Cyclone Yasi

While a 2000-mile stretch of the U.S. prepares for a massive snowstorm, Queensland, Australia is facing the monster in that image, Cyclone Yasi, now a category 5 cyclone. Weeks ago, this same area suffered tremendous floods. According to this article, North Queensland residents have been given just three hours to evacuate. It’s going to hit during high tide, which means a storm surge is expected across much of the North Queensland coast. Winds of 279 kilometers an hour – 173 miles an hour – are expected. That wind velocity matches Hurricane Katrina.

Send good thoughts to our friends down under. Brizdaz, let us know how you weather the storm!

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43 Responses to Cyclone Yasi

  1. 3322mathaddict says:

    Oh, definitely on the mechanical and electrical equipment! When I was working in the hospitals it was a mess. Sometimes they'd throw me out of the patient;s room because the equipment wouldn't work until I left. Still have prbs off and on with electricity. Drives hubby up the wall.

  2. Natalie says:

    My tv and laptop both blew just as I was hitting a spiritual nerve online today. :O

    wv= surstst

    sure! st,st.

    no really!

  3. d page says:

    I wonder if that is also an empath thing? I have been plague with electro issues my whole life, though sometimes it's latent and other times active. It has been very active the past few weeks. I have shorted the heater thermostat, my computer, NOOK, the bedroom lights , the bathroom lights, etc. I am also one of those people who walk past street lights and they blow.

    Any other empaths with similar quirks here?

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, dear – so sorry to have missed so much here in this post – being without my own computer right now is a mess – and for some reason i am having all kinds of electrically oriented issues – everything i touch is "charged" or i am, rather – and i am moving keyboard letters just by passing my hands over the board itself without touching the keys – really weird – anyway, my own symptoms continue as well – so sorry to have missed all this great dialogue! you are all in my thoughts –

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    I'm right with you, Deb. I lived in Arcadia, at the base of the San Ganriel mountain range when I was in high school, and never heard of COLD Santa Ana winds. Just blistering ones. later, after graduating nursing school in Atlanta, I lived and worked in Palm Springs. Hot Santa Anas. You are so funny! Yep, I hear a chorus of fleas, and drive my family and friends out of their minds because I simply cannot tolerate loud noise or even conversation at normal levels.
    My hubby is partially deaf, so it's a mess. FEEL BETTER!

  6. d page says:

    Today, Southern CA is being hit by a "cold" Santa Ana windstorm. Santa Anas are hot dessert winds that blow through… I've never heard of a cold Santa Ana. There are wide-spread blackouts, tractor trailer roll overs, trees down, roofs blowing off. The humidity is 16 % and it's going down to the low 30's. The birds are having a hard time flying. My pets are very upset and skittish. We have another 24 hours of this.
    I tried to post earlier, but the post never showed up.

    I haven't had an audiology test in approx. 20 years. I agree with you , esp. about light having sound. (So in summertime you must hear a chorus of fleas?) Everyone around me considers me hyper auditory.

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    Oh dear, Nats. Synchronicity here.
    Can't help but wonder what has the birds all over the place flying crazy. The blackbird today hit hubby's side, he was driving and it made him swerve off the road a bit. The buzzard hit my side. Made a huge sound. Both of them made terrible sounds.
    Let's watch our dreams for messages, Nat. And tomorrow when I feel more stable I'll do a Tarot spread and see what the cards have to say.

  8. Natalie says:

    Connie, we had a blck crow fly into our car on Sunday arvo and die.It has never happened before either. It flew literally right into my face as I was passenger. Then late that night, a Kookaburra was sitting in the middle of the road and he wouldn't budge.Really odd behaviour for one of those little fellas as well.

    wv = vailln

  9. 3322mathaddict says:

    Debra, during your illnesses have you ever had an audiology test? I've mentioned mine on the blog in the past, and it completely supports what the college professor said. My ENT's audiologist has tested thousands of patients over many years, and she told the doctor that I was able to hear frequencies that no other patient she'd ever tested could hear, high and low. Her exact words were, (and I think I've said this on the blog so 'scuse the repeat) "she can hear a flea sneeze at 100,000 paces!" I tend to believe that has something to do with the ability to hear the spooks speaking, as well as the sensitivities to the earth's sounds as she moves. Motion makes sound at some level because all motion displaces matter, and waves displace matter, all of which creates sound…whether they can be normally perceived or not. One of my Other World Teachers has told me that LIGHT makes a sound. But the earth's physicists haven't discovered the Sound of Light yet. I think some of us hear it, though.

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Right back atcha, Nats!! And I second the thank you for the weather update. Also must click over and read the Iceland empath's material. Funny (strange, not ha-ha) thing happened on our drive north to Jacksonvile this afternoon. A blackbird flew directly into our front windshield. My immediate , and I mean IMMEDIATE, thought, was Oh please no! It hurt me that the bird of course died, but the omens instantly hit me as well. Then, a few miles further down the road, darned if a buzzard, a BIG one, was flying low and flew right against our van. Don't know if it survived. Doubt that it could have. That's two. All the way back home I was praying please, no more birds flying into
    the car! That's never happened before, except in dreams, altho birds have flown against our house windows and sliding glass doors, etc. But the car? Never. And a blackbird and a vulture? Geez, guys…..

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great news, nat! Thanks for updating us.

  12. Natalie says:

    All reports in so far 8:25 a.m, are that there is no loss of life reported so far.Things better than hoped in terms of infrastructure. However, no clean up or reconnaissance crews out yet as it is still unsafe.

    Feel better everyone.
    @ Connie : smooooch! x

  13. Vicki D. says:

    I have also been having, over the last two days, issues with my chest and feeling like I cannot breath.
    For the past two days I have been coughing non stop, I thought I might have bronchitis except that otherwise I was fine, no fever etc.

    I have had some issues with getting out of breath and weakness in my arms, not pain just weak muscles.
    Today those issues are better, not gone but better but my neck is sore.

    I told my husband last night that I have weather fatigue. I had this overwhelming feeling that I just should not be watching the news or weather.
    I watch enough to know what is going on but then shut off the TV.

    I'm feeling very tired right now but am trying to push through it.

    Also, this past week I have not had a decent nights sleep. I have sleeping issues but usually they only last a day or two and then I get a reprive but not this week.

    wv" lastri, last straw!

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    here's the link to icebound's comment:

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    D, cj, gypsy, jen, vicki: there;s another empath who commented yesterday under the original post on empaths. icebound lives in Iceland. I'll get the link.

  16. 3322mathaddict says:

    One last remark….my Lab Sunshine was laying in my Egyptian Sanctuary when we walked into the house from the hospital. She was laying, but with her head raised, not asleep, right up against my altar. She didn't come to the front door to greet us. This is absolutely unprecedented. We went in and petted her and then she followed us into the LR; we put out her food; but after I went upstairs, hubby called out, "Sunshine is back in your Egyptian room, laying in front of your altar!" She didn't even eat. She ALWAYS goes wherever I go when I'm home. Not yesterday or last night. My Egyptian Sanctuary, BTW, is never, ever used for anything but spiritual work, quiet reading, classical music for the plants (and me), etc. Never for social visiting or anything else. It's a highly sacred, consecrated space, and that is felt when one steps inside the room. Explanations and ideas regarding Sunshine's behavior are welcomed! WV: "dynad" I wonder if Sunshine has a parallel canine soul over there in the midst of the riots? Or if perhaps I may have one over there. So very weirded out this past couple of weeks!

  17. d page says:

    A professor at one of the colleges here suggested that the ear ringing may be due to changes in the electromagnetic field of the earth. Earthquakes, volcanoes, solar storms are all electromagnetic events. He thinks folks like us hear tones and frequencies that other humans don't (but some animals do hear it).

    CJ, my hubby lost it 2 weeks ago when I went for a CT scan. I was there for 3 hours and the clinicians refused to perform the test (even w/out the toxic contrast injection). They said "With your conditions, your body is a bomb waiting to….." When the sentence wasn't finished, I said "Die?" and the RN shrugged.
    Hubby asked why no called before we came to the appointed. Their answer: "We screwed up. Call us names." At least my MD is my friend, but the rest of the system doesn't want to touch me. Being empathetic makes things so much more difficult.

  18. 3322mathaddict says:

    Debra, my husband got so frustrated yesterday in the ER with the personnel there that he bit off a few heads! They kept wanting to give me medications that would have worsened my situation, and my hubby knew this. I called my cardiologist on his personal cell, (with his permission; he's my friend), from my treatment room in the ER and told him I was leaving AMA. He is so gentle and supportive. Said "OK but come in tomorrow (that's today) and let's do the tests, etc. No meds, I promise!" So I shall. But my hubby has become accustomed to the differences in the planetary stuff and the purely disease-causal symptoms, and he knew the meds would make things worse instead of better. It was the first time he has ever spoken up and out, and he was firm. So, we left the hospital. Heart stabilized but still flutters. Generally speaking, I feel unusually "whacked out", as mentioned earlier. Like all of you, I'm knowing it ain't over til the fat lady sings, and she's nowhere in sight! WV: "chantio"
    Rob, how about some soothing Yoga chants from your end?

  19. 3322mathaddict says:

    Vicki and Cousin Gyps, I so deeply appreciate your thoughts of me! There can be no doubt that this little community of folks here in MU are profoundly connected to each other, and that the connections manifest in many many ways! Debra, how strange it is that with you and Gypsy and me, our physical hearts have been seriously impacted by "whatever", and of course the impacts are expressed through valid physical disorders, ie, palpitations,tachycardias, arrthymias, chest and arm discomfort, elevated BP, the whole nine yards. Gyps, speaking of little Alejandro not feeling well, both my grands are home yesterday and today with low-grade fevers, ears, and chest congestion. Both of them are Indigo/Crystal children; am so happy they chose parents who are initiates in such matters! And Vicki, here's something about your dream: I have severe vertigo episodes with PD and often with planetary symptoms. It is impossible to describe the horror of such episodes, because it feels as though I've fallen off the edge of the earth and am spinning round and round while at the same time tumbling head over heels through empty black space with nothing to hold onto. Your dream has that sound to it. I relate these symtoms to hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones, and earthquakes due to the spinning and lack of spatial orientation. The floods and tsumani precursors, for me, are breathlessness and a feeling of "drowning". Volcanoes bring severe nausea and a sense of extreme heat rushing over me in waves even when the temp here is cold.(Nope, these aren't menopausal hot flashes! Don't have those!) I've not figured out the ear business that seems to accompany all of it. The ear noises may be the brain/mind signaling the body that events are imminent, pay attention. In my next incarnation, I hope my soul will choose to not come in with this nonsense! Again, love to all. And let's keep our thoughts as gently positive as we can. I believe it when the Master Teacher said "Faith can move mountains". For me, faith is positive thought and absolute conviction, focused with Will and Intent. Again, Mind Majick. Let's get it done, guys!

  20. Jen says:

    I have definitely been trying NOT to overwhelm myself with watching the news with everything that is going on in the world right now- but I haven't slept in 3 nights now. I fall asleep initially and then wake up drenched in sweat all over my body. I have felt completely heartbroken the last few days. I am doing everything I can to stay on top of things and not wallow- but the upheaval in the world right now is, well, craziness.

    wv; jujung. :s

  21. d page says:

    CJ & empaths:
    I have had a horrible time. I haven't been able to function in the home , write, etc. I have developed new symptoms along w/ the old stuff. The new symptoms include severe chest, arm, wrist and hand pain. My heart arrhythmia/tachycardia is almost constant. The internal "pressure" of impending events has not gone away with any of the unfolding world events in the past few days (cyclone in AUS, US super storm, Egypt, volcanic eruptions on Japan, stronger quakes in Alaska, double solar eruption) etc. My husband is not a empath ( or was not) but even he can "feel it" whatever "it" is.

  22. Vicki D. says:

    Yesterday I kept thinking of emailing you CJ and now I know why.

    Last night I dreamt that I was floundering in nothingness and searching for something to hold onto. I awoke flailing in bed yet when I first awoke I had no idea where I was. I grabbed at the comforter and almost grabbed my sleeping husband but one of my cats gave me a quick "mah" and it helped me regain my senses. I have been out of sorts all day and with a headache.
    I wonder if the floating/floundering sensation had anything to do with this huge hurricane in Australia?
    I had wondered if something was up yesterday also, because Daz kept popping into my head but not in a menacing way or in a way that it did with CJ where I was concerned.

    I'm worn out. I think I'll blog later this afternoon.

    Take care everyone.

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    please do feel better, cj – you've been on my mind so much the past few days – and last night and night before last, especially so as i had begun those symptoms again – including the palpitations that come only with events – and my left ear beating/pounding – have been so focused on just getting over the road trip exhaustion and have had alejandro both days i've been here – he just needed to be home with his nonon instead of going to day care! so i've been enmeshed in "peace and fire people" game playing and then hotel building with all his block sets! anyway, you are in my thoughts – oh, and yes, i relate to your comments about these symptoms impacting physically regardless their origin –

    really terrible scenes and stories coming from egypt – many caring thoughts to that country and to australia –

    wv-matrizes – matrix – materializes?

  24. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks again for all the blessings everyone,but it's the people living in North Queensland that will need them all.Where I live (Brisbane) won't be affected by Yasi,apart from maybe some rain in the next few days.And Nat lives further down the east coast (down near Sydney),so she'll be fine,as well.

    I'm off to bed now,because I have to work tomorrow…oops…make that today,so,good night everyone, and let's hope there's not too much destruction from Yasi.

  25. 3322mathaddict says:

    Thanks, Trish and Rob. I just phoned my sis on her cell. They live in Troy, MO. She said their deck has three feet of snow on it and their front yard has drifts above five feet, having been blown to that height by the fierce wind. So far the cell towers aren't out but her phone was sputtering. This blizzard is a hurricane with cold and snow instead of heat and rain, she said. We're both FL natives, so she knows our hurricanes. too. She said it's the worst she's seen, and she used to live in Fargo,ND. I can't imagine. Raging floods in Autralia with the cyclone, the blizzard in our country, the killing riots in Egypt. No safe place on the planet at the moment.
    Can 2012 really bring the tipping point this all seems to be leading us towards, I wonder.

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Cj – what a harrowing experience!
    Feel better!

  27. 3322mathaddict says:

    Nats, you were the first person to come into my mind when the news posted the Australian cyclone! Please stay safe…you and your wonderful little family. Am sending many many positive thoughts and hugs. Yesterday afternoon, (Tuesday here) at 2:40pm EST, I was very quietly reading a novel, home alone, when all of a sudden with no warning whatsoever I came within a hairsbreath of blacking out. Called my cardiologist; he said come to ER immediately. It's in Jacksonville. By the time my hubby got me there, my heart was in full-blown AFib, but it wasn't typical at all. It was different, and it was relative to the planet, but I couldn't tell them that. I was immersed in a horrific FEAR whose source I didn't know. They were going to admit me, but I left AMA: Against Medical Advice. The AFib settled down, but I'm completely out of whack still. Must go back to Jax this afternoon for tests. I am going, but I have the certainty that what is going on in my body is definitely being caused by the Earth's multiple situations, which unfortunately doesn't make them less dangerous to my life. It's a combination of Egypt, (to which I have a profound soul as well as overt conscious connection); Australia; and the blizzard here (my sister and her family are right in the midst of it, outside St. Louis); and God only knows what else that is happening somewhere else. The only reason I'm sharing this personal medical stuff on the blog is because this is the very first time I have realized that even though we planetary empaths experience powerful physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional responses to global events, they are no less damaging and dangerous to our bodies than ordinary ailments would be. This has been a revelation, and for me it demonstrates how closely connected we are to everything that occurs and how impacting the events can be. I was down but not out, and it's far from over. My experience 72 hours prior to 9-11, which put me flat on my back in bed until the first plane hit the tower, should have made me recognize that these empathetic reactions we have are not shadows. They are real, and can be life-threatening, just as the events causing them are life-threatening to our fellow-humans in the middle of whatever is happening. I don't yet know what occurred yesterday when I almost blacked out, but am going to check the USGS site. It may have been the pre-cursor to the combination of everything. No fun, guys. I need a pair of red shoes to click my heels and go back to "normal", or at the very least a ladder to climb out of this rabbit hole. DPage, Gyps, other empaths, ya'll OK? Gyps, you're directly in the line of fire from the blizzard as it continues to move. Let us know how you are, and you, too, Nats. And Daz. Universal healing love being sent around to all.

  28. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz! Glad that you're not being impacted by this and hope that your wife's cousins are okay. That 3 hours didn't sound right to me, so thanks for the clarification. In South Florida, evacuations for hurricanes start days before.

    Do keep us posted!

  29. Brizdaz says:

    Hi Trish,
    Oddly,I've only just looked in to check on your blog now
    (12 midnight here),and saw this post
    on Yasi.
    It's actually just crossing the coast now,but in Brisbane,it is a humid night with no wind in sight,not even a breeze.(I'm not going to complain about that,though)
    We know a few people in Cairns,from my wife's side,two in particular my wife's cousin Matty and his wife Marsha
    (who are really close to us),who have decided to stay in their house instead of evacuating,when they had the chance.
    So,we are concerned for them quite a bit,and can't wait to hear from them later on today,hopefully.
    But down here in Brisbane you wouldn't know this was happening, without a TV going and a computer screen to look at.

    BTW the article in your post that says people had only 3 hours to evacuate is way wrong.They have been evacuating those areas for at least 24-48 hours before now.
    Thanks for your concern everyone.

    Cheers / Daz

    WV = weakila (weak killer?)
    (let's hope so)

  30. Linda Starr says:

    I think on one side of the world they are called cyclones as they spin one way and here they spin the other way and are called hurricaines or maybe that's a typhoone. anyway My heart goes out to all there.

  31. Shadow says:

    that looks SCARY!

  32. Shena says:

    I think everyone in Australia will be thinking and Praying for everyone up in Cairns and Townsville.

  33. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    But is it red for Queensland or for Egypt? Or for something else? That's the challenge with this stuff – whether it's the dot or planetary empaths or someth8ing else.

  34. Nancy says:

    Your dot is red! Prayers and well wishes to our friends in Queensland!

  35. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    here in Florida, we understand the horror of hurricanes. I still don't know why the powers that be can't come up with a uniform term. Cyclones, hurricanes. Same thing, guys.

  36. Natalie says:

    Thanks all for caring.
    The fear must be paplable in Cairns right now,it is bad enough waiting for the axe to fall, without the devastation that is surely to follow. We need to offset it with love and prayers, in order to balance the energies as much as we are able. Thanks for posting Trish and Rob.xx

  37. Natalie says:

    44C = 111F. Pretty hot . 🙂

  38. Natalie says:

    Funny, I posted a link to the latest updates on my blog last night, and no one responded until you emailed Trish. Such an eerie feeling, especially as I dreamed last night that I was engulfed in a tsunami and no-one was listening to my warnings. I awoke this morning to nil response to my post about the cyclone. Art imitating life?

    wv= trampull

    trample. That says it all.

  39. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yes, floods in Brisbane.

  40. rosaria says:

    Oh no! Didn't they just have floods?

  41. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Your wv, Gypsy. super storm!

  42. Raksha says:

    This is scary! Brizdaz, please let us know you're okay ASAP.


  43. gypsywoman says:

    many caring thoughts to ALL the residents impacted –

    wv – exersupe – exercise super? exercise super care – super storm? –

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