Happy New Year to all of you

from the MacGregor clan!

When we put up the date for this, it was a bit startling: 1-1-11. 

Any takers?  We’ve done several posts on these numbershere , here, for starters.

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26 Responses to

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – another time parallel for us! very weird – 4:44! 😉

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow, nancy, what an interesting birthdate this year! and an early happy happy to you!

  3. Natalie says:

    I think it is about the soul communicating more clearly to the personality. Events will become so chaotic personally and globally, that people will be forced to 'centre' themselves like never before. In that centering,the soul will be acknowledged finally, and the real work will begin. People will start to live according to their Soul's blueprint and not according to the will of the Ego.
    I see 1's as communication and 11's as soul. We don't really have long to lift ourselves before intervention will be needed.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hi linda – just noticed your comment on the image here – it's a paul klee painting titled "sun and castle" – [klee just happens to be one of my fave artists who is known for his expressionism and cubism and even surrealism] – i particularly love his use of color and shapes in his work –
    best wishes for a white rabbit year!

  5. Nancy says:

    A very interesting year ahead, I think. My birthday will be 11/22/11. Sort of goes along with my astrology chart.

    Happy New Year, Trish & Rob! I echo Mike – thanks for everything.

  6. Marguerite says:

    Should be an interesting year! Happy 2011! Wishing you the best!

  7. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    … and a Happy New Year to you too. And thanks for everything during 2010.

  8. Marlene says:

    Happy New Year to you Trish and Rob
    Though I don't have the time lately to vist as much as I like..your blog has always been one I enjoy the most to visit and know I will come away with thought provoking news and insights..Hopefully the New Year will allow me more time..Wishing you the very best this coming year! Marlene

  9. Linda Starr says:

    Is that a quilt in the photo? love it, happy new year, it's a white rabbit kind of a day. I have this thing where if I say white rabbit the first thing when I wake up on the first day of the month in the morning before I say anything else, there will be good luck the whole month. It's not easy to do. happy new year.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Have been gone all day and just tuned in, but while out and about was thinking about the numbers. As mentioned in the past, we can't omit a number from a sequence and maintain the integrity of the sequence, so, 1-1-11 is actually 1-1-2011, as Debra noted. Be that as it may, 2011 in and of itself will be an intriguing year, and its root is 4, which is the frequency of foundation and also of work and is the geometric form of the square. It's especially interesting because this is one year when the root number combines with its own higher master frequency, 2 being the root and 11 being the higher master frequency. When we deal with 2, we are operating in the mundane frequency of cooperation, one-on-one partnerships, unions, marriages, etc etc. (Or lacks thereof, such as in war.)) But when we raise 2 to its higher master frequency of 11 it shifts into the arena of the intuition; of bringing intuitive thoughts into material manistestation with regards to cooperation, unions, partnerships, etc, and expresses on that higher level. So, again, we have the unusual situation of a root factor aligned with its higher master frequency, and that should open all kinds of doors politically and otherwise, if it is used properly. This year we will see the 11 all over the place, even when combined with the 2. It should be a year of constant opportunities for elevating energies, because that 11is going to be present and unavoidable. Whether we use it as 2011 (zero enhances any number to which it is joined, in this instance the 2)followed by 11, so anyway we look at it, we still have 2-11, two elevens, if you will. Gypsy, I was startled awake this morning at 4:44 EST, oddly enough, and glanced at the car clock this afternoon at 4:44. Before falling asleep last night, my eyes hit the clock on the bedside table at exactly 11:11. Those double elevens will crop up persistently for the next twelve months, and because 11-11 is 4, and 2011 is 4, we really need to pay attention. We might get an idea of what will be happening if we go back to the year 1919 and see what occurred then, particularly in the months of January, October, and November of that year. cj

  11. Vicki d says:

    Happy New Year to all in MU!
    This should be an interesting year.
    I for one am so glad the Mercury Retrograde is finally over!
    Especially for females!

  12. Star says:

    and a Happy New Year to you two, too!
    Love the picture today.
    Blessings, Star

  13. Anonymous says:

    Well at least the 2 and the zero next to it average out to the value of two more one's.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    well, yes, there is that pesky little 2! 1-1-2011


  15. d page says:

    Since the date is 1.11.2011 the numerological value of the day is 6, instead of 4.

  16. Mike Clelland! says:

    See if you note the time 11:11 today (twice)

  17. d page says:

    Happy New Year, Trish & Rob!

    I don't know what to say about the numbers..

  18. Shadow says:

    it had to happen some time, didn't it…

  19. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, nearly forgot!!! and when i woke early this morning – the time? 4:44 am!

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just the other day, on tv there was the mention between several characters as to the "unlucky" / inauspicious nature of the number 4 in asian culture [in chinese, it sounds like the word "death"] – and i've thought of that with the 1-1-11 here – seems that nokia cell phones have so series beginning with the number 4 nor does canon powershot g-series which goes from g3 to g5 – the 4 being akin to our number 13 – anyway, this year itself becomes a 4 numerically – just observations but cj will be the one to clue us all in on numbers!!! 😉

  21. Lauren says:

    Happy New Year! Beautiful painting…..thanks for the synchronicity stories, a lot to ponder on!

  22. JBanholzer says:

    It will soon be 11:11 on 1-11. Perhaps a nice time for a special prayer or intention.

  23. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We'll check back here at 1:11 p.m. EST. 😉

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    DJan – thanks! Now there's a red column in the middle I can't get rid of it!

    CJ – your takes on all these ones??

  25. Anonymous says:

    1-1-11 HAPPY NEW YEAR, Guys! cj

  26. DJan says:

    What a day for new beginnings! Happy New Year back to you as well. (Oh, and there's that little problem with the letters being black again.)

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