Mark’s Mom & the Shiny Nickel


After my sister’s memorial service on June 15, I was sitting with two of Mary’s closest friends from high school, Tracy and Sue, who flew up from Fort Lauderdale for the service. Neil brought a friend, Mark Brown, over to our table and introduced use.
“Mark has a great synchronicity story, Trish, about spirit contact. You have to hear this.”
So here is Mark’s story.

“My mom was 88 last year and I was mad at myself for only seeing her once in the prior year. She lived in Arizona. I made a bet with a friend at work, who’s a misguided Yankee fan when he should be a Red Sox fan. I said to him that I would wear Yankee’s attire in the office if I did not make reservations to see my mom before the end of February. If I did make those plans, he owed me a shiny nickel. It’s important to know the shiny part of the deal. Annie, my daughter, and I went out and saw mom on President’s weekend and had a great visit. I won the nickel, but it was not that shiny. While visiting with mom, we went out to restaurants and visited with my brother out there. It was a normal visit.

“To our complete surprise, she died eight days later. We were glad that she had visits with new great grandchildren and us before she went. None of us saw it coming so all of our visits were very upbeat. Tracy, my wife, and others stated what a great way to die. At first, I wasn’t ready to hear that, but I did not want her to suffer so I think that makes a lot of sense.

“In my office, I leave nuts and gum for anyone who stops by. Sometimes, people leave change, but not most of the time. Days after the funeral, I came back to my office. Most everything was normal. I stepped out for some reason and when I came back, someone must have come in for almonds. On the floor, there was one almond and the shiniest nickel I’d ever seen. It was not from the person I made the bet with because he was not in the office that day. Surely, someone could have dropped off change, but that was the only coin visible.

“This is where you can say I’m nuts (pun intended), but I take it as a sign that mom wanted me to know that she was fine. When I told this to others in my family, two of them had their own “nickel” experiences.

“This brought me comfort and I hope this true story does the same for you.

P.S. I sent this to a person I know from coaching soccer and here was her reaction:

“I was in the middle of reading your story, Ava and I were in line at Chick Fil A ordering dinner. I hadn’t finished your story yet, but had to pull out my money to pay, which included change. (The total was $10.15). The first coin, out of all the coins, I pulled out and could have pulled out, was a very shiny nickel. I kid you not. I don’t believe in coincidences. Your mom is still okay. So, thanks for taking time to share with me. I really appreciate it.”

And thank you, Mark, for sharing this and thank you, Neil, for introducing Mark and me!! This my be the first shiny nickel story I’ve heard related to spirit contact. But I’ve learned that spirits can use virtually anything to let us know they’re fine.

Happy summer solstice to everyone!

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On June 15, my sister’s beautiful memorial was attended by more than 50 people and was held in the same place in downtown Atlanta where she and Neal celebrated their marriage after the ceremony in 2017. Among the guests were two of Mary’s oldest friends from Mary’s high school  years – Sue and Tracy, who had flown in Fort Lauderdale.

Her  sons  -Ashton, Avery, and Ardon – are married or engaged to three remarkable women – Kerri, Krista, and Ceilidih and they arranged all the details that afternoon and did a fabulous job.

All six of them spoke and so did Neil’s daughter, Casey. Megan and I spoke and Neal did as well, of course. All the talks were deeply moving and  emotional and really communicated the impact Mary had on their lives.

Kerri also put together A beautiful video of Mary’s life that was shown at the end. But when we first entered the room this image was on the screen (a bit blurred here, I snapped it from the video) and I took one look at it and thought, Who is that? She looks so regal!

I guess we never know how someone we love impacts the lives of others  until they’re gone. I certainly learned the depth and breadth of Mary’s impact. I consider myself very fortunate that we were born sisters this time around.


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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure”:

Revisit Trish and Rob’s April 17, 2022 conversation with…

Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his family, friends, and co-workers had encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of people and investigated a wide variety of cases. He has written 29 books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV and speaks to audiences across the United States.
His latest book is SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure. It features the incredible story of UFO/alien contact by a Florida woman named Dolly Safran.

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Thanks to Jon Posey, our producer and tech magician, our podcast is now on You Tube! Our first episode is with Jude Currivan, cosmologist, author and futurist.

We also have a page now in the masthead where we’ll be posting them. If you missed our podcast with this extraordinary woman, you can catch it here!

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Ah, That Trickster!


Tricksters come in many guises – think Smeagol from Lord of the Rings. Or Loki,  of Norwegian mythology. Or Jim Carey in The Mask. Or coyote in Native American mythology. The Trickster archetype is one of the 7 secrets of synchronicity that we wrote about in our book of the same name. We define it as a synchronicity that can reveal  itself with a twist of humor or wry irony so startling it stops us in our tracks.The trickster is invariably intriguing even when it sort of plays with us, making us look silly or naive or ill informed. It makes us laugh at ourselves. These synchros sometimes make you feel like you’re the brunt of the universe’s joke. The trick with the trickster is to dig beneath the joke to find out what’s really going on. What’s the message for you?

Some years ago, we met a woman, Rita, who seemed to be haunted by the trickster. She didn’t call it that, but when she related some of her experiences, it was apparent that she’d had a long relationship with this archetype.

In Memory, Dreams, and Reflections, Jung wrote about how at times in our lives, certain archetypes become active in our psyches. Once we recognize the archetype and integrate it fully into who we are, we liberate ourselves from it. This woman had seen herself as a victim since she was kid. You know, the kid who is picked on or made fun of because of looks, behavior, lack of social skills, physical prowess, whatever. Even when this woman was in her late forties, she perceived herself as the oops child! Her parents’s mistake. The trickster personified that perception.

When Rita saw the movie Home Alone, which came out in 1990, she identified with a certain part of the story. Macauley Culkin played bratty 8-year-old Kevin McCallister. He misbehaved on the night before a family trip to Paris, so his mother made him sleep in the attic. After the McCallisters mistakenly left for the airport without Kevin, he awakenewd to an empty house and assumed his wish to have no family had come true. But his excitement soured when he realized that two con men plan to rob the McCallister residence, and that it was up to him to protect the family home. To him. Alone.

Rita didn’t have to deal with con men. But she also got left behind on a family foreign trip foreign trip and it bolstered her sense of being the accidental – oops! – child. This is where the trickster stepped in. She often was a postscript for invitations – the person chosen to even up the basketball team, the double dates, the research, the teachers on a faculty. Usually when this happened, some lone bird would appear in the vicinity – a woodpecker, crow, egret, and once, a raven.

That raven appeared the day she and her husband of 20 years had a terrible argument about money and she was questioning just about everything she knew to be true. She was driving home from the grocery store and felt compelled to take a different route. Rita lived in the Florida keys and eventually got lost in a neighborhood on one of the middle keys. And there, she spotted her husband’s car parked in front of a house. She didn’t know who lived there, but took note of the address and tracked down the owner online.

The place belonged to a woman who worked at the the same law firm Rita’s husband did. When she confronted him, it turned out he’d been having an affair with the woman. Rita divorced him.

And that divorce, which she initiated, freed her from that oops! child archetype. The raven had been the outer manifestation of her isolation, a bird she associated with Edgar Alan Poe because of his book by that name.

In the novel, she interpreted the bird to be Poe’s symbol of the mournful, endless remembrance, the profound sorrow about Lenore, the lost love of his life. For Rita, that raven became symbolic of the loss of her idea as the oops child. Synchronicity had led her to the right house, at the right time in her life.

After that divorce, she went on to pursue a successful career as an entrepreneur. Any trickster synchros she experienced were fun and adventurous.

So what about you? Do you experience repeated trickster synchronicities? Open a computer file and keep track of these experiences. Include details about what you were doing before the experience happened and how you interpreted the synchro.



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A Death


At 12:18 a.m. on June 7, my brother in law Neal called and said, “I can’t believe I’m calling to tell you Mary just died . A cardiac arrest.”

The shock of this kind of call is indescribable. It leaves a hole in the center of your life that you know won’t ever be filled. Mary had gone into ER earlier in the evening because she felt the worst she’d ever felt. The doctors determined she had a strep infection but didn’t know the source. Neal said the infection had  gone to her heart.

Rob and I left the next day, drove to Megan’s  to stay overnight and continued to Georgia  the next day. Mary’s three sons and their wives and kids were already here, all of us mourning differently but finding comfort in each other’s presence.

I immediately started hoping to see evidence that she  was around in spirit.The day we left,we asked for a sign and saw the most unusual rainbow we’ve ever seen. It’s at the top of the post. The second sign happened when I was sitting on the porch with Nigel while he ate and I looked up and a hummingbird was right in front of my face, so close I could see its beautiful brown eyes.

So I believe my sister is with us, doing what she did in life, exploring the afterlife through birds and animals and rainbows.

RIP, Mary.

Please keep making your presence known.


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The Mystical Underground: Meryl Ann Butler: Manifestation Mandala

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Meryl Ann Butler: Manifestation Mandala”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Meryl Ann Butler is an international artist, author, editor, and intuitive reader. She has just launched a unique online creativity community called Crescent Creativity Club. Her lifelong interest in metaphysics and spirituality has taken her from her classical art training into the realms of visionary art and innovative aspects of creativity. She’s also been a popular presenter at Edgar Casey’s Association for Research.

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Jung: the Enigma



I periodically pick up Deirdre Bair’s biography of Jung and page through it, reading a chapter here, more chapters there I’ve never been able to sit down and read it from cover to cover. With the index, it’s nearly 900 pages long.

But tonight I happened to turn to a section from Jung’s The Red Book, a massive journal that started because of, as Bair describes it,  “his first psychotic vision” during a journey by train to Schaffhausen. “The vision occurred after he decided it would be dishonest to continue treating patients using ‘Freudian theoretical assumptions.’” This happened around the time of his break with Freud, war was imminent, and Jung was “beset by so many other dreams and fantasies…that he was led to formulate the theory of active imagination, the process of concentrating on a single image or event long enough to allow it to develop its own volition.”

This sounds a lot like what happens in lucid dreaming, where you wake up inside a dream and seize on a particular image that will enable you to move more fully into the dream. The idea with lucid dreaming, though, is that by seizing on an image, you eventually are able to control and manipulate the dream.

On another train trip in 1914, Bair writes, Jung realized that that the only way he could define a system separate from Freud’s would be to treat himself as though he were his own patient. So he decided to confine his new journal to “language metaphors,” and allow the unguided flow to pour out of him. The first time he sat down to write, “he remembered hearing a distinctly female voice speaking quietly but with authority. “This is art,” she said.

According to Bair, this made Jung angry because he thought he was constructing “an empirical science.” Eventually, this female voice morphed into a male voice, Elias, who didn’t stick around long, and then into a second male voice, Philemon. “Jung described Philemon as the pagan voice of an old man of ‘simply superior knowledge.

To me, this sounds like channeling. Or like the muse of a deeply creative person whose voice and personality are distinctly different from that of the individual. Jung believe that Philemon was teaching him “psychological objectivity, the reality of the soul.

Many of his Philemon writings are in The Red Book, which the Jung family kept under wraps for years because it smacked of madness. It includes not only Jung’s writings during this period, but his sketches, paintings, doodle, the inner self made manifest in art and words.

Years after Jung started The Red Book, he allowed his translator and friend, R.F.C. Hull to read The Red Book. Hull is best known for his translation of The Collected Works of C.G. Jung. His take on The Red Book is fascinating for its insight into the connection between madness and genius, between creativity and the unconscious, and into Jung himself.

“Talk of Freud self-analysis – Jung was a walking asylum in himself, as well as its head physician.” Hull thought The Red Book provided “the most convincing proof that Jung’s whole system is based on psychotic fantasies – which of course it is – and therefore the work of a lunatic.” But he compared Jung to a medicine man, a shaman “who understood madness and can heal it, because at periods they are half-mad themselves.”

Jung’s achievement, Hull concluded, “…lay in hammering that material into a system of psychotherapy that worked.”

I think Hull missed the mark in many respects. But in all fairness to Hull, he was Jung’s contemporary and was seeing the material from that perspective. To me, it seems that Jung’s legacy went well beyond his system of psychotherapy.

His work hurled open doors about the nature of human consciousness and how it impacts the nature of our personal realities, what we experience day to day in our own lives. It coincides with fairly recent discoveries in quantum physics that tell us an event doesn’t happen until it is observed, which is another way of saying that consciousness is the sum total. Everything. Without it, a thousand trees can fall in a forest but if there’s no one around to see it, to hear it, has it actually happened?

Thanks to Jung, the idea that we create our lives from the inside out, through our thoughts, beliefs, desires, intentions- through everything that makes up our consciousness – is not quite the outlier notion it once was. Debate the idea with yourself, with family and friends. Argue for or against it. Think about it, mull it over, seriously consider it. And then ask yourself: Suppose Jung was right?

And suppose synchronicity is the place where it all bleeds out, coalescing in seemingly miraculous and stunning ways? Suppose synchronicity, the term that Jung coined, is the voice of that quantum theory?

I actually wrote this post in 2016 and ran across it tonight. It still holds true for me.



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Andrew McPherson You Tube

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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: 00000010-00000100-00000001

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: 00000010-00000100-00000001”:

Join the Mystical Underground as we revisit two recent episodes this week—episode 146 with Jude Currivan and episode 148 with Andrew Mcpherson.

Come back next week for a special round table episode with Jude and Andrew on, your favorite podcast app or

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