Phantom Kangaroos

Speaking of ghosts, this story has been kicking around our dashboard for weeks. It seems an appropriate time to hop to it, and get it posted.

Kangaroos, as every kid knows, are unique to Australia. But are they?
This next story is another one of those Fortean oddities that don’t seem to have any explanation and underscore the incredible mysteries of the world and reality we inhabit.
In Mayama, a mountainous region about 220 miles north of Tokyo, there have been more than 30 sightings in the last seven years of kangaroos. Obviously, this area doesn’t have any indigenous kangaroos.Now journalists are supposedly flocking to the region, hoping to capture photos of these elusive creatures.

Interestingly, phantom kangaroos are fairly common in Fortean literature. Colonies of kangaroos have shown up in England, France, Germany, Scotland, and yes, in the U.S. In the U.S., they seem to appear in certain areas for a short period of time – usually in the Midwest – then vanished just as mysteriously as they appeared.
Jerome Clarke, in his book, Unexplained! says that sightings date back to 1899, when a woman in Virginia saw a kangaroo in her backyard.

Throughout the 20th century, there were sightings in Ohio, Utah, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Colorado and California. Canada has also reported sightings.

So how do these creatures get to these areas? If you’ve seen any in your area (other than in Australia!) we’d love to hear about it.

The original article is here. 

How many of you saw the lunar eclipse??

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