UFO Over Jerusalem

There’s a certain synchronicity about this event occurring now, given the turmoil in the Arab world. This video has been circulating since January 28, with various versions taken by different people from different areas. This one, the 4th, is the clearest.

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41 Responses to UFO Over Jerusalem

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Paul, try sending something to that e-mail address I gave you? Watch what happens.

  2. 3322mathaddict says:

    I seem to recall a certain person who goes by the moniker of "Paul" writing out a list of the screen names of the followers of this blog,(his list beginning with Gypsy and ending with 3322mathaddict. See, I remember!), and telling us all to go to the skeptics site, which he gave, and to give our real names, email addresses, etc etc etc. Sir Paul posted that demand not once but FIVE, yes, FIVE times. Now, for the rest of the story, (as the great Paul Harvey would say): Rob complied with Sir Paul's demand. He went visiting the sites and did as Sir Paul demanded. He gave his true name and his email address, etc. (which Sir Paul has yet to do here, BTW, in spite of repeated requests for his name. Just his name, and the titles of his books.) So what does the Master of Disguises do? He comes back to this blog and rails at Rob for DOING EXACTLY WHAT PAUL TOLD HIM TO DO!!!! Gee whiz, Beav, is there no peace with this guy? He's making a total laughing stock of himself, has no credibility whatsoever due to his absurdities, and obviously has zilch memory of anything he writes. To make a request and to have someone oblige, and then to wreak havoc against the person for complying with the request? Come on, Paul. How old are you, really now? Twelve? Fifteen? Unbelieveable. You've said some pretty dumb stuff, but this absolutely, bar none, takes the prize. I second the comment of Trish and Rob…get a life and go bother your brothers when your shift at WalMart is done. And I do wonder, "Paul",
    since you are so paranoid about letting people know who you REALLY are and the titles of your books, how did you find an editor, a publisher, and stores in which to sell said books? That's a legitimate question but I expect no answer. ROTFL.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Poor Paul, did you just get off from work from Wal-mart? I mean, really, get a life, guy.

    Your truly,

    PS Differing points of view are one thing. Obnoxious people are something else. Delete, delete. Bye-bye, Paul. Go bother your skeptic brothers.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Well, well, well…I was surfing some of my favorite web sites tonight, and what do I find? It seems that a certain Rob MacGregor has been visiting a number of skeptic forums and posting nonsense there about aliens. Really, Rob, did you think it was a good idea to post there using your real name and contact information, and even link back here to your blog? Surely you must have known that some folks there wouldn't take kindly to such nonsense. And really, don't you think it's a bit petty and childish to behave like that?

    Well, perhaps now you can understand why I prefer to stay anonymous when I visit sites where my views are so deeply in the minority, and where folks are clearly unwilling to accept differing points of view. I sure hope they didn't hurt your delicate feelings too badly, Rob. And you should be more careful about posting your email address like that. There are unscrupulous people out there who might misuse it.

    Yours truly,

  5. 3322mathaddict says:

    I've come to the reasonable, logical conclusion that these people 1) are speaking a different language that is not English, or 2) they haven't developed sufficient reading skills or comprehnsive skills that allow them to understand what is being written in these comments on these posts. I've never witnessed so much twisting of words as they continue to do. And things are as they say they are because they say they are. Wish I was as certain of the answers to life's mysteries as they are, so that I would never have anything else to learn, because I would already know all there is to know.
    I rather enjoyed my excursion into the land of the skeptic sites. So many of their ideas refute truths as have been determined by the scientific standard to which they continuously espouse as absolute proof of everything in the world…because they say it does.
    Such confidence in one's own ideas, even if those ideas negate the works of the world's most revered scientists and minds such as Einstein and Tesla and Edison, must make them sleep easily at night. I know it would me, but gosh, it would make for such a boring existence! Ho hum. Yawn. Time for a nap. I rather like this WV: "notruce"

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Boys from the skeptics' club: you made your point. Now move along and talk to each other. oh – and tell Paul, again, that all his efforts to spam are inbox are rather infantile and hilarious.

  7. Cruxley says:

    I believe in UFOs. I don't believe in aliens from outer space. A UFO is, by definition, unidentified. If I see something flying, and I can't identify it, then it is a UFO. It is most likely something completely ordinary, like a 747 or a helicopter or a flare or a balloon. I don't know why anyone would jump to the conclusion that it's an alien spacecraft. It could also be Santa Claus, but I don't see anyone jumping to THAT conclusion. Why is it always aliens from another planet?

    THINK before you believe. Given the choice between many possible explanations (including, but not limited to: aliens, Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, a 747, a helicopter or other human-piloted craft, a balloon, a reflection), the most likely explanation is one that fits in with everything we KNOW about the physical universe, isn't it? Why jump straight to the conclusion that it's aliens? That's just wishful thinking on the part of those who so desperately want to believe.

    Oh, and this video is a hoax. That's already been firmly established, but even if it wasn't, why do the crazies always assume it's aliens until proven otherwise? Again, THINK before you believe.

  8. 3322mathaddict says:

    I went to the site provided by Eric and it's actually a bunch of debunking sites one can click onto from one to another to another, presenting comments by people from many of the debunking sites.
    The Jeruselem UFO was probably, in all likelihood, a farce. There is a great deal of evidence to support that conclusion. But the evidence isn't the end-all and be-all of this situation because 100% of it is provided by debunkers. That doesn't mean the event was real. It doesn't mean it was faked. It leaves an open question whose answer we shall never know as a certainty because there is no BALANCE (mathematical statistical analysis)of evidence presented on the afore-mentioned sites. I personally THINK it was contrived. But I cannot prove my contention, nor can anyone else. It remains, as stated previously, an unsolved mystery.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the site-reference, Eric, and thanks for using your full name. We've had one ardent skeptic here making extraordinary claims about his credentials without providing extraordinary (or any) evidence, not even a full name. 😉
    – R

    wv: ilysin

  10. E. Carlson says:

    I didn't even spend time looking at the video, but it seems to be the same video debunked on several sites, such as this one:


    Eric Carlson

  11. 3322mathaddict says:

    Such a sad and empty life, Jim, to refer to sacred ideologies as "symbolic bunk". I feel a deep and abiding sympathy for any person whose mind and thoughts and words defame the sacrosanct symbolism that is so meaningful and so precious to humanity. How lonely, how desperate that person must be, who believes in nothing and holds nothing precious. So incredibly sad and empty.

  12. 3322mathaddict says:

    P.S. My middle son is a professional photographer. (KCPhotography.web.com) He is intimately familiar with all the tricks of the trade and his equipment includes special lens and all kinds of very expensive, sensitive, special devices to allow him to take virtually all kinds of photos because he contracts wedding photos and portraits and anything that can be captured with a camera. Ever hear of a Hasselblad? My son can spot a fake of any kind on any source or subject, including UFOs, in a nanosecond. Contrarily, on one broad daylight occasion he himself snapped a series of photos that are absolutely not faked and he did not use any special device to take the photos. He had one of his simple, uncomplicated cameras on him when they were seen in the sky and caught on film. He was stunned by them and, like his mother, is not gullible and doesn't by any means accept as legitimate every UFO sighting.
    Believe it or not. Do I care? NOT.

  13. Jim says:

    It’s funny how this brightly fuzzy UFO reflection caught in (digital). It's probably edited from a helicopter ground search light when in some dark, slightly foggy weather or from a commercial jet or military aircraft with the bright fog light on in foggy weather on approach to land (and then edited into another digital camera video of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem, or mirror reflected into it in some fashion, and edited once again, so now a UFO is hovering over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

    Well, that’s tourist country so there must be a 1000 different tourist video versions of this event on all sorts of oldster types of film and/or digital media – right?

    Or it could be a bit of contrived UFO bunk that was pointing out those other pieces of symbolic bunk (like Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and claims on the land per bible bunk), all very UFO symbolic and all heavily hyped, fibbed, and faked.

    1. Who are the people that took the videos?
    2. What are their names, backgrounds, funding, relationships, and forms of employment?
    3. What was the type of camera media (VHS, Polaroid, 8mm tape, digital?)
    4. Have they submitted the entirety of the camera picture/video for examination and turned over the original, unedited tape/memory chip to scientists?
    5. What time of night did this happen?
    6. That’s tourist country so there must be a 1000 different tourist video versions of this event on all sorts of oldster types of film and/or digital media – right?
    7. Some of the special effects suggest the use of a mirror, like the UFO zoom offs.
    8. The way the UFO light reflects off the ground objects is not realistic. The ground objects don’t become clearer per the illumination, but only a lighter gray. So it looks like someone has methodically PhotoShop touchup edited the ground area by lightening the dark color of the night but they were not able to provide the greater detail that the brighter illumination would bring out. This is the hallmark of a crafty digital fake.

    I’m guessing not. I think this faked UFO video is giving us the clear “SYNCHRONICITY" message to not be so gullible in life – don’t you think?


  14. 3322mathaddict says:

    My final comment was, "yet another UFO mystery unsolved". Are we speaking a different language here?
    My comment very clearly states there is NO definitive answer either way…uh, if I'm not mistaken, that is what the word "mystery" means. My entire comment was neither here nor there, and drew no conclusions on the subject. So whoever you are, please do not put words in my mouth or print statements that I have not thought nor made. Thank you very kindly. I do not consider every UFO sighting to be legitimate. Some are, some are not.
    And THAT is exactly what my comments stated by using the very common word "mystery".

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Oh – and by the way. You can tell Paul or whoever he is that his attempts to sign us up at the forum all head straight to trash. I mean, really, what's the point?

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Louis – be sure to let all the UFO sites know, particularly since you're a professional. Funny, though, how you guys keep coming here from the skeptics' forum.

  17. Louis Paragon says:

    I've seen all 4 of these videos. Besides the obvious parallax error in the first one (which should be obvious to anyone) and chroma key artifacts, you can clearly see the framing errors and mirror folding around the edges of the second. Add to that the incorrect lighting angles and digital effects visible in the first and fourth videos, and the whole thing looks pretty amateurish. I do video editing for a living, so I know what I'm talking about here.

    If it was someone trying to make an obvious fake to prove a point (perhaps the point that videos can be faked well enough to convince the gullible?), they succeeded. On the other hand, if it was someone trying to provide evidence of a genuine "sighting", they failed rather spectacularly.

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Critical thinker – your name leads right to randi's skeptics' site, so I'm assuming you're Paul, returned in a different form.

    There were 4 videos made by different people, from different locations. At least one of the 4 was a hoax, apparently intended to debunk the other three.
    – Trish

  19. CriticalThinker says:

    Wait…so if a "debunker" says they made the video, they're lying; but if a believer says they made the video, it's a "genuine sighting"?

    Hmmm…I think somebody needs to apply a bit of critical thinking here.

  20. 3322mathaddict says:

    Well. No reply from Dexter providing access to the hoaxsters' confession, (why am I not surprised?), so I went searching on my own. I discovered that a TV channel in Jerusalem had RECEIVED AN EMAIL from a person purporting to have created this "fake UFO" over Jerusalem. However, the article stated, as of today, it still has not received any video or proof from the person who sent the email pertaining to the creation of the "fake" video. This begs the question that remains unanswered: was the email sent to the TV channel by a typical debunker attempting to deny the reality of a genuine sighting? If the hoaxster was real, where is his or her proof that was promised to the TV channel and never arrived? Yet another UFO mystery unsolved.

  21. 3322mathaddict says:

    Dexter, would you please print the location, site, or youtube where you found the hoaxsters admitting what they had done? I'd really love to read the dynamics involved in creating such a convincing video…and please know I'm not being in any way argumentative or confrontational. UFO sightings are of particular interest to me and I'd enjoy seeing how they did this! Thanks!

  22. 3322mathaddict says:

    Dexter, I'm not suggesting this is applicable here, but on occasion debunkers will appear as hoaxters as a means of debunking incidents that are in fact genuine sightings. We never know for sure.
    Just a thought, but one based on fact.

  23. Dexter says:

    This one was thoroughly debunked within 48 hours after appearing on YouTube. The hoaxters even came forward and admited it.

  24. 3322mathaddict says:

    I absolutely agree, Cole! That was my cryptic comment earlier under Anonymous (accidentally) that perhaps the craft is the Capstone, zipping in to check out the damage and on-going horrors, then zooming back off. I would imagine there are many of the crafts, probably cloaked, watching the activities. Egypt has always had strife, but this is the worst in such a very long time, and is so destructive. I also wouldn't be surprised if the monoliths themselves, including the Sphinx, may also have invisible cloaks to protect them from the bombs and other missiles being tossed around in the area. Although, those great towering structures have survived centuries of abuse from weather and wars. I know my ideas sound nuts, but they're pretty soild. I wouldn't blink an eye if a spacecraft decided to sit down in the sand near Giza. Shades of StarGate the movie,which I tend to think may be based more on truth than on fiction. Wowee, look at this strange WV: "nutoomo" NUT is one of the high Egyptian Gods, an early pharaoh, supposedly buried in one of the pyramid tombs. But that WV also makes me think "nuke". I prefer the first!

  25. Cole says:

    3322Mathaddict, you know I have heard this too, and I too wouldn't be surprised by it. I love Egypt. I would be just surprised by the actual capture and clarity of one of these crafts entering or leaving a pyramid being caught on tape. But a good surprise.

    Thanks for the letting me know your thoughts as to the possible reasoning for its location. I am sure there will be more if they allowed themselves to be so open about their arrival. Don't you think?

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i am more and more less and less surprised at the frequency of ufo sightings around the globe – and the frequency seems to be only increasing –

    oh, the wv here is "cribs" – interesting!

  27. 3322mathaddict says:

    Cole, as a serious long-time student of ancient Egypt and Egyptian cryptography, I've wandered in and out of the pyramids more times than I can count. (Mind excursions, and past lives.) I think, (just my own thoughts, but with a good foundation of potential facts from lots of research by lots of authentic folks), that there may be portals deep underneath the Pryamid at Giza and/or the Sphinx (near Cairo). Portals that lead to other dimensions and/or other planetary systems, etc. It's also a matter of much discussion among Egyptian enthusiasts that there may be a city of sorts, or at the very least, a base, where these portals are located, and UFOs come and go from there. Sounds sci-fi, but there is a great deal of research in this area. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the UFOs came from there.

  28. Cole says:

    Again, if it were real and I have mixed emotions on wanting it to be, (freaked out vs. curious and hopeful), this would be by far the best UFO footage ever captured in my opinion. Not your typical blurry video, straining to stay focused on the object against the night sky. Which leads me to wonder why.

  29. Lyn says:

    Makes me want to look up..You're always offering something special…thanks!!

  30. simply says:

    yeah but we are all around it,,,, what the heck you doing up so late Trish?? but 1/28 makes it 99 weeks,, wish it where actually bottles of beer on the wall!!! but thanks for saying Hi Trish

  31. simply says:

    weight as second I really want to make a comment on that really special number,, lets see if i can time it

  32. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    simple – I think the date was 1/28.
    – Trish

  33. simple says:

    lost my earpohnes or whatever you might call them things to hear audio,, wondering as to the date,, thinking 1/21,, maybe??? No???

  34. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps the "capstone" from Giza, flying in to assess the damage.

  35. Vicki D. says:

    When I first saw this this morning I o e thought came to mind… It looks like the star of Bethlehem.

  36. leilani says:

    well i never have thought the star that guided the wisemen to Jesus really was a star… and wasnt Jesus the FIRST "in vitro baby" =)

  37. 3322mathaddict says:

    A bit off-subject: the Dot has gone from red this morning, down to the safer green, and is now back up to an iffy yellow. Just taking note….Regarding the Jerusalem UFOs, I wonder if "they" have anything to do with the uprising, either on the positive or negative side. Pretty phenomenal that they're zipping around over there in the midst of such conflict.

  38. Natalie says:

    Makes you wonder…………….

  39. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    definitely an incredible sight to see – and to just think of even the symbolic meanings, let alone actual – thanks so much for sharing!

  40. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Definitely an interesting video and – as you mention – at the time of Arab unrest.

  41. 3322mathaddict says:

    I'll be darned! I have just this minute sent you guys an email about this video! Then clicked onto the blog, and Voila! You already have it! 🙂

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