Tag Archives: aliens
Ah, Synchronicity
Available at Amazon, here and here
The Fourth MInd
Whitley was recently on our podcast to talk about his newest book, The Fourth Mind. I’ve read all his books over the years and this is one is the best and most unusual. The first part of the book focuses … Continue reading
The Alien Jigsaw
This post is from 2011 and I ran across it recently and decided to repost it. We included it in our book Aliens in the Backyard: UFOs, Abductions & Synchronicity. ++ We recently came across a long, but interesting article … Continue reading
Mieke And Paul Benton: My Life Is A Mystery
https://soundcloud.com/themysticalunderground/mieke-and-paul-benton-my-life-is-a-mystery Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Mieke And Paul Benton…Have you ever experienced any unusual things? Maybe you call them miracles or unexplained mysteries, or things people do not talk about. My life has been a series … Continue reading
Ralph And Deborah Blumenthal: UFOhs
https://soundcloud.com/themysticalunderground/ralph-and-deborah-blumenthal-ufohs Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Ralph Blumenthal was a reporter for The New York Times from 1964 to 2009 and has written seven books based on investigative crime reporting and cultural history. His first book related … Continue reading
The Blue Ridge Synchro
Not long after we had author and UFO researcher Preston Dennett on our podcast, I asked Preston where he’d moved when he’d left L.A. Turns out he’d moved to Blue Ridge, Georgia, where my sister and her husband, Neal, … Continue reading
Those objects in the sky
We’ve been getting inquiries about what we think about the unidentified objects that the U.S. military has shot down. Three such objects at this writing, plus the Chinese balloon. Those who have contacted us are concerned that they are alien … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: Debra Jordan-Kauble: Kissed By An Alien
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Debra Jordan-Kauble: Kissed By An Alien”: Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Debra Jordan-Kauble, who was the “Kathie Davis” in Budd Hopkins’ classic book on alien abduction, Intruders: The … Continue reading