Revolution #49

Here’s an interesting I Ching reading from Adele Aldridge related to the Egyptian uprising. She sent this to us around noon today.


I couldn’t resist sharing this with you.

While eating lunch and watching more news about this fascinating revolution going on in Egypt I decided to indulge in a quick question of the I Ching. I asked, “What will happen in Egypt now?”

The response I got was #49 Revolution with the two yin lines changing to Hexagram #1, The Creative. Of course just getting the hexagram named revolution is statistically improbable and what keeps me hooked.

Other name for Hexagram #49 are Radical Change and Throwing Off. The changing line leading to #1, the creative, is interesting. Let’s see what happens.

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10 Responses to Revolution #49

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, if all things could be so clear – and then again, even if they were, would most of us heed the message anyway? and adele's creativity thought is truly on point i think!

  2. 67 Not Out - Mike Perry says:

    Revolution. I Ching quote: The flux of universal change is manifesting itself in the level of existence that is the so called 'real' world.

  3. Adele Aldridge says:

    Hi Trish and Rob,

    Hey, thanks for posting my Ching Thing. #49 also refers to shedding the old skin which isn't death but pealing off revealing the new. I've been thinking about the revolution turning into #1, The Creative. Doesn't that fit with beginning again? And I think we forget that creativity always includes chaos before the thing being created is "born."

    And yes, I agree with you. I wish all of my readings were this clear. But then life, or my life anyway, isn't always so neat and clear. 🙂


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I know what you mean, D. Sometimes when I ask the Ching a question, I get mired in ancient chinese life. But like your wv says, when it works this clearly, it's simple!

  5. d page says:

    That reading was so concise. I wish I could have the I Ching always be this clear.

    wv= simple

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You got it, Nancy!

  7. Nancy says:

    The old is starting to lose ground.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    When the Ching is spot on like this, it's stunning. I agree with DJan – it's a true revolution. Love that WV, Nat.

  9. Natalie says:

    I love the I Ching, it is invariably spot on for me, as are my oracle cards.

    wv = pierspa

    peers spa?

  10. DJan says:

    Yes, this is a true Revolution. The I Ching is right on track here, don't you think? I will go read the two moving lines from my copy. Thanks for sharing this.

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