Power up


Philip Merry, author of 9 Keys of Synchronicity, has been conducting workshops in Singapore, where he lives, on Practical Synchronicity. His technique is designed to help clients develop their synchronicity skills. Here’s a story from Dr. Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD.

She’s a Science Leadership Coach, developing effective future leaders in science and technology. She has 20 years of experience in science as a researcher, communicator, administrator and is an ICF and Belbin certified coach. She’s a specialist in empowering women in science.

“To develop my ideas I choose to withdraw from the external world and do a lot of reflection. I was fortunate to receive a signed copy of “The 9 Keys of Synchronicity” that aided my reflection.

“ A definition of synchronicity that I connect with in Philip’s book is ‘when an event happens to a person in a ‘non-causal’ (no logical cause) way and has meaning for the person in that it gives an answer to an issue the person is facing at that time. It’s often accompanied by intuition.

“So I was constantly asking myself this question: What do I need to know about myself/ this situation?  Yesterday morning, this thought occurred to me that these situations are making me ‘Power up from within’.

“ I am speaking up more, letting go more often than before, and I’m much more focused in my goals. I realized that POWER UP FROM WITHIN is the perfect title for my next Keynote speech that I’m writing.

“As I was walking into the building where my morning lecture was scheduled, I saw Subway add that read, ‘POWER UP FROM WITHIN,’ a clear affirmation that I needed.”

Her email if you’d like to contact her.


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The Mystical Underground: Candice Sanderson: Angels And Aliens

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Candice Sanderson: Angels And Aliens”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Candice M. Sanderson lives in Naples, Florida. Her life changed in a ten-minute period in August 2013 when she began to receive information from messengers from other-worldly sources. When her training as a psychologist failed to explain these events, she reluctantly followed the breadcrumbs down a path which resulted in extraordinary adventures into the unknown.

Candice first appeared with us on The Mystical Underground in 2020 when we talked about her first book “The Reluctant Messenger,” and we talked to her in February about “The Reluctant Messenger Returns,” which chronicles her expedition across a vast expanse of universal consciousness that led to new truths about life that she thought she had known so well. Her new series, “From the Reluctant Messenger,” highlights some of her more memorable explorations into other-dimensional spaces. The most recent one, called “Close Encounters,” takes a new, unexpected turn for Candice. Links to her YouTube channels and other social media platforms can be found on her website.


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District Dive – & Afterward

This photo, because of the lighting and that word DIVE above Bob Farley’s head, is like a doorway into an alternate reality.

While  I was visiting Megan for a couple of days, we wee supposed to meet her  gay friend Bob for dinner one evening, but he had to work late, so we met for a drink after Megan and I had a bite to eat. He’s one of my favorite people, a Pisces with a big heart and a clear sense of who he is.

He suggested we head to District Dive, a gay bar a short distance from where we’d met up. So we did. Given all the attacks in Florida recently against gays and transgenders by our Fascist hungry governor Ron DeSantis, I was curious to find out what impact it may have had on this population.

The music was loud – a constant throbbing before you even step inside. The two men at the front door asked for IDs nd when I handed mine over, I said, “C’mon, really?”

They both sort of laughed ad held up my license the way a cop might. One of the men brought two fingers to his eyes like DeNiro in the movie Meet the Parents. We all laughed.  Except for a couple of men on the other side of the bar, I was probably the oldest person in there.

I loved it. People were who they are. It’ s like they were all letting our silly governor know that his stupid “Don’t say gay” rule for schools is just political grandstanding, that there is a huge gay community in Florida that VOTES. Hello, Ronnie boy. Guess hwere you’re going in the 2022 election?

The following weekend, Hurricane Ian slammed into the west coast of Florida.  And DeSantis, who voted against  federal aid for NY and New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy, begged Biden for federal help for the state he governed. Hypocrite. But Biden came through.

The problem is that Ian is Florida’s future. Climate change is here. DeSantis just can’t admit that yet.


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The Nature of Consciousness


From early on, Hurricane Ian seemed to be headed for Florida’s west coast. Initially, parts of the east coast were inside the cone, but as the storm progressed, the track moved to the west and South Florida was in the clear. As Ian started closing in on the west coast and the National Hurricane Center began issuing more frequent positions, I realized I might have the opportunity to watch a hurricane unfold on live TV.

Until today, my experience of hurricanes has come from being hit by them or from writing about them in fiction. But on September 28, I watched MSNBC and NBC News for most of the day. That ease is due to more advanced technology but also, I think, to greater awareness about climate change. The need to watch this was that our daughter is in Orlando.

My binge of Ian taught me a couple of things. I found a synchronicity – which I wrote about – and also realized just how greatly climate change has impacted hurricanes now as opposed to those in, say, the Sixties. The first hurricane I experienced was in 1964, a year after my parents had left Venezuela and moved to Florida. Hurricane Cleo. I was spending the weekend in Coral Gables, with a friend from Venezuela, and the only thing I recall is that Judy’s parents put up hurricane shutters.

Over the years, of course, I’ve been through many more hurricanes, have used them in my novels, have studied them, been awed and humbled by then. And thanks to climate change, they have grown in intensity, unpredictability, and devastation. The oceans are warmer, scalding in some areas. The ocean currents wobble and shift and so do the upper winds.

For much of this hurricane season, it’s been quiet. This August, in fact, a month that usually features hurricanes, had none. That has happened only twice before. There were no tropical storms or hurricanes in the month of August in 1961 and 1997. These kind of inconsistencies bother me.

The media started talking about that, about what an unusual hurricane season it had been after so many dire predictions. So much attention was focused on the absence of hurricanes in August that September made up for it.

In August 2019, as Hurricane Dorian headed for Florida, a group of 13 of us meditated with the Crystal Skull that Bill Homan had brought to our home. The meditation’s focus was to push Dorian away form Florida. At the time, it was stalled and predicted to slam into Florida. That night, we meditated as a group, and then each one of us had the opportunity to meditate directly with the Mitchell-Hedges skull.

The next day, Dorian was on the move again, but away from South Florida. In retrospect, we realized we should have meditated on Dorian dying somewhere in the North Atlantic. Instead, it crashed into the Abacos in the Bahamas. But one of my suspicions was confirmed: these hurricanes possess some element of consciousness.

Then again, doesn’t most of nature? So why not hurricanes? Earthquakes? Flooding? Volcanic eruptions? The state of my plants seems to reflect my mood at times. Our pets pick up on our moods. Our consciousness helps create what we experience. Everything is entangled. What impacts one, impacts all.


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The Herniated Disc – A Mindblower

photo from google – not from Erin

Megan, our daughter, has known Erin Schornagle since they both interned at Dolphins Plus in Key Largo, were they worked with, well, dolphins! They were 20 and 21 then, they’re now in their early 30s. At one time after Megan moved to Orlando, she and Erin were roommates. Over the years, she has heard us talking about synchronicity and has been experiencing them herself.

Recently, she experienced what I think of as a mind-blowing synchronicity.

First, some background. Erin’s stint at Dolphin plus eventually brought about an opportunity to work at Sea World after she graduated from college.  She worked there for more than 7 years and at least once a week did diving all day long (10 hour shift) for all the exhibits in the area. “We called it our ‘dive day.’ However, in my last few weeks with Sea World, I wanted overtime, so I signed up for shifts with the parks actual dive team, which is in charge of diving all over the entire park on a daily basis. So during the month of December and first week of January, it was more like 2 days a week average.” Basically, she gave her spinal column a workout. She has since left Sea World for another job.

years, dived several times a week to feed and care for the dolphins, rescued dolphins in the wild, and basically gave her spinal column a workout. She has since left Sea World for another job.

About 6 months ago, she started experiencing a lot of pain in her back. It got so bad that it became painful to sit in a car or jog or practice yoga. She found out the pain was caused by a herniated disc in her lumbar spine and tried various method to relieve the pain. But finally, Erin consented to a surgical procedure in August 2022.

I know nothing about back surgery. But just the idea of someone cutting into my spine makes me uneasy. Several months ago, we had dinner with a couple who had been rob’s yoga students for years. The wife, Susan, had terrible scoliosis of her spine and during Covid, spent 12 hours in surgery in Miami to correct it. So when Megan told us Erin was going to have back surgery, I thought of Susan.

From Erin:

“Two nights before my procedure, I met a group of friends for dinner, a nice outing before I started recovery. After this, the reality of the surgery was settling in and I felt slightly more nervous about it, in general. I had not been able to talk to anyone my age that had dealt with a problem like this and followed through with surgery.

“When I got home that night, I opened up my facebook feed one last time before bed and a photo post was the first thing to pop up on the screen. The photo was of a girl showing her lower back where there was a small scar – exactly what I knew my scar would look like (at least described to me by doctors). I went on to read the post, and was amazed when I read the following:

Injury, surgery, recovery, prevention. It’s a journey. And I started that journey at 22 years old.

Always an athlete as a child and young adult, I put my body through the ringer with no thought for injury prevention. Rest days? Yeah, I was young and didn’t need those. Stretching? Boring! I don’t really need it. No to low-impact days? I’m young!

Well, at 21 years old a doctor confirmed that I had a severely herniated a disc in my lower back. I spent about three years suffering before I even saw a doctor. Until I said I can’t do this any more. I won’t be able to walk by 30. I was developing a curve in my spine for carrying my back strangely so it wouldn’t hurt. I had to sleep in the same position every night with lots of Advil and some nights crying through the pain. Getting in and out of my low riding car was tough. Standing up after a 60 minute lecture in college? Excruciating and embarrassing that I had to limp for 5 minutes after standing before my back could support my upright position. It was a nightmare.

I tried a couple of therapies before ultimately I had a microdiscectomy. The two week recovery was HUMBLING, to put it politely. Then physical therapy afterwards was a challenge to slow myself down and really think about my body. I vowed I would protect my back from then on, heaven help me!

After years in athletics, it took an injury to make me realize that your body is actually fragile and you have to tend to it correctly. A strong core helps protect your back. Stretching helps protect your back. Hydration helps protect your back. Don’t think of fitness just as building muscle, think of it as tending and protecting its internal structure.

An injury took me out for a bit back then but ultimately taught me how to properly care for my body. This scar that I hate reminds me all the time to protect what I’ve been given.

Do you properly care for yours? Who’s with me?”

As Erin read this, she was thinking, OMG I’m with you. “Our situations were so similar going into the surgery – it was eerily similar. But it was such a relief to see someone expressing all things I was also experiencing, and being able to write them down. She had the surgery 10 years ago, and was celebrating that memory. I reached out to her right away and started asking questions, and she was very receptive and supportive.

“It was what I needed before the surgery. Thankfully in my case, my recovery period was not as severe as hers. My incision was actually internally stitched and then glued, while hers was stapled shut. Medicine moves so fast.”

This synchronicity proved to be informative and reassuring for Erin. It happened just two days before her surgery, so the timing was auspicious. It soothed whatever anxiety she was feeling. She got in and out of the clinic on the same day and we saw her about a week after the surgery, at Megan’s birthday dinner.

“I’ve got a good synchro for you, Trish,” she said when she arrived at the dinner.

I was thinking of our friend Susan – 12 hours in surgery to straighten her spine – and was shocked Erin was there. After dinner, we went to a bar to listen to music and Erin and I stepped outside so she could tell me all this.

It’s a mind-blower for several reasons:

She’s won’t ever forget it

It allowed her to perceive and experience synchronicity in a profoundly personal way

It defied the odds.

It changed how she perceives herself












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The Mystical Underground: Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit For Spirit

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Suzanne Cunningham: Conduit For Spirit”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Growing through a childhood filled with anomalous experiences, Suzanne Cunningham walked the road her soul chose for her. After an out-of-body/NDE in her early 20’s, she went on to have a spontaneous Kundalini opening. As is sometimes the case, the experience left her struggling through a spiritual emergency that forced her to come to terms with her gifts and deal with a difficult childhood. Beginning her journey with A Course in Miracles and studying everything she could to bring her deeper insight and understanding, Suzanne eventually sought out an advanced spiritual mentor and found her in Rev. Sheila Applegate, MSW, an internationally known teacher, healer and psychic. Switching gears and ultimately leaving her career in high-end fashion, Suzanne continued to read, study and challenge herself with an emphasis on spirituality, healing, energy, and consciousness.

Suzanne has been a Reiki Master Teacher and practitioner since 2006. After graduating from massage school in 2014, Suzanne chose to focus solely on her Reiki practice, bringing to it the professional foundation of her massage school training. She developed a passion for teaching Reiki to first responders and massage therapists, knowing that they spend most of their lives supporting the physical health and well-being of the people they serve but that they also swim in a sea of unseen and unrecognized energies. Supporting those that support their communities is an important value, and she willingly shares her knowledge with anyone interested in exploring energy and its effects on our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.
Her commitment to reaching into the unknown with faith and courage, using her personal experiences to connect and help others, and spending time with cutting-edge thought leaders and teachers continues today.

Suzanne can be reached at lightheartedbeing8@gmail.com

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Scott Colburn & Spirit Contact


On February 15, 2020, shortly before the pandemic was declared by WHO, we were guests on Scott Colburn’s podcast Exploring Unexplained Phenomena. Not long afterward, he passed away.

Scott, born on 11-11, was a terrific host and had a broad and comprehensive knowledge about the paranormal. He’d been doing his show for decades.

Today, September 5 2022, I received an email from Suzanne, a Reiki healer in North Carolina about Scott:

Ok, this is going to sound crazy but I think I got a message from Scott ( I was a listener) for you two. I heard coffee, connections and noise canceling headphones and then he showed me the cover of your book with the birds about signs, I see him kind of clapping his hands together, chuckling as I type this. He knows you know he’s ok but I feel like he planned this with you at some point, even as a passing comment. I don’t usually do “ drive by’s” but in this case I felt I had to.

Be well!
Warm Regards,

The book she’s referring to is Secrets of Spirit Communication

I emailed Suzanne and asked if she was a medium. Her response:

Hey Trish,

I don’t consider myself a medium but occasionally someone will get through. I teach Reiki. No website. I keep a really low profile here in the Bible Belt of NC.

It was odd because he popped into my head although I never met him. I did listen to him as I said but his presence has been strong over the past three days so I finally consented and reached out.

I am a member of Unknown Country so he may have connected to me, then you, through my connection to the site. All I know is that he was very determined. I don’t know if you know his daughter but he keeps flashing his kids, showing me that his daughter especially is really missing him right now.

Thanks for all you do and for your response. You know how these things work so I trusted you’d understand.

Warm Regards,

I was curious about whether there was a connection between her job as a Reiki healer and her intuition/mediumistic ability. Since Suzanne mentioned Scott’s daughter, I told her I may have her email address because Scott had hired me to do her natal chart.

I absolutely think that Reiki has helped me to understand gifts that I was afraid of embracing growing up. I use my intuition for my work but I’ve never considered myself a medium. Occasionally something significant will come through from a loved one in a Reiki session but only when it’s in support of that client’s healing.

I believe that as the Reiki energy works, important milestones, signs and symbols help people release and heal. The only way this works for me is when I recognize it’s not me and act as an open conduit. That’s the way my mediumship abilities will come through. Not usually as a stand alone so this instance felt so significant and intentional. I’m not at all surprised that you are able to contact his daughter. I believe that’s what this is truly about. Connecting to his kids.

So I asked Suzanne if she would like to be a guest on our podcast to talk about Reiki and its connection to psychic abilities.

And I did find Scott’s daughters’s email address so I forwarded these emails to her. I hope they provide a measure of comfort that her dad is around!



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Just out of sight and mostly outside the awareness of mainstream media, a shift in consciousness is underway that’s beyond religion, politics, and science as we know it now. It’s an accelerated perception shared by millions worldwide: we are all energetically entangled. What affects one, affects all.

Here in this sea of evolving awareness, we perceive intuitively, through the heart, and often experience astonishing coincidences or synchronicities. It’s here we might momentarily connect with a lost loved one, catch a glimpse of our future, or be nudged unexpectedly onto a different path. These wake-up calls alert us to a deeper matrix of reality.

Welcome to The Shift.


Our newest book , with that great cover by our daughter, Megan, is now available for pre-order on Amazon. It will be released on October 20, which  would have been my dad’s 109th birthday.



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The Mystical Underground: Bernard Beitman: Meaningful Coincidences

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Bernard Beitman: Meaningful Coincidences”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to undertake a serious study of synchronicity or meaningful coincidence. He’s also the author of two books on the subject, “Connecting with Coincidence” and “Meaningful Coincidences: How and Why Synchronicity and Serendipity Happen.” Bernie is currently a visiting professor at the University of Virginia. In late 2019, he started The Coincidence Project, a group of people researching and writing about synchronicity.

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The synchro of Hurricane Ian

It turns out that category 4 Hurricane Ian is the source of at least one synchronicity.

When it made landfall at 3:05 PM on September 28, it did so at Cayo Costa, a barrier island near Captiva and Sanibel, also barrier islands. Not many people live there and it has a state park that’s a favorite spot with boaters. The NBC meteorologist Bill Kerins said that 18 years ago, in 2004, Hurricane Charley, also a category 4 storm, made landfall at this exact spot.

Think about that. The west coast of Florida is 660 miles long. As Karin exclaimed, “What are the odds of that?”

When I told Rob about this, he asked what the message was. It’s a good question. My personal take? Hurricanes possess an element of consciousness.

PS. South Florida was lucky. Rain, some wind, but nothing like the damage I’ve seen on the news to the west coast of Florida. Ian, like Andrew, will change the  shape and texture of Florida for decades.

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