Another Dog Park Story

The place where dogs fly…


Okay, some of you may be getting tired of these dog park synchro/stories. But, I promise, this one isn’t about politics. By the way, that’s Nika on the ground, with the ball in her mouth, and Lily the pug leaping for another ball above her.  And oh, this picture hasn’t been photo shopped, as one man on Rob’s facebook suggested about the pic of Noah. I mean, really, these are dogs, not UFOs; who would bother or have the time to photo shop something like this?


So here’s what happened. With summer already here and the afternoon thunderstorms a given, we’ve been trying to get to the dog park before the skies open up. Today we got there around 4:15, not too many people there.

Karin and Colleen are sitting on a bench in the shade and their dogs are crowded around them. Hey, they aren’t fools. The sun is hot and the shade is the place to be. The dogs: Starr, a Corgie, and Cody, a husky, belong to Karin; Colleen owns Bronson, Thunder, and Rip.

Colleen has been unemployed for the last year, her unemployment just ran out, and she has been dog sitting, which means the pooches in her care come to the park twice a day and eat a lot of treats in between. Good deal for them, good deal for Colleen, whose owners pay her.

Karin inherited Cody, which was her son’s dog, and what a trickster he is, loveable and mischievous.”Hey,” Karin says. “Where’ve you been?”

“Just busy,” I reply.

“You guys off to see Megan this weekend?”

“You bet. We  want to use our free passes at Disney before her internship ends. We’re going to spend a night in Cassadaga first and ask a psychometrist to read a vial of holy water.”

Judging by the look on Karin’s face – and Colleen’s – I suddenly realize how strange this sounds. Oh hey, yeah, off with our holy water to see what a psychic says about it.Huh? What holy water? WTF are you talking about? I can see these questions on their faces. So I rapidly backtrack.

“A guy in Montreal thinks he may have been abducted. By, you know, aliens. We did some blog posts on it. He has been carrying holy water around with him for a year, as a means of protection. Anyway, we’ve put together a proposal, Aliens in the Backyard, about the abduction experience – his and those of some other individuals.”

Uh-oh. Colleen’s expression screams, HUH? Karin murmurs, “Wow, you lead an interesting life.”

And I haven’t even told them anything else about it. I suddenly realize, oh duh, that in this particular area, these kinds of ideas don’t register for most people. Maybe if we lived in Sedona or Santa Fe or San Francisco,  it would be a different story. Or maybe it’s more about mindset than about  place.

These events happened on Wednesday, May 23, the day before we met with Kathy, the Cassadaga psychometrist who read the vial of holy water that Charles Fontaine of the Quebec encounters carried for a year after his UFO encounter. We’ve written about Kathy before.  In the next couple of days, we’ll post some of Kathy’s impressions  about the vial of holy water and the Quebec encounter.


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10 Responses to Another Dog Park Story

  1. gypsy says:

    oh, first, HEY NIKA!!! you’re lookin’ great!
    what fun to play with the critters – and people watch!
    and what a neat story – of the holy water – cannot wait for the details, please!
    ya’ll have a great remainder of the weekend!

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Our cat, which we inherited from our son when he divorced, (they lived directly next door to us) is an outdoor Tuxedo male. Every time hubby takes Sunshine, our Lab, out for her walks, Thoth the Cat strolls right alongside hubby and dog. Thoth goes wherever Sunshine goes when she’s outside. And oddly, even though he’s never been neutered, he’s quite friendly with all the other dogs in the neighborhood. He kisses noses with them and rubs up against their legs, etc. They just wag their tails and lick him. The only one who isn’t his friend is a black Chow next door named Racket, and that dog is a menace. He’s vicious. Thoth gives Racket a wide berth. I think it’s common for a cat and dog inhabiting the same home to become friends, but I find it unusual that Thoth has a circle of friends with the other canines all around, espcially considering that he’s an older adult unneutered male. The dogs here don’t run loose. We have a leash law. Thoth just goes right up to them on their leashes or whatever and they have their little friendly feline/canine ritual. Fun to watch!

  3. lauren raine says:

    Those dogs are having a great time! I come from a long line of “cat women”, and have little experience with dogs, alas………..although I’ve seen plenty of flying cats.

    I’d love to visit Cassadega. Funny, I was thinking about Lilydale, its sister village, this morning. I know what you mean, there are times when you just can’t talk about some things, it’s like talking another language.

  4. Momwithwings says:

    Love the flying dog pics! I had a terrier years ago and he would jump shoulder high whenever he got excited!

    I am very interested to read about the Holy Water. I never would have thought about bringing that!

    Funny synchro, I was telling my daughter about Cassadaga last night and how I’d love to visit!

  5. I like these dog park stories, not bored yet!

    I’ve a feeling that people are the same everywhere but don’t talk about such stuff – though ‘birds of a feather’ do seem to flock together, so perhaps they then chat about it more.

    We were at someone’s house the other evening, with a four other people and one of them out of the blue – the most unlikely – said he wondered if humans came from alien seeds. The others looked a bit blank at him but I chatted to him briefly about this while the others talked about some reality singing show.

    Look forward to the Holy Water ‘results’. I remember a couple of experiments from Rosicrucian days, though this was more energised water than ‘Holy’.

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