An I Ching Reading

I ching coins


This evening, I threw an I Ching on a ghostwriting project. It’s an 80,000 word biography and must include a book proposal, query, and a lot of research. I figured this project would take me a year and I wouldn’t have time for much else. I told the man the range for my price. His budget was considerably lower. I read through the material he sent and while the story is a good one, the time element looked huge.

So I threw an I Ching – 3 coins tossed 6 times. Head count 3, tails count 2.The number 6 is a broken line – ying – changing to a solid line. The number 9 is a solid line – yang – changing to broken.

Here’s what I got:

So this hexagram is #2, The Receptive
6 _ o _
8 _ _
8 _ _
8 _ _
8 _ _
8 _ _

With the sixth line changing to solid, this is what the second hexagram looks like this:

_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _This hexagram is #23, Splitting Apart.This number is infamous-

I immediately wrote Adele Aldridge – author and I Ching master. She, like author Nancy Pickard, understands the Ching in ways that I do not.

Even though the interpretations of the Ching are written in terms of life in ancient times, there’s a resonance in the explanations but it’s also evident in the titles of the hexagrams.

Hexagram 2, I think, was addressing how receptive I was to his monetary offer, even though it was well below the figure I’d given him. But that 6th line, where the broken #6 turns solid, seized me. It created Hexagram 23. Splitting Apart.

If you draw Hexagram 23 and ignore the meaning, you won’t escape the repercussions. “The dark lines are about to mount upward and overthrow the last firm, light line by exerting a disintegrating influence on it. The inferior, dark forces overcome what is superior and strong, not by direct means, but by undermining is gradually and imperceptibly, so that it finally collapses.”

No, thanks.

Part of what I’m learning in these ghostwriting projects is within the first paragraph or so, I can tell whether the project will work for me. But when I’m uncertain, I toss a Ching. That usually seals the deal for me one way or another

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Three Ice Cream Cones




Connie had heard that we can manifest our reality, if we believe. She’d heard it several times, but never understood or believed it until it happened to her.

She was talking to a coworker who was experiencing numerous difficulties in her life, nothing seemed to go right for her. The woman told her all that happy talk about the law of attraction and manifesting what you want was hogwash. Alex listened and was quietly agreeing with her when something strange happened. “Energy began vibrating and buzzing in my head. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I sat straight up and focused,” she recalls.

Her coworker asked if she was okay. Suddenly, words started flowing from her mouth and she wasn’t sure where these thoughts and ideas came from. “You don’t think that you can create or manifest because you have too many rules, expectations, and judgments. Think of it this way: what you want is in the astral realms, and you need to bring it down here to 3 D to access it.”

But she wasn’t done. “Let’s do an exercise, shall we? I’d like for you to imagine that there are three ice cream cones in the astral realm. Think about how much you want those ice cream cones. Don’t think about how much they cost, how you will get them, or the calories. Just think about how much you want them and how happy you’ll be when you taste them. One of the biggest keys to manifestation is belief and imagination.”

Connie sat there confused, wondering where those ideas came from and how they just flowed through her. The following day, her coworker approached her. “I did the ice cream experiment! About an hour after I set my intention, my husband came home with a package of ice cream cones. Get this—it was a package of four; my husband’s client took one cone and gave him the three remaining cones.”

She added that it didn’t stop there. As she finished her ice cream, she repeated the exercise, imagining that she’d receive $2,287.15 to repay us on an uncollectible loan that was several years old. “Would you believe that a few hours after eating my ice cream, there was a knock at our door? It was the debtor who was very apologetic and gave us a check for $2,287.16.” It was one penny more than what was owed, Alex noted. It was as if the universe saying, Here’s your money and keep the change.

That story appears in Alex Marcoux’s new book, DESTINATION NEW EARTH. We talked to Alex recently on The Mystical Underground and the full interview will be coming out soon.







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The Forgotten Novel

This is an oddball story, for sure. On my Mac, I have many dozens of folders that are manuscripts completed, submitted and published. I have 13 years of blog folders that contain several hundred posts for a given year. I have astrological charts and reports for many years.

You get the idea here. My hard drive is jammed.

So the other day I started going through these files, making copies of the ones I wanted to keep, and deleting the ones I didn’t need. Then I noticed two folders called That Other Place, with different dates in 2018. I opened the one with the most recent date in July 2018. It was more than 80,000 words and when I scrolled to the end, there was an epilogue. In other words, it was finished.

And I’d never done anything with it. Why not? I started reading and couldn’t stop – 80 pages the first night, another 100 the next night, and then I finished on the third night. A plane is en route from Cartagena, Colombia to Orlando, Florida and crashes into Disney World. Several thousand  people are killed because Disney, of course, is open for business.

The story takes place in the afterlife and in physical life. It evolves into a murder mystery with shifting timelines and shifting memories among the characters – some of them dead, the others alive. And ultimately, it’s a story about how our choices at any given moment can change not only our lives, but our destinies.

The idea is one that has intrigued me for years. But I don’t remember when in 2018 I wrote it or why I didn’t do anything with it. I didn’t send it to my long-time agent, Al Zuckerman and am not sure why.

Al retired in the fall of 2020 and I don’t particularly feel like going on an agent hunt. It’s time consuming and even if an agent finds an interested editor, the entire process to publication can take 18 months to two years. So I will go through it again, send it to people for feedback, and then submit it to Crossroad Press. They’ve been publishing our backlist and original titles since 2011.

During the pandemic, Rob and I started ghostwriting through a British online site, Reedsy. Crossroad has taken several of those books.We have two originals coming out from Crossroad this year – White Crows, a Mira Morales novel, and a non-fiction book, The Shift: Reports from the Mystical Underground.

Crossroad, I’m convinced, is a new paradigm in publishing. The CEO, David Wilson had a vision and launched the company in 2009 with backlist titles – out of print – by sci-fi writers. We had him on our podcast, The Mystical Underground, last December.

David Dodd, the illustrator for Crossroad, is a whiz kid at covers. Give him an idea of what cover you would like to see and he creates it.

So those are my thoughts and discoveries for this full moon in Virgo on March 18 (yeah, about 3 weeks ago). My lesson? Delete nothing until you’re absolutely sure what it is!

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Out of Sight


Several years ago, I wrote a script called Shrouded, based on my novel Out of Sight. I did some research on the best place to upload it and decided on Inktip.  I’ve now got 6 scripts on the site. Today, I learned that the logline was selected for Inktip’s newsletter! Here’s the logline:

“During a flawed government experiment, a couple is rendered invisible and the woman escapes. On the run from government agents, she must rescue her husband before the invisibility becomes permanent.”

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Megan recently has been teaching herself digital art and last night brought up an image on her iPad that illustrated alignment in a room. This same kind of alignment is used in creating digital figures.

This morning, Rob mentioned that his car has to go into the garage for tire rotation and alignment.

Then we received news that the terms on the house Megan hopes to purchase are more in alignment with what we can afford. This was back in February, when I originally wrote this post.  Three constitutes a synchronicity cluster.

The word alignment means: a position of agreement or alliance or an arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions. During Mercury’s retrograde, nothing was in alignment. Whatever might go wrong, did go wrong. I feel this synchro is emphasizing that with Mercury finally in direct motion again, life overall- and communication in particular – is coming more into alignment.

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The Mystical Underground: Darlis Mayes: Accessing Your Akashic Records

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Darlis Mayes: Accessing Your Akashic Records”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Darlis Mayes. She’s an Akashic Records instructor and consultant, who facilitates group Akashic record readings for groups such as the Cocreator’s Convergence retreat as well as spiritual retreats around the world. She’s also a dowser and transformational spiritual coach.

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Age & Synchronicity


During our podcast with Philip Merry, author and coach and a synchronicity expert, he mentioned that the first synchronicity he remembered happened when he was 8. I was so stuck on his age that I didn’t pay close attention to the actual story and don’t recall the particulars now. His age seemed to be the point.

So of course I tried to remember how old I was when I experienced my first synchro. But that entails remembering the actual event .

I think my first inkling of what might be called a deeper order of things, happened when I was 12 and we lived in Venezuela. A number of American Catholics in Caracas attended a particular church that held catechism classes in English. I remember sitting there one Sunday, bored out of my mind, while the nun went on and on about what happens after we die. When we die, we’re judged by God and are sent to hell, purgatory or heaven.

And I remember thinking, No, you’re wrong. What happens is what we believe will happen.

The thought shocked me. It didn’t feel like it belonged to me. I realized I had nothing in common with Catholicism, that I didn’t believe what they taught, and over the next several years, that feeling deepened. When I was told it was time to take Communion, but that I first had to go to confession, I didn’t have any idea what to say to the priest in the confessional. So I made up sins, said the prayers he gave me for penance, and was disgusted with it all. I was 16 when I told my dad I didn’t want to go to church anymore because I didn’t believe anything they taught.

His reaction? He grinned. “Great! Now I don’t have to go to church anymore.”

I don’t think that qualifies as a synchro, but it did qualify as a changing point.

I’m pretty sure the first actual synchronicity I remember happened that same year. I was riding my bike in our neighborhood and saw a German Sheppard running the fence in his yard, barking loudly at me as I passed. My first thought was that if he jumped the fence, he was going to chase me and bite me.

I pedaled faster. Then I heard him right behind me and, sure enough, he’d jumped that fence and was closing in on me. He sounded ferocious. I pedaled faster, but he was like a force of nature. Sure enough, he caught up to me and nipped me in the butt. I think I made a short turn that threw him off, then I sped home.

So that synchronicity would qualify as a precognition.

To this day, I’m not crazy about German Sheppards.

What’s the first synchronicity you remember? How old were you?


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Name synchros

What’s my full name?

If I meet someone with my first name, Rob, it’s not a synchronicity. There are a lot of us around. But names do play into synchronicity when the odds of two unusual ones coming together seems highly unlikely. That’s what happened to me recently on two different occasions with names that I’d never previously heard.

One of the names is Tarun. I’m ghostwriting a novel with a character by that name and at one point I realized that Tarun needed a last name. I do ghostwriting through a British company called Reedsy. So I went to my Reedsy site to contact the author ask him for a suggestion for a last name.

However, before I found him on a list of authors who had contacted me, I noticed a new inquiry had popped up and amazingly the author who was looking for a ghostwriter was named Tarun. Since I’d never heard the name prior to working on the novel, I was surprised to see another Tarun come to me for help with his novel.

I saw this Tarun’s last name was Morar and decided that would work fine for the other Tarun. So with that, the hopeful author’s full name became a character’s name in another author’s book. Synchronicity.

Ultimately, I did not work with the new Tarun on his project. I did relate the synchronicity to him, though. His response was silence. A case of a synchro impressing me, but not one of the participants in the synchro.

The second name synchro that happened in close proximity to the first one involves a character’s name in the Netflix series, Succession. The daughter in the well-to-do neurotic family that owns a media empire goes by the nickname Shiv. But her full name is the other one that I wasn’t familiar with. After watching an episode recently, I tried to remember the name but couldn’t. That bothers me when I forget names. So I went online looking for it and quickly found it: Siobhan. In doing so, I went on Facebook and saw that I had a new friend request. Amazingly, the request was from a Siobhan. Like attracts like! What are the chances of that?

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The Skink


This evening I was bicycling along a sidewalk that runs parallel to our neighborhood. The weather was ideal. On the way back, I saw what I thought was snake just in front of me and veered around it. A snake crossing my path…it didn’t sound particularly positive.

When Rob got home from his bike ride – he rides farther and faster – he said he’d seen it – a skink, not a snake. The one I saw had blue streaked through it and the skin looked much smoother than that of a snake.A skink is a type of lizard.

So, I Googled “esoteric meaning of skink.” Most of the links that came up on the first page were for lizard. I liked what I read:

In many cultures, the lizard is a symbol of regeneration and rebirth. It is also linked to feminine power. Lizards also have the ability to make dreams come true.

A lizard is considered to be a very lucky and auspicious creature according to spiritual beliefs. It is said that when it crosses your path, the indication is towards something good that might happen in the coming times.

As a spirit animal, the lizard lets you follow this flow with full faith. It can also tell you when to move slowly, and with caution. To be able to survive in any given situation, you need to be as crafty and perceiving as a lizard. The presence of the lizard as a spirit in your life can make you more resilient.

They all sound good. Bring it on, skink…

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2022”:

Join Trish for the April 2022 astrological forecast!

The printed version is in the masthead.

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