Rob & Megan at a cigar factory in Cuba, 2017

Rob & Hemingway in Old Havana, 2017


The first time I looked at Rob’s natal chart and saw Jupiter in his 8th house, the loner planet placed above the horizon, I knew we had a lot in common.

The 8th house represents everything paranormal – life after death, reincarnation, spirit contact, and synchronicity, all the stuff that has fascinated me for most of my life. That Jupiter placement also meant that if the relationship became anything, he probably would outlive me.

In my 8th house, I have  the  sun, Uranus, and the North Node. Uranus there means – at least to  me – a sudden unexpected death. You know, you’re out walking your dog and are struck by some wacko driver who doesn’t like the color of the shirt you’re wearing. Or doesn’t see you at all.

We were in a Fort Lauderdale bar when I looked at his chart. It was our first “date,” November 1981. I was teaching English to Cuban refugees  who had come over in the Mariel boat lift and he was a journalist writing for the Hollywood Sun Tattler. He had been assigned to our center to find out if Cubans were really learning English.

I don’t remember when we started living together, but we got married July 16, 1983. When I do the math, I’m shocked. That’s 39 years.

The only people  alive who have known Rob longer are his sister  Sandy, and her son, Guy.

39 years is a LONG time. But Rob isn’t just my husband. He’s also my creative writing partner. We’ve co-authored a number of non-fiction books. We bounce ideas off each other. We pursue our separate paths with fiction and have both won the Edgar Allan Poe Award given by the Mystery Writers of America. Rob won for his YA novel Prophecy Rock and Trish won for her paperback original Out of Sight. Yet,  we don’t compete against each other.

I’m pretty sure we had a life together in Scotland, but I don’t know the details. What I know is that when I was in Edinburgh in the summer of 1975, Rob was also there. A psychic later told us that in this life we had several opportunities to meet and Edinburgh was one of them.

I’m not sure about other opportunities. In past lives, maybe Salem, during the witch trials. I’ve used that era in my fiction. Another possibility? Maybe Cuba when Hemingway lived there, another period I’ve used in fiction.

Regardless, in  this life, we had a daughter, Megan, and have enjoyed 39 years together. & I still don’t know this guy. Nine of 10 planets in his chart fall beneath the horizon, the signature of a very private individual. Eight of my 10 planets are above the horizon, so what you see and hear is pretty much what you get.

I do have a filter – although I knew people who say otherwise – but it’s borderline. I fill the silences. He brings the wisdom. Eventually, we arrive at the same place.

Me: Hey, did you read those pages I sent you?

Rob: They’re good, but I think you need to change…

Me: Let’s go back to Costa Rica…

Rob: The west coast this time…

Happy birthday, Rob!

And happy lunar eclipse in Scorpio!

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The Mystical Underground: Sharon-Elizabeth James: The Divine Goddess

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Sharon-Elizabeth James: The Divine Goddess”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Reverend Sharon-Elizabeth James, who ten years ago founded the Cosmic Center of Spiritual Light in Sarasota, Florida. She underwent four years of intense metaphysical and spiritual training in Theosophy, New Thought, Spiritualism and Ancient and Contemporary Religious Beliefs at the Spiritual Science Center of New York. She was ordained in June 1989, the same year she made Florida her new home.


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What a birth chart reveals


Once upon a time (many times), I was asked what a birth chart could possible reveal since astrology is, so, well, you know, bogus. Sometimes, remarks like this irritate and piss me off. Other times, I think, Yeah? Let’s see what your birth chart tells me.

Astrology is a symbolic language, what with all these symbols in a circle divided into unequal 12 slices. How can any of it possibly mean anything? But 3 days after our daughter Megan was born, our friend Renie and my astrology mentor, read Megan’s birth chart. I remember we were sitting at our dining room table at our condo in Fort Lauderdale, and Renie was studying the chart I’d had printed at a New Age bookstore. Astrology software programs back then were rare and personal astrology programs on phones and computers didn’t exist. Then again, Smart Phones didn’t exist, either.

The highlights of her chart: she was born the day after a solar eclipse in Virgo, so both her sun and moon are in Virgo, 6th house. She has Pisces rising, Sagittarius at the Midheaven – career area. Some of what Renie said has unfolded. Imagination, compassionate, a huge heart, artistic. Art would be a big thing in her life. Picky eater, Self-critical. Detailed, a master at details. Would work with animals in some capacity, perhaps as a veterinarian. Intuitive, perhaps even psychic.

What Renie got wrong: Megan’s not a vet.

But she works with animals – dolphins at an internship in the Florida keys, then later at Disney, where she worked with dolphins. She has a dog walking business, majored in art, has an Etsy store and a secondary business painting pet portraits. I remember Renie saying that she might be a writer, too. But since Rob and I are writers, that made sense. Sure enough, she finished her first novel – Dystopian – and is looking for an agent. We’ve read the novel in its various incarnations and although we’re biased parents, we think the story is terrific and salable.

I later reealized the writing possibilities Renie saw had to do with the Virgo mind – a master of details, an excellent communicator ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. When I became more proficient at reading charts, I understood her Sagittarius Midheaven is ruled by Jupiter, the planet that governs-  among other things – publishing.

So Renie’s reading was accurate in terms of archetypes and possibilities. But a birth chart is only a blueprint, the soul’s blueprint of intentions. Our  free will – our choices – determines how the possibilities manifest themselves.

One thing is for sure. The night that Renie was studying Megan’s chart, I never imagined that we would be texting and talking about our respective books, ideas for books, or the finer points of writing. I LOVE IT.

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The Lincoln Project

No introduction needed!




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On 2-22-22, we published a post about the Pluto return of the U.S., which has never happened before. A Pluto return is when a natal planet returns to where it was when the U.S. was born. It happens every 248 years.

Two days after that return was exact – on Feb 24 2022, Russian invaded Ukraine. On April 18, a Trump appointed federal judge tossed out the CDC mandate about wearing masks on public transport. Around the same time, Florida’s nutcase governor signed the “Don’t say gay” bill into law. Disney took a stance against the law so  Ronnie boy, in a vendetta move, abolished their special status as a soverign “kingdom.” The move  eventually will cost taxpayers in Orange and Osceloa counties between $2,200-$2800.

I remember when Disney moved to the wilds of Central Florida in 1967. Florida granted them a special status for the 25,000 acres they purchased and Disney was responsible for the city of Orlando expanding from a dot on the map to the sprawling hub it is now. And Disney burgeoned from an idea in the Florida wilds to the largest private employer in the state.

Back in 1967, there wasn’t any way to get power to the wilds, so Disney built its own nuclear power plant, water and sewage plant, has its own fire department, EMT services – it’s own infrastructure – and the right to govern its kingdom as it sees fit.  Orlando went democratic in the last election, so perhaps DeSantis hopes to impoverish those dems.

The good ole mini trump also did away with tenures at universities. Why? Did someone in the university system piss him off? And, oh, yeah, he’s also redistricting to make sure that it’s more difficult for blacks and people of color to vote.

What I find so interesting about all this is that DeSantis claims to be making Florida the freest state in the country. And the hidden undercurrent here isn’t so hidden – if you disagree with him or go against him, he gets even, just like trump does.  With DeSantis, though, this revenge isn’t just a nasty tweet. He hits you financially.

I hope Disney takes him on. They have the money and resources.



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Mercury Retrograde Blowbacks


Today, May 10, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini.

Sometimes when I mention Mercury retrograde – and describe its effects – I get odd looks that scream, Yeah, sure. So here are some examples of the kinds of snafus the trickster planet has stirred up. Unfortunately, we’ve experienced most of them when we didn’t follow the advice for these retrogrades:

Don’t start anything new. Instead, revise, reconsider, review.

Don’t sign a contract.

Don’t submit anything – ideas, products, a manuscript or screenplay, a query or synopsis.

Don’t buy a car or anything else with moving parts – including computers and electronics.

Don’t make irrevocable decisions.

Don’t have surgery.

Don’t take anything for granted – appointments, guarantees. Communicate clearly.

Don’t make travel plans during a retrograde unless you don’t mind changing the plans later.

If you travel somewhere during a Mercury retrograde, it’s likely that you’ll return to that place.

Old friends show up.

Here are some examples.

A friend told me her husband was due to have cataract surgery. When she told me the date – during a retrograde – I advised her against it. “If he has the surgery then, he may have to have it redone.” But his date was set and he didn’t want to change it. Sure enough, something got botched and the surgery had to be redone.

When Rob and I were writing the Sydney Omarr series of astrology books,we signed a contract during a Mercury retrograde – a big no-no since Mercury rules contracts. Sure enough, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong for the year that contract was in effect. The project started with one editor, then she was replaced with another and by the end of the contract, we were on our third editor. Payments got screwed up. Galleys were filled with errors.

We once bought a used car during a Mercury retrograde. One of the Do Nots for these retros is not to buy anything with moving parts – a car, computer, a merry-go-round! You get the idea. This car was a disaster right from the beginning, a lemon with multiple mechanical problems. I sometimes felt like I was driving Christine, you know, from the Stephen King book by the same name. It seemed to have a consciousness all its own. We got rid of it less than a year later.

Recently, a friend’s dog – Abby, an American bulldog- was limping and Lloyd took her to the vet. Turned out she had an ACL tear and surgery was recommended to repair it. The surgery was scheduled a week or so before the retrograde but was postponed when several of the vets were out with Covid. It was rescheduled for the day before Mercury turned retro. That made me uneasy. But later that day, Lloyd texted and said she’d come through the surgery fine. Then, the next day, with Mercury now retro, Lloyd texted to say the surgeon had operated on the wrong leg.

Some years ago, Phyllis Vega, my co-author for Power Tarot, and I attended a book festival in northern Florida where our book was going to be featured. Mercury was retrograde. Shortly after we checked into our room, a bee stung Phyllis on the hand and we knew it meant we were going to get stung. Sure enough, copies of our book hadn’t arrived and never showed up during the entire book festival. It meant no signings, no PR, no sales.

Our daughter, Megan, recently bought a house and it was all happening during the most recent Mercury retrograde from Jan 14 to Feb 3.

Whatever could go wrong, did go wrong.

The woman who owned the house where she was living was unwilling to extend her contract by two weeks so she could move directly into the new place when she closed. Instead, we moved her out of her place the weekend Mercury turned retro and stayed with us.  The move was a nightmare. Then we entered a Merc retro waiting period to find out if her loan had been approved. It was, after 2 delays, which brought us out of the retrograde.

Before that closing, we discovered the place needed a new septic tank and the owner refused to discount the price of it from the sales price of the house.

The lender was a liar and incompetent and kept asking for more and more papers and forms, probably 70 or 80 in all. Jan 31, the date of the first closing, flew by. On Feb 7, the second date for the closing, the battery in my car died as we were pulling out of the driveway. We crammed everything in Rob’s car, and during the entire 3-hour drive, the lender was calling for more forms, more papers. The closing was pushed to Feb 15, well out of the Merc retro period and we finally closed.

The lender actually had the gall to asked Megan for a 5 star review. But it was the Realtor who got the 5 stars. He was an absolute prince and actually put $1000 of his commission toward the closing because of the septic tank issue.

Mercury is a trickster even under the best conditions. But when it’s retro, the trickster has a blast and delights in messing up things that should otherwise be simple and straightforward. Don’t take my word for it, though. If you’re skeptical, test it on your own.

The next Mercury retro begins on May 10 7:47 a.m.ET and 4:47 a.m PT. It ends on June 3 at 4 a.m. EST and 1 a.m. PT. Let me know how yours unfolds!





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The Mystical Underground: Marie D Jones: Synchronicity Coffee Klatch

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Marie D Jones: Synchronicity Coffee Klatch”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Marie D. Jones is a best-selling author of non-fiction and fiction and a screenwriter/producer with her own company, Where’s Lucy? Productions. She has appeared on television and on the radio all over the world and has hundreds of credits writing for magazines, guest blogs, reviews, short stories, online articles, and gift books. She has lectured widely on the paranormal, unknown anomalies, cutting-edge science, metaphysics, and human consciousness.


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The Synchros of Hellier

Recently, we began watching a somewhat spooky documentary series called Hellier, which features a group of paranormal investigators who decide to look into reports of “goblins” appearing on a rural homestead in Hellier, Kentucky. There are numerous old mines in the area and one of them is on the edge of the property in question. One of the investigators received emails from a man named David Christie, who lived in the house in question with his children, and he complains that little being were sneaking around their property at night looking in the windows and scaring the children. Christie also sent them pics of small three-toed footprints in the mud near the mine.

The investigators decide to take a look. However, before they get it together to make the trip from Cincinnati, they receive another email from David who says he’s had enough. He and the three children are abandoning the house. After that, they don’t hear any more from Christie and he doesn’t answer emails or the email address no longer works. Still, the investigators continued on.

The thing about this story that’s particularly interesting for us is that right from the beginning, they talk about synchronicity. It’s one synchro after another as they pursue this adventure. They not only recognize the synchronicities but they follow them making it even weirder. But we had no idea that synchronicity would play any part in the documentary series.

As it turned out there was also a synchro for me (Rob) with this show. We had watched one episode of the series when it first came out in 2019. I had noted at the time that years earlier I had also corresponded with a man named David Christie and we had talked about strange stuff, as well. In our case, it was about the Castaneda saga and the semi-mysterious women who were associated with him. One of whom was an author who I had corresponded with for years and later met at a writer’s conference. So after seeing the episode in 2019, I wrote David Christie asking him if he was the same guy as the D.C. in Hellier. I had my doubts because I remember that he lived in Canada.

After that, we didn’t watch anymore of the series. Maybe it was because there were no other episodes immediately available, and so I forgot the series and  my email to David Christie. Then recently, when Daz mentioned Hellier in a comment here on the blog, I was reminded of the episode we’d seen and we decided to start it again from the beginning. While watching the second episode, I recalled that I had written ‘my’ David Christie and couldn’t remember if he had replied.

So I looked up the email as we were watching and told Trish that Christie had never replied to me. Within seconds, one of the characters who was in a moving vehicle and looking at his phone said the same thing. “David Christie never replied.”

We just watched the third episode and surprisingly, they find out that David Christie was actually writing the emails to them from Canada. Hmm, I thought. Maybe it is the same D.C.

Whatever, it was another synchro about a documentary that essentially is about synchronicities related to their search for the goblins…or whatever they were.

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Our animal buddies













A favorite house spot


Some years ago, my sister, Mary, rescued three feral cats in her neighborhood. They’ve moved with her from house to house. I met them in 2019, I think it was, black and white beauties as fleeting as magic. Here one moment, gone the next – into the cellar rafters, the hidden pockets. Only one of them warmed up to me during that first meeting, a gorgeous guy, Beowulf. He has these turquoise and dark chocolate eyes, not visible in this photo, and a face that melts your heart every time he lifts his head to look at you.

In the fall of that year, my sister and I met in Orlando and I officially adopted Beowulf. I drove him back to South Florida in a carrier and he meowed and complained the entire three hours in the car. When I released him in the house, he ran and hid under a bed and stayed here for the next 10 days. He came out to eat, of course, but only when he was sure no one was looking.

Gradually, he emerged into this new world, warmed up to Nigel and Nala and Nika, He does this kind of endearing thing when he meets a new animal – he rubs his head against some part of their anatomy – head, belly, nose, ear – a gesture that says, “Hey, I’m a friend. I don’t want any trouble.”


Eventually, he ventured outside, into our backyard, and caught his first lizard, which he proudly carried inside. The lizard escaped. Next, it was a mouse that he caught and brought in to show everyone – and the mouse also got away. For awhile, we had an infestation of mice.

He’s now very comfortable here. He’s also really vocal about going out. His idea of paradise is to spend the beautiful nights outdoors. If it rains, he prefers the back of the couch. In the evening if we sit outside with the dogs and toss Nigel his ball, both Beo and Nala join us. They’re good buds. Whenever she sees him she rubs up against him, sniffs him, purrs at him. He reciprocates. If they hadn’t both been fixed, they’d be lovers.

Of the two cats, Nala is the most domesticated. Our neighbor fostered her and she’s used to being stroked and hugged and invited to share a pillow at night. But she also loves her life outdoors with Beo.

So Beo, a cellar cat for at least five years, has issues about freedom. Then again, if I’d been confined to  a cellar – even a large cellar with places to hide, with food brought to me – I’d have issues too. Welcome to the free world, Beo. Yeah, it has its perils, but considering the alternative, it’s a paradise.

Nigel says: “Beo is somewhere in the bushes. Wait! There he is! His favorite outdoor spot.”

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Marching Toward Gilead

Several days ago,  State Rep. Jean Schmidt, who represents Ohio’s 65ht district, was questioned by fellow legislators about a bill she sponsored – House Bill 598 or The Human Life Protection Act. Her bill would make performing an abortion in Ohio a fourth-degree felony and would criminalize the use of abortion medication. There’s no exception for rape or incest.

As the Washington Post reported, she was presented with a hypothetical:”A 13-year-old girl is raped and becomes pregnant as a result. Would the Republican’s bill force that teenager to have her rapist’s baby?”

Her incredible response? “It is a shame that it happens, but there’s an opportunity for that woman, no matter how young or old she is, to make a determination about what she’s going to do to help that life be a productive human being.”

Seriously? How the hell could any woman actually believe this? That response is straight out of Gilead.

Take a look at which Republican-dominated state legislatures have passed abortion bans, fully expecting the supremes to overturn Roe V Wade this summer when they hear a Mississippi case.

So as soon as this summer, Roe v. Wade, which became law in January 1973, will be history. And the U.S. will be marching even closer to Gilead. For those of you haven’t read or seen The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood’s brilliant depiction of a Dystopian society, all women in Gilead are subjugated in a patriarchal society supposedly built on theological principles.

The irony, of course, is that Republicans are right to lifers ONLY until the baby is born. After that, well, sorry kid. You’re on your own. No guaranteed health care, no paid family leave, nada.

UPDATE: Politico broke a story this evening – May 2- that is a draft of the supreme court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. It apparently was written by Justice Alito on February 10. Sickening.

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