UFOs over Moscow and London?

Stanley Fuhlman,a retired Canadian NORAD officer, predicted the UFO sightings of October 13, 2010 in NYC and other place – the video for the NYC sightings is below, He died on December 19 of pancreatic cancer. Among his final predictions was one about UFO sightings over Moscow in early January 2011, followed a week later by sightings over London.

When we first read about the October 13 prediction,  we thought it would be great if it happened, but so many predictions never come to anything. Then the news hit about the  UFOs over NYC, on that date, witnessed by thousands. So, it will be interesting to see what comes of this prediction.

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12 Responses to UFOs over Moscow and London?

  1. Luna says:

    Ooh very cool 🙂
    Thanks for the post.
    Happy New Year Rob and Trish 🙂

    WR was "propr". Reminds me of what my Barbadian friend says when he thinks something is cool. He says "Right proper" in his thick Bajan accent.

  2. Anonymous says:

    who can remember exactly what they where doing on 10/13,,, for me it was a very different day,,,,,

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    congratulations again, megan! what an incredible experience you are about to undertake – you AND the dolphins!!!

  4. Adele Aldridge says:

    I'm just wondering about all those birds dropping out of the sky yesterday. That would sure freak me out if I saw that happening!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    we're in the keys, delivering megan to the dolphin reserach place for her internship. We'll stay in touch sporadically!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    gee, what a sight – well, what "another" sight of late, isnt' it? more and more and more frequent, these sightings – i was trying to remember the date of the really large sighting i had right before my move – anyway, great post and information – thanks so much for video!

  7. gayle says:

    Just stopping by to say that this am I woke up at 5:55! I guess it was the post I read yesterday about111!

  8. Raksha says:

    I'm shocked by the news of Stanley Fuhlman's death. I followed his prediction starting when I first heard about it in mid-September, and on through October 13th and afterward.

    I didn't have a great interest in UFOs when I first started the topic on another forum, but I do now. It was reading the review of Stanley Fuhlman's book that first piqued my interest. None of the articles I read about him mentioned that he had pancreatic cancer. Do you happen to know if he mentioned it in his book? I still haven't read it.


  9. Nancy says:

    Just surfed around about this guy – not sure what to believe, but will keep my eyes and ears open.

  10. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Hadn't heard about Stanley Fuhlman previously. Let's see if those predictions come true.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    hey Shadow – happy 2011!

  12. Shadow says:

    keep us posted, would be interesting to find out…

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