Meet Einstein

… a most amazing parrot!

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8 Responses to Meet Einstein

  1. mathaddict2233 says:

    My friends’ African Gray parrot, Magick, has that HUGE cage in their living room, and they live in an upscale home but the bird shares that home in their living space and anywhere else he wishes to go. He only puts himself into his cage “bedroom” at night when he gets ready for bed. Or, when he needs to go potty. That bird is actually housebroken. He only poops inside his cage. Can you imagine that? And he wasn’t “taught”, He just always has done it that way. Otherwise, he spends his life terrorizing the cat and whatever else brings him great pleasure. He has a human family and a feline best friend, he is free, and that is beautiful. I agree….animals should be free.

  2. Have never seen or heard a parrot as good as that, amazing is the right word. But I still have a thing about birds being in cages, even big ones. I don’t want to be a kill joy but, providing they are not an endangered species, birds should be flying free.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I totally agree about caged birds. Caged anything. When we had a bird, she spent her entire day outside, in her favorite tree, with her cage, open, beneath it.

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    It WOULD be great fun! However, we’d be forced to watch what we say around him….
    no gossiping about other folks, no cursing, share no secrets, have to be on best behavior, lest we have guests and he decides to get mouthy! 😉

  4. gypsy says:

    well, einstein is a trip! yes, light and fun morning start!

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Many folks will think that video is fake. But I have friends, a married couple, who have an African Gray parrot. His name is Magick. Magick is exactly like Einstein in the video. He will mimic anything and everything he hears a human say or any noise he hears. They has a Blue Persian cat, and Magick mimics that cat’s purr, her meow, her hiss, everything. He mimics the doorbell ringing, the phone ringing, Jenny and Wayne having a discussion, the sounds of something cooking in the kitchen. There isn’t ANY noise, so far, and they’ve had him for years, that Magick can’t make. His home is an enormous cage in their living room, but it’s door stays open and he roams freely, even near the cat. When Magick gets ready to go to sleep at night, he tells Jenny and Wayne “Night-night. Sweet dreams.” then waddles into his cage, turns his body upside down with his feet in the air, (as opposed to tucking his head under his wing like most birds), and goes to sleep. Oh, He can also snore on command, and make a few other human noises that Jenny prefers he NOT make but that Wayne thinks are hilarious! Belches and other such, ummm, inappropriate sounds. He also curses because on occasion Wayne may slip and use foul language. Magick sings Christmas carols, too, and other songs he hears on TV, including commercials. He does the AFFLAK duck. I swear that bird is HUMAN with feathers!! Great morning post Guys! Thanks! P.S. These birds can raise the question whether or not the human soul CAN transmigrate into animals if it desires to do so. I tend to believe that it can, and sometimes does.

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