is from my daughter's web page dated 10/25/ 2010:

    Monday, October 25, 2010 8:12 PM, CDT

    Of Phoenix, Esperanza & the Holy Spirit

    On 08/04/2010, the word Phoenix appeared 7 times to me between 9:45am and 1:04 pm. At the seventh appearance, I started to cry because I felt something elusive was being communicated to me. Phoenix, Arizona where Meghan died. Phoenix, the bird that symbolizes rebirth from death in many cultural mythologies. I wrote in my personal journal, "OK, I know this is not a coincidence. I'm paying attention. Phoenix. PHOENIX. Just thinking about this word is making me tear up again. God is speaking to my heart. And always Meghan. Birth, Death, Re-birth. Phoenix. THE PHOENIX. It will resonate again, I'm sure". The next day, I was at my EFT therapist. I said, "By the way, I wrote in my journal yesterday that the word Phoenix has appeared 7 times to me within 4 hours. I printed it out to show you, but forgot it at home". He looked at me with a glint in his eyes and said, "My dog is named Phoenix". Since then, Phoenix has appeared to me at least once a day in many forms. "Joaquin Phoenix"; banner ads for the "University of Phoenix"; in the form of a movie, "Flight of the Phoenix"; in the form of a newspaper, "Boston Phoenix", when we were in Marlborough, Massachusetts. It will not appear if I purposefully go on the lookout for it. One day I set out to find it, but it did not show up and I finally gave up on its appearance, and took my shower. My husband was watching Seinfeld on TV and George Costanza said, "Phoenix", just as I was getting in bed at 11:58 pm. I said, "thank you Meghan", and went to sleep with a smile on my face.
    On 10/13/2010, at Camp Esperanza, 33 Chilean miners were carried up from the depths of the earth by a capsule named "Phoenix". On that same day, I had the honor of being a Sponsor to Meghan's best friend, Christa, as she received the Sacrament of Confirmation. With my right hand on her right shoulder, I proudly gave the bishop Christa's Confirmation name, Meghan. On 10/19/2010, we attended the 2nd annual Cristian Rivera Foundation Gala. On the drive into NYC, we passed a New Jersey car advertising "Phoenix Diversified Holdings". The Gala was very well attended, practically standing room only. John Rivera was happy to see us there, supporting him. Highlight of the night came when John Rivera presented Dr. Mark Souweidane with a check specifically for Pontine Glioma.
    And of course, leaving the city, on 34th street, we passed a store, Phoenix Scaffolding …

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    very weirder, for sure –
    hmmmm…..i feel a poem coming on "searching for the phoenix"!

    wv = ingluc – in glue – include?

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    OK, this is getting progressively weirder with this phoenix stuff. I open a book to the first chapter – and the title? Our Phoenixlike Transformation. The book? Penney Peirce's Frequency:the power of personal vibration.

  15. Clarity says:

    And yet another Phoenix! I've had some synchro's with mirrored numbers lately like 1221 and 1441, so today I decided to Google 1441 and the first post I clicked on was an excerpt of a book named "Number Synchronicity: A Beacon Of Light For The Soul's Journey" by Skot Jonz. I scrolled up and (gulp) there was this picture with the word 'Phoenix' on it. It literally made me jump in my chair.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just as an aside, after i left this post the other day, i checked my sitemeter and discovered 11 phoenix word searches in 7 days – weird –

  17. Lauren says:

    I think the Phoenix is an appropriate image for our time…..we really are in a hugely transformative time. The Phoenix is not unlike the Butterfly/Caterpillar metaphor, a tale of dying to the old and being born again within a new cycle.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting! 3 phoenixes in a row!

  19. Clarity says:

    Whoah! I was thinking about the word 'Phoenix' in terms of how it's spelled in different languages today …and the inspiration came from a different source than any of those mentioned here. So apparently I've been part of the wave. As it signifies rebirth, could we be entering some sort of new phase? I can't imagine this doesn't mean anything. Very interesting!

  20. Natalie says:

    Went to the pre school disco last night……the little girl sitting next to me was called Phoenyx. 🙂

    wv = acesse

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    great wv, gypsy!

    Karen – any idea what the russian word is? Maybe all of us should use it.

  22. KarenG says:

    Interesting, and with all the Googling I've done I have never typed in the word phoenix. I read a post today where he found if he put in a Russian word he got a zillion hits. Weird how this all works.

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…..waves of high and low – just as the phoenix itself rises from the ashes to live again – i love the japanese word/meaning – wonderful curiosity about your site/hits – when you mentioned it to me and i checked my site, my biggest search word hits by far is "blood red moon" –

    and speaking of harry potter – guess what the wv is – yes, you guessed it: potterys! 😉

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – the search terms are either phoenix or phoenix pics or photos of phoenix. It comes in waves. Today, the wave is low. Yesterday and the day before, the wave was high. Weird.

  25. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's interesting that your phoenix pic doesn't come up on Google Images if the only word used is 'Phoenix'. The same pic you used does come up – but is directed to another website.

    Do you know if the search being used is only 'Phoenix'? Or is it combined with another word or words. For example your pic comes up for 'Phoenix synchronicity' or 'Phoenix red house' and probably quite a few others.

    It would be nice to solve the mystery!

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    darren – this phoenix thing started before the harry potter movie opened here in the U.S. But maybe it opened elsewhere after Nov 2.

  27. Brizdaz says:

    Re: "Then, of course, there’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix"

    I think you've hit the nail on the head,right there,Trish/Rob.
    The majority of Google-rs are probably Harry Potter Fans wondering what a Phoenix looks like.
    Although,there is a film doing the rounds on the internet called "Eye of the Phoenix" (which I haven't seen btw) and you can view it here if you want to:


    …that's if you're really keen,as it goes for 3 hours.

    …and there's even this website claiming /asking


    So fans for and against the Potter books are wanting to know just what is a phoenix and what does it look like?

    If you really want to increase traffic to this site,then I would suggest you stick a few more pictures of the phoenix on this site…but beware,you may attract an angry mob of fundamentalists baring lit torches (reminiscent of a Simpson's episode) wanting to reduce this site to ashes.Then you would have to raise it back up again .-)

  28. DJan says:

    That is very curious. I wonder, too, what it is that we are looking for when searching for images of the phoenix. Last year I mourned the loss of a eaglet who was named Phoenix, but I didn't see any uptick on my site when I posted a picture of him. But that was last summer. What is happening now?

  29. lakeviewer says:

    Very interesting!

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