UFO Video from the Netherlands

I’ve recently wondered what Jung would think of the Internet, You Tube, Google, the instant access to information. And, specifically, what would he think of all the UFO activity that’s reported daily, somewhere on the internet?

He seemed to regard UFOs as archetypes of the collective unconscious, a search for wholeness. Granted, I haven’t memorized his autobiography, but I  seem to recall that there were many UFO sightings before the outbreak of World War II, which is part of what precipitated his interest in the topic.

First, look @ this photo Nancy Atkinson took at noon, 7,000 feet. That white speck is the moon. Then look at the video.

This video from the Netherland intrigues me. You can just imagine this guy out for a drive with his girlfriend, he sees these weird lights…and, well, let him tell you. I’m sure some skeptics somewhere will jump on this one, just as they did with the various videos of a UFO over Jerusalem, the UFOs that reportedly shut down an airport in China, the Phoenix Lights, and all the rest. Whatever. This video resonates.

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23 Responses to UFO Video from the Netherlands

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lydia – if you like ghost stories, you'll like esperanza.

    Vicki – I've watched it again and it seems real to me. I would do the same thing in terms of verification.

  2. Vicki D. says:

    Im a little late posting here but where I live, by the water on the east coast there are times at sunset and at dawn where if you look in one direction you see light and then look in the other direction and it will be dark.
    The lighting of the sky also looked had that same "look" that we will see at those times of day so the lighting looked fine to me.
    I agree with Gypsy too, I think they were just trying to verify. I might do that same type of commentary also.I think people want to make sure others see what they are seeing as it seems to be a daily event now although not according to the media!

  3. Lydia says:

    Wowee! Great video that I will have fun sharing. This guy kept his cool, didn't he? He gave place, shot the surroundings, all in validation of the moment.

    Your book Esperanza intrigues me, especially since a local woman from Portland, OR, with that name won the Grammy for Best New Artist last week. Esperanza Spalding. 🙂

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok – have i totally just lost all focus and i missed this shot of nancy's in the post all this time? that's really scary [for me] – in any event, i just now saw it for the first time and it reminded me that yesterday, or day before, i, too, shot the moon in broad daylight – just so wonderful to see the moon and sun out simultaneously –

    thanks cj, for addressing ss's observations and remarks – points well taken –

    hmmmm – wv here is crowfla – crow flies?

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The commentary does seem contrived, but is rather humorous.

  6. Mike Perry says:

    Sorry, but I've never heard that about us Brits thinking the Dutch 'are a bit backwards'.

    It's a strange video as the sky shots of the lights seem genuine but the other sky shot, when he turns round, doesn't seem to tie up. The commentary seems contrived. Always interesting though.

  7. 3322mathaddict says:

    HeeHee, Gyps! Gotcha with that one!
    A little humor is always a good thing, right? On the serious side, guys, my cousin Gyps and I share a mutual friend, Simple Simon, who tells us he doesn't have much access to blogs, etc, and in his behalf, he requests that we please post his observations about the UFO photos. If Gyps and I are understanding him correctly, SS suggests that sometimes these UFOs may be more rightly called "unidentified FLOATING ORBS', rather then 'unidentified FLYING objects', his rationale being that some of these objects being seen and photographed may be huge ORBS. His point is definitely well taken, as certain of the photographs, including the Netherlands video, have the distinct appearance of the ORBS that we see so very often in spirit photography even when we are taking ordinary pictures of landscapes, people, etc. I own a gallery of photos, taken on many occasions with many different cameras by many different folks, and the pics have quite distinct orbs of various sizes in them. A few of the more spectacular and puzzling orbs actually have faces clearly visible in them. Not only do we catch orbs, but also streaks and lines and ectoplasmic-looking images appear that are not photographic errors but are energy forms of some kind whose presence the film captures. So, in behalf of our friend Simple Simon, we hope this is what you were pointing out, in addition to your observation that some of these UFOs come out of the ocean which, again, could then be called Unidentified Floating Orbs. I think SS is making a good call here. Certainly many of the UFOs are crafts of one kind or another. But, some of them may easily fall into the category of spirit orbs, which also flicker in and out of view on occasion. We haven't a clue how enormous such orbs may be, because we get snaps of them in so many sizes in regular photos. Clear thinking there, SS.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i nearly fell out of my chair with the netherland sun setting question, cj! however, i've not been to the netherlands lately [that i recall, anyway], so i was open to something new! 😉

  9. 3322mathaddict says:

    No comment here, just noticed the WV on the space: "Diccoi" decoy??

  10. 3322mathaddict says:

    Of course! Just wanting to see if you were paying attention! 😉 And I totally agree with everyone, especially why would a person go to so much trouble to fake a UFO sighting. However, for some silly reason it does happen from time to time. Be that as it may, sightings, genuine sightings and encounters are happening with greater and greater frequency all around this planet in plain view of hundreds of thousands of people. Maggie, from personal experience I can offer this: no need to fear them. ETs can and do some terrifying things,(voice of much verifiable experience here), but if one can somehow move past the fear and trauma,and eventually one does, then it becomes phenomenal to realize that there truly are other entities existing alongside the human species. Some are apparently good guys, some are apparently neutral, some are apparently bad guys. What they want with us remains a mystery. And their points of origin remain a mystery, as well. They seem to "come" from various sites: places in space, the ocean, the pyramids in the desert. They may originate from other planets, stars, universes, or from below the deepest depths of our oceans. Hopefully someday we'll know and understand who and what they are. In any event, they are finally allowing themselves to be seen by increasing numbers everywhere and many of the photos being snapped are as real as it gets. This Netherlands one….I'm still not sure, but it could be very genuine. Some photos of these objects are more easily interpreted than others. My son the photographer is also an experiencer, and he is careful to not LOOK for fakes, but to not just accept every "sighting" as the real deal if there are elements to it that don't seem quite right. This one? Who knows….

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie, You're joking, right?

    But if you ask any Brits, I'm sure they'll tell you that surely the sun rises in the west in the Netherlands. They tend to think the Dutch are a bit backwards…or so I recall.

  12. maggie's garden says:

    I wonder…why would people go through the trouble to fake a film of UFO's? I'm not sure what to make of this film…scares the hell out of me. So many people have had pictures so similar to this from so many different places…what the heck is going on?

  13. Nancy says:

    We live in a high altitude (when we are at Lake Tahoe it is 6,500 + feet and often looks dark, dark blue even in the daytime), sometimes the night sky can be light where the sun is setting and darker blue where it no longer touches. I wonder what the altitude is in this photo? I don't know how someone can produce those pulsing orbs… and they seem to be showing up in many places lately.

  14. 3322mathaddict says:

    Gyps, Kenny was more than happy to do it! He snapped a series of shots of a moving UFO in broad daylight, with just a simple camnera, no special lens or equipment. He was in his front yard when it appeared over the trees and he flew into the house to grab the first camera within reach. Trish and Rob have copies of those pics. We know for a fact they are not hoaxes. We have had a lifetime of encounters and I even took pictures of one with an old Polaroid black-and-white camera in GA so there could be absolutely NO questions about its authenticity! That one followed us across the open countryside for about seven miles to a friends' house; it stayed just in front of our car all the way and made every turn we made. Hovered above the end of their very long driveway while we were there. I took pics with the Polaroid. Then when we left, it returned home with us and when we reached OUR very long driveway, (we lived in the country), it zoomed off and disappeared. It was not any kind of balloon, airplane, helicopter, star, planet, etc. It was a bright UFO under some kind of intelligent control. A lifetime of such experiences, and more, have taught me that they are real, regardless of what debaunkers or skeptics might say. I care not one whit. But….we want to be careful to make sure what we are seeing in pics are the real deal, and that's not always easy. Those things are like lightning bugs….hard-to-catch critters! BTW, does the sun set in the east or the west in the Netherlands? I'm showing my ignaorance here!! 🙂

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cj – thanks so much for having kenny share his photography insight with us –

  16. 3322mathaddict says:

    There ARE definitely unanswered questions. Not sure where I am on this one, though. That sky behind the cars is VERY bright, much more than one would expect to see at sunset. The headlights….most newer vehicles have their headlights automatically turn on when the engine is keyed. I'm not trying to negate this, by any means. But I can see where debunkers would pick up on obvious clues that it may not be the real deal, and that makes the obviously REAL ones open to more debunking. I'm standing in the middle on this one, but lenaing towards it being not quite right. We'll never know for sure. I do know they are being seen all over the world, and if a person sees them, just take the pics as you can and don't try to do anything fancy to enhance the photos. Leave them as they are. That way, there's less opportunities for the debunkers to have a field day! Most of you know my history, so I don't need to convince anyone where I am with UFOs! Interesting WV: "penspays"

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i caught his monologue, too, rob – however, i think i might have done the same thing – or tried to – were i standing there with a camera in my hand, trying to document something like this – but – there is that question, still –

    and who knows what i might have said that night in the middle of the night when the object went over my house, had i just thought to go to bed with a video camera attached to my wrist!!!

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's definitely brighter when he turns the camera. Could he be turning to the west just after sunset, then filming the objects in the east? The contrast seems extreme, but notice there are also headlights and street lights on, indicating that it is indeed evening.

    My question about this one is more about the way the man talks to the viewers, almost as if it's a prepared script and he knows many people will view this video. He emphasizes that it is not fake, rather than asking the natural question: 'what is it?' – R

  19. 3322mathaddict says:

    You know where Kenny and I stand on the issue of UFOs and ETs. But, he studied this video with his professional eye, very thoroughly, and suggests that there may have been a splicing of two separate videos which accounts for the messiness in the very middle when the camera goes from the night sky to the cars and daylight sky, without losing any time sequence in the video count. (Seen in the lower left hand corner of the video.) His suggestion is that this may very well be a legitimate UFO video but the folks tried to make it even more real by splicing the pics of the UFOs with pics of the cars, etc, and didn't realize they were invalidating rather than enhancing the validity of their video by doing that. In other words, two separate videos spliced together so that the time-run is correct….but the photographer didn't notice that the sky was broad daylight in the spliced video behind the cars. Kenny makes videos all the time, and he splices several together to create a beautiful montage of videos with accompanying music, for funerals and weddings, etc. He says it's quite easy to do. These folks in the Netherlands should have let the video of the UFOs stand alone, rather than attempting to make it look even more real.

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm not sure, cj – i mean, maybe the western sky/setting sun are behind the car/girlfriend and he's shooting into the setting sun lighting the sky at that point and when he turns back toward the trees/sky above, it reflects the lighting in the opposite sky – the car lights are on and so are some pole lights – ????? –
    anyone else?

  21. Jen says:

    I definitely see the lighter sky mentioned by cj- perhaps that was facing east where the sun was setting? It looks believable to me.

    These lights are showing up EVERYWHERE.

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'll look at it again.

  23. 3322mathaddict says:

    I watched the video several times, over and over and over. When he turns the camera to show his car and the headlights, in the background of that shot, it is very obviously bright DAYLIGHT sky. h returns to continue to snap the objects, the sky is at the very least deep twilight. I have to question the discrepancy between the daylight sky when he shoots the cars and their headlights with the daytime sky behind them, and the deep blue night sky of the apparaent UFOs, shot at the same Time?? Have to question this one due to that.

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