The Mystical Underground: Carol Day: Creative Earth Ensemble

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Carol Day: Creative Earth Ensemble”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Carol Day is a visionary teacher, psychotherapist, artist, and director of Scotland’s Creative Earth Ensemble project. She trained with well-known visionaries, including shamanic teachers Sandra Ingerman, Franco Santoro, Stephen Mulhearn, and psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. She runs a private practice in systemic story therapy and is involved in projects centered on creating community and connecting people back to the land. Carol lives in Glasgow, Scotland, and is the author of Shamanic Dreaming. In the book, she explores how to access your creative potential to shape and hold a strong vision for yourself and others. Carol Day shares hands-on tools and step-by-step shamanic practices to become more visionary and connected to the world. She details practices to expand the senses, set intentions, and connect deeply with intuition and spirit helpers.

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The 4th Secret of Synchronicity: The Creative.


The movie White Noise had a world premier at the 79th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2022. It was then released in select cinemas on November 25, 2022, before its streaming release by Netflix on December 30, 2022. It’s based on Don DeLillo’s 1985 novel, which won the National Book Award.

According to Salon, “Shortly after Noah Baumbach adapted and directed a film version of “White Noise,” now streaming on Netflix, starring his partner Greta Gerwig and Adam Driver, a freight train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in rural Ohio. The story is still developing, and the environmental impact may not be fully known for years, but the tragedy bears an eerie resemblance to many elements of the film.”

This synchronicity falls under the 4th secret in our book 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. It’s The Creative. “Creativity lies at the heart of synchronicity.” Over the years, we’ve discovered that creatives often foretell the future through their work. This one is classic in that sense. Think about it. A novel written in 1985 presages an event 38 years in the future:

Both the novel and the movie are set in Ohio,. In th movie, it’s set in a fictional Ohio town,  Blacksmith. The movie was filmed almost entirely in Ohio. In the film, a tanker truck loaded with toxic, flammable material crashes into a passing train because of the truck driver’s drunk driving. The train derails in the countryside, the tanker is crushed, and releases a viscous substance. “A fireball erupts. The rest of the film deals with the aftermath of the crash, in both large and small, personal ways.”

The real event involving a rain derailment happened on February 3, 2023 in East Palestine, Ohio, a town near the Pennsylvania border. A Norfolk Southern train with 20 cars containing hazardous materials derailed, caught fire, and created a horrendous cloud of toxic material.

In both the film and real life, residents are ordered to evacuate, then to shelter in place.
In real life, the derailed and burned cars contained dangerous chemicals including butyl acrylate, ethylhexyl acrylate, isobutylene, and vinyl chloride, a substance that NPR described as “a carcinogen that becomes a gas at room temperature.” Since it breaks down in the sun, it can cause headaches and dizziness.As NPR writes, “People who breathe the chemical over many years may also experience liver damage.”

Here’s another weird facet of this synchronicity: some of the residents of East Palestine were extras in the movie.

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from artist Lauren Raine


Lauren Raine always has fascinating synchronicities. The image above is from her book.

In 2005 I was at an artist’s colony in Woodstock, NY called Byrdcliffe.  I had come from presenting a workshop earlier on masks and the Goddess, and THE GODDESS WITHIN was an important book I used as reference for that class.  Some of the writings in that book  were also deeply emotionally significant to me, in particular what the authors had to say about the “Persephone woman”.  It is a beautiful book.  I had thought I would try to write to  Jennifer Barker to see if she would talk with me about the Goddesses in an interview (I was still collecting interviews for my “spiritual art” book).  I had not thought of trying to contact Roger Woolger, as because the book was about women and the Goddess,  Jennifer Barker Woolger seemed more appropriate.  But I had no idea where she was or how I might contact her.

It happened that Byrdcliffe was having a big party while I was there (and, of course, one of the pieces I was working on had to do with Persephone, and the book was significant in its creation).  I got to talking with a woman there and it turned out we both had a great interest in feminine mythology, so we agreed to meet for lunch the next day.  And over lunch I mentioned the book and how I would like to contact one of the authors.  The woman (whose name I don’t remember now) said “Oh, you mean Jennifer!  She moved to Vermont after her divorce.  Would you like her number?”  Just like that!  Turned out that my lunchmate and Jennifer had been good friends, and when she divorced she left New York and moved back to Vermont, taking back her maiden name, Jennifer Barker.  And I learned she did, among other things, offer gatherings dealing with the Persephone Archetype.

I called her and she actually agreed to meet me if I came to Vermont!  I am embarrassed to say that I did not do so – things got chaotic, and I guess I also felt insecure about it as well, and I did not take the opportunity that was given to me.  I’ve regretted it since.  It seems she wrote a book on Persephone at some point in the years since, but I can’t seem to find if it ever got published, certainly I can’t find where to purchase it.  And I think she has passed on.

But that’s my story…………….I think it’s what Bill Moyers called “invisible means of support”.  Below is one of the “Persephone” pieces I did while at Byrdcliffe.

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The Mystical Underground: Heather Bristol: Hearts And Paws Never Fade Away And Nika Too

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Heather Bristol: Hearts And Paws Never Fade Away And Nika Too”:

Join Trish and Rob for another conversation with…

Heather Bristol, a certified psychic medium, animal communicator, and spiritual coach to discuss our spiritual connection with our pets.

For Nika 🙏🐶🙏

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FROGS, again

For many years now, frogs have been the creatures who act as my signal, providing me with a glimpse of the near future. I think of them as symbolic of transformation.

During the warm summer months, Cuban tree frogs hop onto our windows, drawn by the insects that are attracted  to the lights in our offices. They are the largest tree frog in North America and  are fascinating to watch. The top photo is of a frog  paying homage to a pasted frog on the inside glass of Rob’s office window.

Considering the number of frogs in our yard, these guys rarely get inside the house. But when  they do, it’s usually significant in some way, even if that significance isn’t immediately apparent.   It often means that an event is on its way into our lives. If the frog is healthy and vital, then the event is likely to be transformative in a positive way. If the frog is ailing or dead, then the event is likely to impact us negatively.

Some years ago, Rob, Megan and I got home from somewhere and found a dead frog in the middle of our family room. Megan glanced at both of us. “Uh-oh,” she said. “Dead frog in family room. “

And I thought: Yeah, someone in the family is going to die.

Some hours later Rob’s mother called to tell him his dad was in hospice. Rob flew to Minneapolis. His dad passed away three days after we’d found the dead frog.

On another note, in February of 2003, I found a live frog in my office, caught and released it. I knew good news was headed my way. Two days later, I received a call from a fellow writer, Glenn Meganck, who told me my novel, Out of Sight, had been nominated for an Edgar Alan Poe Award for best paperback original, by the Mystery Writers of America. I spent the next 3 months visualizing myself winning the award.

In early May, I was in New York at the awards dinner and I won. I already knew my acceptance speech by heart.

It’s been like this for decades. The frog, alive or dead or somewhere in between. In the house or outside. The state of the frog and where it’s found are intrinsic to what’s coming up.

So on February 5 or 6, I was moving some stuff around in the family room, trying to make room for Rob so he could keep his leg elevated. He’d had knee replacement surgery. I pick up the plate with the frog on it and it cracked. It split in half, right through the middle of the frog horizontally.


For moments, I just stared at it, all sort of terrible things dancing around inside me. Bad luck, bad luck, plate with frog on it broke in half. BUT. It wasn’t a real frog, just an image, surely it didn’t mean anything, right? A couple days later I bought some super glue and fitted it back together.I foolishly believed that since I’d fixed the late, the predicted event had been fixed too.

The next day, I had to take Nika, our dog and Megan’s,  to the emergency vet. I learned that she had a massive tumor and was bleeding out.

I ultimately had her euthanized. And my heart broke, just like that crack down the center of the frog plate.



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The Walker


Usually, we don’t write about physical problems on our blog – unless there’s a synchro involved. This one is an outlier.

On February 3, two days before the full moon in Leo, Rob had a knee replacement. I dropped him at a surgical center at 6:30 a.m., he was home by noon. Our friend, Lloyd, had lent Rob a walker because the one the clinic had ordered hadn’t arrived yet. His wife, Fran, had used it.

After I dropped Rob off, I went home and crashed. Then I got up and went grocery shopping. When I got home, a nurse from the clinic called and asked if I had a walker that fit Rob ’s height. I explained about the walker and she said, Just bring it in when you arrive. Then before I picked up Rob, she called again and said she’d found a walker that fit his height so I didn’t have to bring mine into the facility.

I went inside without the walker and she came out into the lobby with a sheaf of discharge instructions and went through them with me.Then she told me where to park so he could come out to the car.

He came out using the walker the nurse had found at the clinic. I slipped it between the front and back seats. Meanwhile, Lloyd’s loaner was in my trunk. I returned it to him at the dog park. But somehow, today, three days after his surgery, I snapped a photo of Rob outside by the Frisbee basket, the walker in front of him. He suddenly looked down at the horizontal bar. “Look at this.”

There, that sticker on the walker: Francine Corley Walton. The walker was the one Lloyd had lent us. But I thought I’d returned it to him at the dog park. I was struck by the weirdness of this, given all the back and forth with the nurse about a walker. Was this Lloyd’s wife making contact through a walker that had been hers?

Rob doesn’t think it’s a synchro. And for him, I can see why it isn’t. He didn’t go through the stuff about which walker to use. But I was sure I’d returned Fran’s walker to Lloyd, so for me, this one  has the trickster fingerprints all over it.

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For March 2023

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For March 2023”:

Join Trish for the March 2023 astrological forecast!

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2:22 and beyond

Trish and I were both captivated by a movie called 2:22 that came out in 2017 and was only a theatrical release for one week. It earned $422, the lowest of any movie in 2017. Sounds terrible, but it’s not. It’s a fantastic movie about synchronicity, the dark and the light.

Briefly, a review in IMDB calls it “a clever, rollercoaster thriller that centers on Dylan, an air-traffic controller who is given a jolt when he narrowly escapes being responsible for a mid-air collision between two passenger planes, caused by a mysterious blinding light that happened at 2:22. These strange occurrences continue and lead Dylan to meet Sarah, with whom he feels inexplicably linked. Together they discover uncanny similarities with their current predicament and a double murder committed a generation ago – implying a past life connection. With a grim fate looming, Dylan must solve the mystery of 2:22 to preserve a love whose second chance has finally come.”

This was one of those movies that really gripped us, that we felt as if we were inside it. Then at the end, as if to confirm our feelings about it,  a real-life synchronicity unfolded. On the screen appeared the image above with the line: “the dying star Hamlin did finally disappear…but somewhere, somehow another star was born.” That line immediately caught my attention linking this 2017 movie to the real-life event of the on-field death and revival of Buffalo Bills football star Damar Hamlin on a Monday Night Football just weeks ago, an event that resonated around the world.

Finally, in a voice-over at the end, Dylan says: “In everyone’s life comes a time when the universe opens itself for just a few moments to show us what’s truly possible.”

Following his recovery, Damar Hamlin said: “God’s plan for me was to have a purpose greater than any game in this world.”

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Those objects in the sky

We’ve been getting inquiries about what we think about the unidentified objects that the U.S. military has shot down. Three such objects at this writing, plus the Chinese balloon. Those who have contacted us are concerned that they are alien vessels and that this is just the beginning. Interestingly, without exception the writers are people who have never expressed any interest about UFOs to us, who have not read any of the books or spent any time researching the subject. So that tells us that the subject of an alien presence is something that exists just below the consciousness of most of us. An archetype?

As for our friends who are very interested in the subject and have been for years, decades actually, they seem to have a more tempered approach to these recent events. We’re of the same mind. We aren’t shouting the aliens are here. I told you so. Well, actually, we think they are here, but these objects are not them. Typically, UFOs don’t drift along with the wind like balloons. They display maneuvers that are unlike any known craft making impossible high-speed turns and sometimes simply vanishing.

Not surprising, our friend Whitley Strieber has something to say about the objects. Whitley is probably more linked in popular culture to alien contact than any other living person, based on his encounters and numerous books about them. Synchronistically, as I (Rob) am writing here, Whitley just called Trish and they are talking astrology and the timing of the release of his new book.

So here is what he says about the objects. This was published on Unknown Country.

“If this is an action taken by our visitors, they are assessing our reactions. If so, then objects will also appear over Russia if they are not already doing so. Many years ago, I understood that conditions under which they might act would be the immediate danger of nuclear war and/or environmental collapse. Both things seem closer than ever at this time. If this is them and they are acting, then there will be more focused and concrete developments over whatever timeline they have chosen.

On balance, though, if I had to bet, I’d say that the following scenario explains what’s happening:

  1. The US developed a technology that would seek and find slow moving airborne objects and deployed it.
  2. The Chinese were surprised when we were able to detect and shoot down one of the balloons they had been sending over our country for years.
  3. Now that the Chinese knew we had this capability, there was no reason to keep it under wraps and we began to use it to shoot down low-powered slow moving dirigibles that run for long durations on a combination of batteries and solar power, and contain miniaturized electronic sensors and possibly optics.
  4. The one that interfered with jet sensors was equipped with countermeasures that would steer it away from civilian aircraft and the emanations from this system was what the military jet, with its much more complex signalling profile, detected.
  5. By claiming that they have detected a device and are planning to shoot it down, the Chinese are trying to make it appear as if they possess the same technology, as they may.

And then again, if it is the visitors it won’t surprise me. I learned long ago never to second-guess that remarkable, complex and secretive presence.”

We’re looking forward to reading Whitley’s new book, THEM. It will be released on March 23.

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In the summer of 2011, after Megan had graduated from college, she decided she wanted to get a dog to accompany her on the next leg of her journey, whatever it would be. So we headed over to Big Dog Ranch and took a look at all the dogs they had for adoption.  She found Nika with several other pups that had been rescued from a kill shelter in Miami. It was, for both of us, love at first sight.

We brought her home a couple days later and she immediately took to our red Golden Retriever, Noah. He was two years older than Nika and became a kind of mentor to her. She lived with us for five or six  months – while Megan worked at Sea World with dolphins.

Then when Megan ‘s internship at Sea World was done, she launched her dog-sitting business and took Nika home to Orlando with her. I remember standing out in the driveway, crying, as they drove off.

Over the years, Nika went everywhere with Megan and with us when we were together as a family. She was there for every Wine Walk in Orlando, where Megan exhibited her art. We took her and Noah with us to the Florida keys, to Cedar Key,  into the Carolinas.

In March 2019, a year before Covid hit, Noah passed away.  There were a number of synchronicities surrounding his death. By then, we had Nigel, just 2 at the time. Noah had been his mentor, too. The  following weekend when Megan and Nika arrived, Nika ran around the house looking for Noah. Quite often that weekend, I would see her and Nigel gazing off into space and wondered if they could see Noah’s spirit.

Nika moved in with us at some point during the pandemic. Nigel loved having another dog in the house. We kidded that Nika  was in retirement. She had gotten fed up with all the dogs Megan was watching at her place and here, there was just Nigel, who adored her, and two cats who loved her.  She also got to go to the dog park every day, went out to dinner with us, to the dog beach, and on vacations.

She loved chasing squirrels, made friends with people and dogs at the dog park, slept with Rob on the porch when the nights were cool. Sometimes at the park, she would wander off alone and sit utterly still, like she was meditating. I often felt she was a human soul who had chosen to come back this time as a dog.

This morning when I woke up, I noticed that Nika just wasn’t herself. She could barely walk. She panted a lot. I made her a bed on the floor and sat next to her and felt she was dying. I called our vet, discovered they are no longer open on Sundays, so I took her to an emergency vet, Access Specialty Animal Hospitals. When the vet finally came in to talk to me, I told her what I’d observed and felt.

“Well, she’s very sick. She has a large tumor and is bleeding internally.” She didn’t know if the tumor was malignant. I told her I wanted to take Nika home and then to our vet tomorrow. She didn’t recommend it. “She’s bleeding out and she’ll eventually suffocate because the blood will go into her lungs. It’s an awful and painful way to die.”

I spent several hours wrestling with what to do, crying, talking with Megan & Rob and a couple of friends, and finally made the choice to euthanize her.They brought us both into a room so I could spend time with her before and during. It’s heartbreaking to make this choice. I feel like there’s a huge hole inside me now. I told her repeatedly how much we all loved her and asked her, repeatedly, to please come back to us and to give me a sign when she does.

Nika touched so many people’s lives – here, in Orlando, wherever she was.

Now I hope she and Noah and Jessie, are first golden, and all the cats and a bird we’ve lost over the years, are together, cavorting and enjoying themselves and planning their next lives. You know all of you have a home here.

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