The Mid-term Election of Nov 8, 2022

Democrat vs republican poll, democratic decision and primary voting conceptual idea with Vote election campaign button badges and the united states of america flag


For months now, any thought of the midterm elections has left me feeling anxious and angry. How is it that a minority – white Christian Nationalists and their sympathizers, the election deniers and trump worshippers – are now trying to dictate the majority?

The corrupt supreme court stripped women of their right to an abortion. It’s not about fetal heartbeats or the alleged personhood of fetuses. It’s about men controlling women and their health care. How can Alito’s wife can stand the sight of him?

Thanks to the extraordinary work of the J6 committee, it’s now obvious that trump orchestrated the Jan 6 insurrection and intended it to end in a coup. Yeah, banana republic style. He didn’t succeed, but apparently hopes to give it another try in 2024.
Garland, I’m sure, has enough airtight evidence now to indict trump today. And last week and last month. Why is he supposedly waiting until after the election? Why adhere to any of the old norms when trump’s four years shattered most of them?

Which brings us to November 8. As one astrologer said, “Why does it seem that every major U.S. general election lately coincides with a clusterf#ck of intense, confusing astro energies? The presidential election of 2020 will seem like a streamlined, shining example of seamless democratic progress compared to the doozy of a midterm…”


Well, on November 8, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus. It’s conjunct Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected events. Saturn in Aquarius squares Venus, Mercury, and the sun in scorpio. Mars is retrograde in Gemini. What it all means? Chaos. Bedlam. A shit show.

Or, as this same astrologer – Michelle Perrin in Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planet Guide writes,“Surprise upsets are featured, along with secretive machinations and backroom alliances, all of which could threaten to upset the stability of the democratic system. Confusion abounds, and with Mars retrograde, no one is really willing to step in, take charge, and pick up the pieces. This bewildering situation continues on Wednesday and Thursday… Thee could be longstanding shady dealings lingering in the background that threaten to blow the whole thing up.”

We have become a country of US against THEM. Did you hear or read trump’s recent anti-semitic rant? Or how about his remarks after Charlottesville? You know, good people on both sides? US against THEM. Black and white, right and left, jew and christian, there has to be an other.

The repugs stand for oppression. Look what Ron DeSantis is doing to Florida public education. Banning books. Signing Don’t say gay bills. Trying to act like he knows what he’s doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. He’s another wannabe autocrat like trump. Do what I say…

Nearly 300  election deniers are running for office in these midterms. If even a fraction of them get in – as secretaries of state, governors, as senators – then we can expect more chaos, more rebellion, more insurrections, more election deniers. The pathetic truth is that repugs can’t win popular elections. They bank on the electoral college, which should be abolished for the antiquated tool it is.

Think of the world’s most repressive regimes now. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia…those are the ones that leap immediately into my head. That’s only a fraction. Living in any of those countries, as a woman…no thanks. I’d rather be dead.

But that’s where this country is headed if the repugs seize control. Under them, climate change will progress until much of the country is uninhabitable. Grocery shelves will be bare more often. Food may become scarce. Government will intrude more deeply into your personal life. Who you marry, who you love, where you can travel to and where you can live. Already, see in Palm Beach County, public high schools in Florida are mandating that female athletes have to report their menstrual periods each month. The mandate has been challenged.

Under the extreme right, we’ll be living how Venezuelans live now under the Maduro regime. How Chileans lived under Pinochet. How Cubans have lived since 1959. How Italians lived under Mussolini, how Spaniards lived under Franco, how Germans lived under Hitler. How North Koreans live under Kim Jong-un. How Saudis live under MBS.
Fun, huh?

Then again, the U.S. is experiencing its first Pluto return. It happens every 248 years. True to Pluto’s nature as the planet of profound and permanent change, the great destroyer. At the return, Pluto knocks down existing structures and then rebuilds from the ashes. Trump started that process by destroying the norms. Now his Big Lie has metastasized and spread throughout the country.

On March 23, 2023, Pluto enters Aquarius, where it will be until June 11, 2023 before it turns retrograde and slips back into Capricorn. In the third week of January 2024, Pluto enters Aquarius again and remains there until January 2044, with a few dips back into Capricorn along the way. So the period from 3/23/23 to 6/11/23, we all get a preview of what those years will be liken – for the human collective and for each of us personally.

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Precognition is supposedly less understood that other types of psi. But when it happens to you and then unfolds, there’s no squabble or debate about it.

But what triggers a precognition, a glimpse of the future?

This evening, I realized that sometimes it can sometimes  be triggered by a selfish motive. Here’s what I mean.

Rob and I are gong to Orlando this week to watch Megan’s pets while she’s out of town. It’s a Sunday night. Angie, the woman who has been doing my hair for at least 20 years, is returning from a week in Greece. I have an appointment with her on Tuesday. Facts.

As I was drying my hair this morning, I thought that if Angie returned with Covid, I wouldn’t be able to get my hair colored for at least another week and oh wow, my gray would be showing. I knew she’d been vaxxed and boosted and took precautions and convinced myself that I was just being paranoid about this.

But this evening, she texted me that she’d contracted Covid in Greece, didn’t have symptoms now, and if I wanted to change my appointment, no problem, she understood.
So, there it was. My precognition. Now what?

Tuesday will be her 6th day and, according to the CDC, you aren’t contagious after day 5. I’ve been vaxxed, boosted once, had Covid in January of this year and symptoms lasted just a day. But even once the recognition had been confirmed, I faced the same dilemma – a selfish thing. I don’t want gray hair. So Angie and I will both be wearing masks on Tuesday.

Her salon is on the back porch of her home, no one else around.

So even though the precognition unfolded, I still had to make a choice. And that’s the twist with this phenomenon. You glimpse something that’s coming up, but you still have to decide how you deal with it. Then there’s an additional question: does your choice  change the event? And if so, how?


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The Mystical Underground: From The Journal Of Susan Yantorno: Battling Demons (Repost)

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “From The Journal Of Susan Yantorno: Battling Demons (Repost)”:

Join Rob for a TRUE Halloween story as he reads entries from Susan Yantorno’s journal.

Susan continues to battle a demon she has nicknamed Bozo and his minions. A new entity, Ariel, has entered the fray as she has started to tilt the battlefield in her favor.

Dr. Susan Yantorno is a retired veterinarian living in Sarasota, Florida, who for three decades has experienced repeated encounters with both physical and nonphysical intelligences from elsewhere.

Tune in next week, 2022-11-06, for a new interview with Susan as she updates us on her struggle with the dark entities.

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A disappearing town and more…

Someone recently asked me if I’d heard any stories of towns or buildings that disappeared as if they were never there. I guess he asked the right person because I came up with three examples, including a personal one.

I immediately thought of two such incidents. One was a story I’ve written about that was told  to me by John, a former coastguardsman who in 1963 was docked in Bermuda. Briefly, on shore leave on Thanksgiving he met a young American woman – a Navy nurse in training – who was visiting Bermuda for a couple of days with friends after catching a Navy transport plane. He went for a walk with her down to the old British fort –  Fort St. Catherine. After sitting on the beach wall getting to know each other, they decided to take a different way back, instead of following the beach.

They came to a trail and decided to follow it. They climbed a hill and looked down on a small village with a church and graveyard and houses. It all seemed very familiar to them. They tried the church door, but it was locked, and it was odd that they didn’t see anyone. It was dusk and they only saw flickering lights in windows. By the time they left to head back to town, John was feeling very attracted to his new friend, who was leaving in the morning.

A few days later, when he had shore leave again, he decided to go back to the village and write Barbara a love letter. To his surprise, there was no village, no sign of it. He was certain he was in the exact same place. He went back to town and to a bar for a drink and asked the old bartender if he knew anything about a village not too far away in the direction of the fort.

The bartender said that he did. It was the village of St. Catherine and it had been destroyed by the Great Hurricane of 1780 that killed more than 3,000 in Bermuda and the Bahamas. John was stunned and never forgot the experience. He lost track of Barbara but then many years later with internet making it easier to find people, he contacted her. He asked if she remembered him…yes, she did, and did she remember a little village they visited…yes, of course. He was relieved that it wasn’t his imagination. It had happened and they both experienced it.

# # #

The second story is about a woman and two friends who were caught in a fog in upstate N.Y., while heading to a ferry to visit a town and a medical specialist. Visibility was so poor they turned off on a road and found a barn-shaped restaurant so they could wait out the fog.

They were served by two short people who gave them an oddly sweet drink like nothing they’d ever tasted. After that, they seemed to enter a mental fog and lost tract of time. But they  reached their destination feeling confused, but  just in time for the appointment, even though they had planned to arrive in the town two hours early.

On their return, they decided to go back to the restaurant because it had been such an odd experience and they couldn’t even remember leaving it. They found the road where they’d turned off,  but there was no restaurant.

There’s more to this story that involves a missing pregnancy, as well as the missing restaurant. Again it was one that we had written about here on the blog and elsewhere.

# # #

After recalling those two stories, I realized that Trish and I had experienced something similar. A house that didn’t vanish, but somehow was no longer the same house.

Years ago, Trish and I found the perfect house for us. It had two master bedrooms on either end, an open plan in the center and big windows looking out onto two wooded acres of property. Unfortunately, someone else got it before we could put a bid on it.

A couple years later, I saw that the house was on the market again. We were excited, made an appointment to see it, only to be disappointed. It was in the exact location, even  had the same unusual gravel driveway, but it was a different house and not a very appealing one. We were confused and disappointed…and when we explained why, the realtor thought we were nuts and didn’t want to show us any more houses!

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Synchronicity & Astrology

Taken from the Chandra X-ray observatory


The planet Uranus rules sudden, unexpected events, individuality, revolution, earthquakes, disruptions, collapse, technology, innovations, liberation, scientific genius, creativity, idiosyncrasies, and astrology. It rules the sign Aquarius.

In the early part of 2011, astrologers were predicting that once Uranus entered fire sign Aries on March 10, where it would be for seven years, we should expect the unexpected globally and within our personal lives. Earthquakes might become more numerous. Societal change would happen quickly and unexpectedly. Protests around the world would be more common as people sought individual freedoms.

As it turned out, Uranus shook up a lot of things. Osama bin Laden was killed by Naval Seals in Pakistan, a revolution began in Egypt, Game of Thrones premiered, setting off a kind of cultural revolution, Castro resigned as First Secretary of the Communist Party, Pope John Paul II was canonized as a saint, riots erupted in England, Steve Jobs resigned as Apple Chief Executive. But on March 11 at 2:46 p.m., a 9.1 earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Honshu on the Japan Trench. The shaking lasted about six minutes.

Within 30 minutes a tsunami generated by the massive quake slammed over seawalls and disabled three nuclear reactors in a matter of days. It was the largest quake every recorded in Japan and one of the five strongest in the world. National Geographic has a stunning video on the inundation, with the tsunami rushing over an 18 foot seawall.

There’s another good roundup on Live Science.

There are people who experience and believe in synchronicity who don’t consider astrology to be a part of it. They’re wrong. Carl Jung, who coined the term synchronicity, believed that divination systems – like the I Ching, astrology, tarot – definitely fell under the synchronicity umbrella. Given the nature of Uranus and of Aries, the archetypal warrior, this 9.1 quake is the perfect expression of the Uranus transit from water sign Pisces to fire sign Aries.

The quake happened while Uranus was at 29 degrees ad 57 minutes of Pisces, thus the tsunami. An hour after the quake,  a 46 foot tsunami hit, overflowing the 19 foot seawall, inundating the plant, and disabling all but 1 (underground) generator. Most of the emergency core cooling system fails, the only portion still in operation being a steam and battery system which hadn’t been tested or used in 40 years. At 9 p.m, an evacuation order is issued for people within 1.9 miles of the plant.

By the next day, when Uranus is now in Aries, the evacuation order is extended to 12.4 miles. Here’s a timeline of the events. It’s daunting.

When this planet changes signs, shit happens.

In March 2019, it entered Taurus – a fixed earth sign. Within a year, WHO proclaimed Covid a pandemic.Trump panicked. He’d met something more powerful than he was, something  which he figured he could conquer just by declaring that it would history by Easter of 2020. That didn’t happen.

In November 2020, he lost the election to Joe Biden and his Big Lie took root and by Jan 6, 2021, Trump directed an insurrection.Now we’re in the aftermath and approaching a midterm election that may determine the future of democracy.

Uranus doesn’t leave Taurus until July 2025. Buckle up.

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The other day at the dog park, a retired attorney, Spenser, showed up with his two dogs and his wife, a high school teacher who had the day off. As a former high school teacher, I asked her if she had to carry a gun yet. She laughed. “No. That’s why I’m still teaching.”

I also asked her about our governor’s “Don’t say gay” bill and the banned book issue. She said that for awhile, The Diary of Anne Frank was removed from the school library. Then it was brought back. She mentioned several other books but I don’t recall specific titles. The whole purpose of the banned books, she said, was so that white kids wouldn’t feel guilty about their own history.

Interesting, right?

But throughout our history, we have neglected certain segments of our own history when it comes to people of color. At the stops on the Florida turnpike, there are two restrooms for women, two for men. These date back to the days of segregation when blacks and whites had their own public restrooms. I remember traveling in Florida when I was a kid, on a family vacation, and being confronted with this weirdness – the separate bathrooms.

I also remember asking my dad about it when we were all back in the rental car. His response? “Blacks don’t have the same rights as whites. Someday they will, but right now they don’t.”

We’ve progressed beyond bathrooms. But if the supremes pass more “originalist” bans like abortion, then the rights people have gained in the last 50 years are going to go as extinct as the Dodo bird. We’ll be hurled back to the dark ages of the 1950s when birth control wasn’t legal, when women couldn’t open a bank account without the permission of a male relative, when most women supposedly went to college to find a husband, when we lived in a Leave it to Beaver and Marcus Welby, M.D. world.

In other words, in much simpler terms, this originalist interpretation of the law is that women aren’t equal to men, that they are chattel governed by men, that they must submit to the rule of men. In those terms, Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the abortion ban, is living in an alternate universe – that of 1860. He hasn’t entered the 21 century yet.

Right now, there are 299 election deniers running for office. They also tend to be anti-abortion. That isn’t what they call themselves, of course. In their own eyes, they are pro-life.

My hope is that the right to reproductive freedom hurls these jerks out of the running. My hope is that the Dems win both the house and the senate and codify abortion and voting rights and all the rest into law. Why should the majority have to live under the edicts of minority?

All these issues are interconnected, entangled.


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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For November 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For November 2022”:

Join Trish for the November 2022 astrological forecast!

The written version is in the masthead. Buckle up, people. It’ll be a weird November.


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Crist vs DeSantis



The choice for Florida governor should be easy – Charlie Crist or autocrat trump wanna be Ron DeSantis. You now, DeSantis is the guy who appeared in the ridiculous and hilarious ad as Tom Cruise in Top Gun.

DeSantis calls Florida the most free  state in the union. Uh-huh. That’s why he passed the Don’t say gay law, is banning books in schools, interfering in how teachers teach, did away with tenure in universities. He passed a law with new guidelines involving race- based discussions in businesses and schools, part of his campaign against critical race theory, an ideology he calls “pernicious.”

Like trump pretending to be a hurricane expert, DeSantis pretends to be an educational expert. He’s also incredibly cruel.

From the NY Times:

“In June, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a budget that set aside $12 million to create a program for transporting unauthorized migrants out of Florida. He touted it as the highlight of the state’s new spending when it came to immigration.

“But just three months later, the money was being used in a place far from Florida, in a very different way: rounding up Venezuelan asylum seekers on the streets of San Antonio and shipping them on private planes to Massachusetts.” Specifically, to the island of Martha’s Vineyard.

This political stunt was unconscionable. I was born and raised in Venezuela. The Venezuelan people have been living under autocrats since Chavez and now they have Maduro. The little news that comes out of the country is invariably sad and depressing.

According to the NYT, “Florida state records show that an airline charter company, Vertol Systems, was paid $615,000 on Sept. 8 and $950,000 less than two weeks later. The first payment was for “project 1” and the second payment for “projects two and three.” So far, Florida officials have acknowledged only the initial flights and have not spoken of plans for others.”

According to court records, Vertol was once represented by republican Matt Gaetz, another election denier and trump ally and now a close ally of DeSantis. In Gaetz, I see another corrupt politician, involved in sexual escapades and alleged sex trafficking that he has gotten away with.

The way these migrants were recruited – from San Antonio, Texas – is also ugly. A mysterious woman named Perla Huerta was hired to recruit them. Read about it. Here’s a link to the Times story.

Then we come to Hurricane Ian, where DeSantis really tried to act like he knew what he was doing. Even the My Pillow guy showed up in the aftermath of destruction in Fort Myers, apparently advertising his stupid pillows.

Under DeSantis, Florida’s property owners insurance has more than doubled from about $1900 a year to more than $4200. We got walloped and as a result, out mortgage went up $300. This year, more than 10 insurance countries have fled Florida. But for DeSantis, that’s a big ho-hum, no problem. Only now, just weeks out from the election, does DeSantis call a special session to deal with the insurance crisis in Florida. Don’t hold your breath.

Oh, and DeSantis is also a climate change denier and anti-choice. So much for Florida being the freest state in the nation.

In contrast, Charlie Crist is pro-choice, believes that voting is a right, and would reverse the DeSantis limits on mail ballots, and understands that the Republican attack on democracy is an emergency. In 2006, when he was elected governor, the hurricanes of 2004 and 2005 had left the insurance market in turmoil. He called a special session in 2007 and worked with both parties to deliver solutions. Insurance companies were held accountable and rates were lowered by 10 percent.

I’ve lived in Florida since 1963, except for the years I was in college in upstate NY. During the years that Crist was governor, from 2007-2011, he was known as “Governor Green.” You know, environmentally active. DeSantis, by contrast, acts like the environment is one of his loyal constituents.

One of the best – and most humorous – comparisons I’ve read about Crist versus DeSantis was here.

So, fellow Floridians, vote BLUE for Crist. We can’t let DeSantis/Top Gun dude damage our state for another 6 six years. With his presidential aspirations for 2024, no telling what other cruel political stunts he’ll pull. His election police already bears a chilling resemblance to the Morality Police in Iran, to the Tonton Macoute in Haiti, the DINA in Pinochet’s Chile. He has the same bug that trump does – I wanna be a dictator or – even better – king!



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Just out of sight and mostly outside the awareness of mainstream media, a shift in consciousness is underway that’s beyond religion, politics, and science as we know it now. It’s an accelerated perception shared by millions worldwide: we are all energetically entangled. What affects one, affects all.

Here in this sea of evolving awareness, we perceive intuitively, through the heart, and often experience astonishing coincidences or synchronicities. It’s here we might momentarily connect with a lost loved one, catch a glimpse of our future, or be nudged unexpectedly onto a different path. These wake-up calls alert us to a deeper matrix of reality.

Welcome to The Shift.

We based a lot of the material on our podcast interviews. We recognized   a thread that ran through every episode – that in spite of the bedlam in which we in the U.S. live right now, there’s hope that it ultimately ends with an evolution of humanity.

Available today on Amazon!




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November 8

For months now, any thought of the midterm elections has left me feeling anxious and angry. How is it that a minority – white Christian Nationalists and their sympathizers, the election deniers and trump worshippers – is  now trying to dictate the majority?

The corrupt supreme court stripped women of their right to an abortion. It’s not about fetal heartbeats or the alleged personhood of fetuses. It’s about men controlling women and their health care. How can Alito’s wife even  stand the sight of him?

Thanks to the extraordinary work of the J6 committee, it’s now obvious that trump orchestrated the Jan 6 insurrection and intended it to end in a coup. Yeah, banana republic style. He didn’t succeed, but apparently hopes to give it another try in 2024.
Garland, I’m sure, has enough airtight evidence now to indict trump today. Oct. 17. Why is he supposedly waiting until after the election? Why adhere to any of the old norms when trump’s four years shattered most of them?

Which brings us to election day, November 8. As one astrologer said, “Why does it seem that every major U.S. general election lately coincides with a clusterf#ck of intense, confusing astro energies? The presidential election of 2020 will seem like a streamlined, shining example of seamless democratic progress compared to the doozy of a midterm…”


Well, on November 8, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus. It’s conjunct Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected events. Saturn in Aquarius squares Venus, Mercury, and the sun in scorpio. Mars is retrograde in Gemini. What does it all means? Chaos. Bedlam. A shit show.
Or, as this same astrologer – Michelle Perrin, writing in Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planet Guide writes,“Surprise upsets are featured, along with secretive machinations and backroom alliances, all of which could threaten to upset the stability of the democratic system. Confusion abounds, and with Mars retrograde, no one is really willing to step in, take charge, and pick up the pieces. This bewildering situation continues on Wednesday and Thursday… There could be longstanding shady dealings lingering in the background that threaten to blow the whole thing up.”

We have become a country of US against THEM. Did you hear or read trump’s recent anti-semetic rant? Or how about his remarks after Charlottesville? You know, good people on both sides? US against THEM. Black and white, right and left, jew and christian, there has to be an OTHER bad guy, different-looking.

The repugs stand for oppression. Look at  what Ron DeSantis is doing to Florida public education. Banning books. Signing Don’t say gay bills. Trying to act like he knows what he’s doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. He’s another wannabe autocrat like trump. Do what I say…

299 election deniers are running for office in these midterms. If even a fraction of them get in – as secretaries of state, governors, as senators – then we can expect more  chaos, more rebellion, more insurrections, more election deniers. The pathetic truth is that repugs can’t win popular elections. They bank on the electoral college, which should be abolished for the antiquated postscript that it is.

Think of the world’s most repressive regimes now. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia…those are the ones that leap immediately into my head. That’s only a fraction. Living in any of those countries, as a woman…no thanks. I’d rather be dead.

But that’s where this country is headed if the repugs seize control. Under them, climate change will progress until much of the country is uninhabitable. Grocery shelves will be bare more often. Food may become scarce. Government will intrude more deeply into our personal lives. Who you marry, who you love, where you can travel to and where you can live.

Repugs are being quite open about their agenda if they win back the house or senate or both. Get ride of Social Security and Medicare. Impeach Biden. Investigate the J6 group. Undo everything Biden has accomplished. Silly Kevin McCarthy apparently plans to put Marjorie Taylor Green in some important position if repugs win and he becomes majority leader. McCarthy, the guy who initiallylcondemned trump for the insurrection, then flew to Florida to kneel before his king – trump.

Under the extreme right, we’ll be living how Venezuelans live now under the Maduro regime. How Chileans lived under Pinochet. How Cubans have lived since 1959. How Italians lived under Mussolini, how Spaniards lived under Franco, how Germans lived under Hitler. How North Koreans live under Kim Jong-un. How Saudis live under MBS.

Fun, huh?

So vote BLUE.


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