Tag Archives: Mercury retro
Mercury retrograde alert, a lunar eclipse, & Neptune
It’s that time of year again. Mercury turns retrograde in Aries on March 14 at 11:46 PM PT and on March 15 at 2:46 AM EDT. Also on the 14th, there’s a lunar eclipse at 23 degrees Virgo at … Continue reading
Star Power Astrology Forecast for March 2025
Here is March’s astro forecast. It’s a Mercury retro month! And an eclipse month! Buckle up and hang on! The written forecast.
Mercury Retrograde Blowbacks
Today, May 10, Mercury turns retrograde in Gemini. Sometimes when I mention Mercury retrograde – and describe its effects – I get odd looks that scream, Yeah, sure. So here are some examples of the kinds of snafus the … Continue reading
And how’s your merc retro going?
Every Mercury retrograde is different. Some impact personal and professional relationships, cars and travel of all sorts. Others make a mess of technology. And some bring up old issues – like the impeachment of trump and whether or not he’ll … Continue reading
February Astrological Forecast
If you’d rather read the forecast, you can find it in the masthead, Just remember that Mercury went retro in Aquarius on January 30 and won’t start behaving until February 20.
In the 2016 campaign, there was a point where the head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, manipulated media in subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – ways to favor Hilary Clinton. During one of the debates, Clinton was … Continue reading
Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, communication, short distance travel, siblings, relatives, your neighborhood.. And yes Mercury is a trickster. It turns retro three times a year, when it appears to be moving backward relative to earth. In other words an … Continue reading
A Mercury Retro Thing
Mercury turned direct at 12:25 a.m. this morning! This year’s second Mercury retrograde began on July 26, at 1:02 AM EDT, at 23 degrees Leo. As of today, August 5, we’re only 10 days into it. The retro ends on … Continue reading
Mercury Retro and a New Litany
On December 4, just a day into the Mercury retrograde, I walked out to my leased car, a 2016 Mazda 3, which Rob and I were going to drive to the gym. I noticed that when I pressed my smart … Continue reading