
Today I joined Twitter and asked people to send their synchronicity stories. This one from Ray Getzinger showed up within ten minutes or so. I first met Ray years ago, when I received an e-mail from him about one of my books. He’s an avid reader and definitely has a great sense of story, as you’ll see from his synchronicity! He also wrote Girl With the Red Hair.


In 1980 I was working out of a tent at the Marine Corps Base Twenty Nine Palms California. One afternoon I was lying on top of my sleeping bag, reading a novel about an Icelandic romance. In one exciting scene they had to run from an impending volcano. I was so into the book that I almost missed the most important event of the day, heard on the radio.

Once I heard I focused on the real event. Mount St. Helens had just blown its top; the same mountain I had stared at out of the window of my high school classroom in Portland, Oregon twenty years earlier, America’s answer to Mount Fuji in Japan. Such beauty destroyed in an instant.


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3 Responses to Volcanoes

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure that things like volcanoes, earthquakes,tornadoes, hurricanes, violent natural disasters – whether we read about them or experience them – are wakeup calls of some kind. Maybe she did save your life, Ray. It would fit with your synchronicity!

  2. Ray says:

    I was involved helping provide medicl service for USMC aviation detachment for a training exercise at 29 Palms CA. During a down week between infantry battalions I was able to fly to Los Andgeles by helo. I hitchhiked to my wife’s aunt’s house. I caught a ride with a woman who took me all the way to my destination after first stopping to pick up her child at daycare. I was expecting to need several rides because of distance and complicated directions.

    Later I found out that there was a serial killer targeting male hitchhikers. Could this woman have saved my life? Trish, until you asked I never thought about that aspect. I just thought it was another coincidence.


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just curious, Ray. Since this story involves volcanoes, was there something big brewing in your life at the time?

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