Air Bud is back

I rarely watch Monday Night Football, but yesterday evening my sister in Minneapolis called and asked if I was watching the Minnesota home team, the Vikings. They were playing outdoors in the snow after their stadium roof collapsed and the game was moved to a college stadium. She said they were expecting eight more inches of snow. So I turned it on, watched the first half, and as expected the Chicago Bears pummeled then Vikings.

Since there were a lot of time outs and commercial breaks, I moved between rooms from television to computer, and back again. Noah, the faithful golden retriever would get up and go back and forth with me. Just before halftime, as I walked back to the game I noticed that Noah was carrying a football in his mouth. I turned to him, astonished. “Where did you get that?”

I don’t own a football and so I asked Trish about it. She said Noah sneaked outside when she went out and disappeared for a couple of minutes. She didn’t see him come back in, but he must’ve snatched  the ball from the neighbor’s yard. When Trish saw him with the ball, she snapped the picture with her cell phone. It was a surprising synchronicity, and made us wonder just how smart that dog is.

The title of course refers to the string comedies about a golden retriever, named Air Bud, who played several sports, successfully breaking the species barrier.

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17 Responses to Air Bud is back

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Sharon, I read Watchers years ago, but Megan is reading it right now, while she's on break. A great story about a golden retriever.

  2. sharon graham says:

    That is truly amazing.I thought that maybe you might have said the word,"football" but even then how would he know unless you taught him that word and since you don't have one around,why would you?
    Awesome.Have you read Koont's book about his gpolden?
    And Merry Christmas to all of you.

  3. Sansego says:

    OMG…I so want your dog! I've wanted a golden retriever since childhood. Some people think they are the equivalent of "blondes" in the dog world because they aren't considered the most intelligent of dogs.

    But Noah proves otherwise! He knew you were watching a game on TV and went out to find a football just to let you know he understands what's going on! That is so awesome! Made my day.

    wv: ratiesil

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sports isn't my thing, either, at least not football. Notice that noah took the football to rob, not me!

  5. Cole says:

    Devoted Bear fans here in this family, well…except for me LOL, I peak from time to time, but sports isn't my thing. Maybe Noah should consider taking his place amongst the Bears, you know just to ensure their luck as Division Champs!

  6. Natalie says:

    wv =gesse

    Noah the wonderdog! What an awesome fella. 🙂

  7. "moe X" says:

    but actually I guess what I'm suppose to look at,,,,(yeah we did have good view of the clipseE last night and yeah it was at 11;00 pm then towards somewhat after midnite, cloud cover,, coming in the picute just towards the Total part,, nice orion to the southwest) but what I was suppose to see from your post today,,,, guess I've been hacked all over,,,, was yesterday the boy e-mailed a certain high porfile astrologer, wrote a name of a certain employe at a certain place,,, NAME,, well lets think Forrest on a stranded on a island……

  8. "whoot" says:

    reallly now,,, wonder if the neighbor was playing a Minny joke,,,,

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Smart and noble…but he is terrified of kids, including megan

  10. musingegret says:

    I think Noah is as smart as Rico the border collie described on pages 4-5 of this article:

    Noah watched enough of the game to know that a football was involved and remembered where he'd last seen one outside and retrieved it. That's one smart doggie with a big heart!

    wv: toninter

  11. d page says:

    Noah is too cool!

  12. Anonymous says:

    I saw that game name CLUE in the photo, too! Sometimes I tend to consider the possibility that canines may have human components in their brains, as Noah seems to demonstrate. My yellow lab/rhodesian ridgeback comprehends sentences and words she's never heard, and responds to them. This requires a mind that reasons. Perhaps we do our furry frienda an injustice when we dont't give them credit for the obvious intelligence they possess. Love this story!! cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just noticed the word CLUE in the background of the pic. Hm, Noah is giving us a clue.

  14. maggie's garden says:

    That's one incredibly smart dog! Love Goldens…they're so sweet. Noah's saying…"come on…play football with me! Woof!". What a love! Give that beautiful pooch a big hug for me!

  15. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I guess Noah would prefer to play than watch! That's some special dog.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, no doubt of noah's intellect!!! so did you all toss a few with him after all that??? 😉

    what a fantastic critter story!!! but then, noah is pretty fantastic, as your stories tell!

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