The Mystical Underground: Alex Marcoux: Destination New Earth

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Alex Marcoux: Destination New Earth”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Alex Marcoux writes visionary fiction and spiritual self-help books. She was welcomed into a world few people see, the sacred mysteries and magic of autism. When asked by three nonverbal autists to make known their truth, The Unsuspected Heroes, the first book of A Journey to the New Earth book series, emerges.
Her newest book is Destination New Earth: A blueprint to 5D consciousness.

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On May 3, we’re in for a treat. The documentary Alien Abductions will be available to stream from Amazon prime. Take a look at the trailer. It’s compelling.

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Our first solar eclipse this year is on April 30, at 10 degrees Taurus. These eclipses are like double new moons – double the new opportunities. To find out how this eclipse impacts your sign, look in the masthead under the May forecasts and click you sun sign and rising sign.

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A Cluster Synchronicity


Here’s a cluster synchronicity that happened today. I’m currently ghostwriting a novel that involves a woman whose memories of an abusive past life are bleeding through into her current life and causing her problems. She is Baker Acted at some point and treated for her trauma in a psychedelic treatment program.

Then today, I received my copy of The Mountain Astrologer, the June-September 2022 issue. It has an article called Psychedelic Astrology about the work of Stanislov Grof, the world’s foremost authority on psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy, and Richard Tarnas, a professor of philosophy and psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, and author of Cosmos and Psyche, one of the best books about transit astrology and synchronicity. Tarnas is also a member of Bernie Beitman’s Coincidence Project.

A few hours after I’d gotten my Mountain Astrologer, Rob and I were watching a new show on Netflix – Russian Doll. The protagonist smoked weed laced with ketamine on her birthday and died and kept coming back to the same night. At one point, the man who created the joint she smoked explains how psychedelics like ketamine are used in therapy with traumatized patients.

I have no idea what this cluster means, but it’s certainly a weird one.

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The Mystical Underground: TMU – 0113 – Trish MacGregor – Star Power For May 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU – 0113 – Trish MacGregor – Star Power For May 2022”:

Join Trish for the May 2022 astrological forecast!

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The New Normal

New Normal After Coronavirus. New normal road sign. Horizontal composition with copy space. Global Health and COVID-19 pandemic concept.

In a world of – what? 7.9 billion people? – what would constitute critical mass for a paradigm shift? Half of that figure? Two-thirds? Seventy-five percent?

Since we started our podcast, The Mystical Underground, in February 2020, the consensus of our guests seems to be that we are in the midst of a chaotic paradigm shift.You can see it everywhere – in the politics of Covid, in the politics of politics, in industries that are radically changing or are defunct. We’ve heard all kinds of stories. The veil between the living and the dead is thinning, human/alien contact isn’t just happening, but new knowledge is emerging as a result. Some say that trump was a catalyst for this shift, that the war between Russian and the Ukraine is one of the repercussions, and that climate change isn’t just real, but is happening now.

Each of us has an opinion about these events. But the bottom line is that the pandemic changed, well, just about everything.

A lot of us went stir crazy. Others loved the solitude. Most of us just wanted to get back to normal – but no longer know what normal is.

Pre-pandemic, my ideal normal day used to be hit the gym in the morning, go to work, watch news or something else in the evenings, work until one or so and go to bed. In between, my normal included taking the dogs to the dog park, eating out with friends, traveling to Orlando to see our daughter, and at least one, preferably foreign, trip a year.

Well, I haven’t been anywhere foreign since a great trip to Colombia in 2018 and a fantastic visit to Cuba in 2017 . Because of the changing Covid restrictions, I didn’t want to get stuck somewhere. In 2021, we visited Whitefish, Montana for work. Beautiful landscape and the people we were visiting were terrific. But Montana isn’t ethnically diverse like South Florida. It’s a pocket of white nationalism. It’s also incredibly cold, even in May, so forget ever living there.

My normal now, as the pandemic ebbs, is that I do a lot of ghostwriting, have finished a novel – White Crows, which will be released on May 24 – and a non-fiction book Rob and I wrote  coming out later this year. The Shift: Reports from the Mystical Underground. The podcast is definitely part of my new normal and thanks to our guests, has introduced me to an ever expanding world of ideas.

I also joined a synchronicity group that is part of my new normal. It’s headed by Bernard Beitman, University of Virginia professor of psychiatry and author of two books on coincidence – synchronicity. The people he has gathered together for the Zoom meetups each month includes individuals from Australia and Europe and the U.S. Some are academics, most are authors. Bernie’s goal is to spread the concept of synchronicity worldwide. No one has used that term yet, but that’s what this is.

One segment of our podcast each month is my astrology column for the 12 signs. Writing it keeps me current and, hopefully, it enables others to plan a month more carefully.

Recently, for instance, a friend said she and her husband were leaving for the summer, going back to Maine on April 30. There’s a solar eclipse in Taurus on that day, I advised her to choose a date after that, sometime in May. Its not that solar eclipses are necessarily bad for travel, but that I know my friend and her husband are sensitive to astro events. A few years back, he had cataract surgery scheduled during a Mercury retrograde and I advised him to change the date to some point when the retro was finished. But he couldn’t change the date and ended up needing one eye redone.

My new normal now involves a lot of change that has evolved from the changes in my outer world.

What’s your new normal?

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Pound Sand, DeSantis


At one time in my life, I taught Spanish to middle school kids in a private school in Vero Beach, Florida. I also taught English to Cuban refugees after the Mariel boat lift in 1980-81.

The middle school kids were interesting. Open to anything. Everything. We didn’t have a Gov DeSantis then, censoring textbooks and passing laws against even uttering the word “gay,” in a classroom. Back then, at least for awhile, what a teacher taught in class was subject only to a vague outline curriculum. So I decided that every Friday we would have a psychic day IF the students committed to learning Spanish the other four days of the week.

My ploy worked for several months. The kids were great from Monday through Thursday and came prepared for our psychic Fridays. I heard all kinds of experiences – precognition, OBEs, telepathy, clairvoyance. We came up with psychic activities in which everyone participated. I discovered that these middle schoolers – 12 to 14- experienced things and had no one to talk to about it all.

Then, a couple of months into my experiment, I got called into the principal’s office for a meeting with him and his assistant principal, a woman whose name I don’t recall. Let’s call her Amy. At he meeting, she did most of the talking. She wanted to know what we did on these psychic Fridays.When I told her, she looked, well, kind of horrified.

“We’ve gotten complaints from parents.” Then she named the complaints.

One boy’s parents said their son claimed to travel out of body at night. A girl’s parents said she claimed to recall a traumatic past life. Another kid’s parents didn’t like that I talked about astrology. In a climate like this, who needed a DeSantis and his book banning? His don’t say gay laws? The parents were the censors.

I was told to stop psychic Fridays. So I did. But at the end of that year – my last at that private school – one of my students – Brian – stopped by my apartment with a gift. “I had a precognition that you would love this book, Ms. Trish.”

The book was Stephen King’s The Stand. And Brian was right. I loved the book. I went out and bought his earlier books. “You stopped doing psychic Fridays because of the administration, right?” he asked.
“Yeah. Parents complained.”

He grinned. “You opened up my world.”

I don’t know where Brian is now, what he has done with his life. But he was my confirmation that kids are hungry for these insights.

Sorry, DeSantis. You’re going to lose big time on your attempts to limit what goes on in a classroom. Keep on censoring and passing silly bills. Eventually, it will all blow up in your stupid, arrogant face.



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The Mystical Underground: Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Preston Dennett: SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his family, friends, and co-workers had encounters. Since then he has interviewed hundreds of people and investigated a wide variety of cases. He has written 29 books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV and speaks to audiences across the United States.
His latest book is SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure. It features the incredible story of UFO/alien contact by a Florida woman named Dolly Safran.

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Movie Theaters

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March 2020, Rob and I have been inside movie theaters twice. The first time was in Orlando, at the Enzian. It’s beautiful theater, with an outdoor restaurant, and shows mostly independent films. The second time was today.

Rob and I went to the Paragon, a theater in our local mall. ! p.m. showing in the middle of the week. Reclinable seats, spacious. When we bought tickets, the guy at the booth showed up which seats were sold already – mayby six of them.

The movie, Everything Everyone All the Time, is an Asian Matrix, but also spoofs that movie. The action is dizzying. The story is unclear because a lot of the dialogue is in Chinese.  And yes, there’s something great about the big screen. But as we sat there in the dark, in a completely empty theater – no shows for those supposedly taken seats – I started feeling eerie, uncomfortable, disoriented. I was also hungry and needed to use the restroom. At the end of Part I, I told Rob I was going to the restroom and left.

It was a relief. It was an even bigger relief to walk outside toward our car. Light, heat, the fecund scent of South Florida headed toward summer. I texted Rob that I was outside. Before he showed up, I realized that the pandemic spoiled me with so many streaming choices. I like stretching out with my dogs and cats to watch a show, a movie, news. I like being able to pause it to answer an email, take a call, or take a break to fix a snack that doesn’t cost more than our tickets.

I’d like to see this movie again when I can stream it from home. According to an article in Bloomberg in Dec 21 2021 , more than 600 theaters remained closed. I wonder how long the surviving theaters will continue to exist. Will they go the way of Blockbuster?

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White Crows

Available on May 24 or for pre-order now on Amazon.



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