Tag Archives: sagittarius

The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For December 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For December 2022”: Join Trish for the December 2022 astrological forecast!

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    Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius happens early this morning and will be visible in the Antarctica. SE are like double new moons and that means double the new opportunities that surface. Mercury is conjunct within 3 degrees and … Continue reading

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Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Today

  Today at 3:12 PM EDT, there’s a lunar eclipse at 15 degrees Sagittarius. This eclipse is the first of three between now and early July. June 21 features a solar eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer and on July 5, … Continue reading

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New Moon in Sagittarius

Today’s new moon in Sagittarius should be especially good for you fire signs – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and also benefits air signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. but everyone benefits to some degree because Sagittarius is the sign of Let the … Continue reading

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  June’s full moon is in fire sign Sagittarius. See it there in the 7th house? The planet next to it, at 18 degrees of Sagittarius, is Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, the big picture. The moon rules our … Continue reading

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