The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2022

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For April 2022”:

Join Trish for the April 2022 astrological forecast!

The printed version is in the masthead.

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City of Wandering Ghosts


Usually, mainstream media shies away from the paranormal unless the show or website is specifically about that area. But natural disasters – a pandemic, tsunami, earthquake – often involve synchronicity and spirit contact that even mainstream news covers.

In a June 2021 article, CNN ran an article entitled:

They lost their loved ones to Covid. Then they heard from them again.

Yeah? Spirit contact on CNN??

When this article appeared on the CNN website in June 2021, the pandemic had killed about 600,000 Americans. Now, in February 2022, that number stands at more than 900,000 dead. And many of the survivors never had a chance to say good-bye. But other survivors believe their loved ones are still around communicating with them.

CNN highlighted this story about Michelle and Ian Horner.

Michelle died of complications from Covid in the fall of 2020. She and her husband, Ian, a morning radio deejay in Wichita, had been married nearly 10 years. He was devastated. But not long after his death, he began to believe she was trying to communicate with him.

As CNN wrote: “He was driving to his job in the predawn darkness when he spotted something odd. About two dozen streetlights flanking the highway had turned purple. They looked like a lavender string of pearls glowing in the night sky. Horne took it as a sign.” Purple was Michelle’s favorite color. Ian had worn a purple tie to their wedding. It was a bond between them.

“‘Michelle knew that was my route to work that I take every morning and was the route she took on her final drive to the hospital,’” Horne said.

The article noted that spirit contact experiences can be subtle: dreams, a scent, unusual behaviors of animals. “Other encounters are more dramatic: feeling a touch on your shoulder at night, hearing a sudden warning from a loved one, or seeing the full-bodied form of a recently departed relative appear at the foot of your bed.”

The 1918 influenza pandemic triggered the Spiritualism craze – mediums, Ouija boards, all sorts of tools and venues for spirit contact. After 9/11, a number of people reported sightings of and conversations with loved ones who had died in the terrorist attack.

On March 11, 2011, a 9.1 earthquake struck off the northeast coast of Honshu on the Japan Trench. The tsunami triggered by the quake hit the coast within 30 minutes with waves that were 130 feet high. It disabled three nuclear reactors and within three days, their cores had melted down. The disaster killed at least 20,000 and, as CNN noted, “so many inhabitants of Ishinomaki reported seeing their loved ones appear that a book and a documentary were made about this city of wandering ghosts.

I’ve always wondered what happens in the after world when thousands or millions of people lose their lives in a relatively short period of time in wars, pandemics, natural disasters. If thousands or millions of souls leave their bodies simultaneously, how does the after world handle the sudden influx? Are we all suddenly enlightened and know what to do, where to go, how to help each other?

Maybe it’s simpler than that. Maybe one of the first acts of the dead is to attempt contact with the loved ones to whom they didn’t have a chance to say good-bye. Perhaps all these disaster sites become cities of wandering ghosts.

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An Indiana Jones love story

Back in the early 1990s, I wrote seven Indiana Jones novels in a fury over two and a half years. Except for The Last Crusade, which I adapted from the script, the novels were released twice a year without any fanfare. The editor at Bantam Books, who also edited Star Wars novels, liked to point out to me that there were far fewer Indy fans than Star Wars fans. While she said the fan base was relatively small, Indiana Jones fans were very hard core. Meaning they vicariously lived the life of the iconic archaeologist/adventure, watched the movies over and over, read the books, and bought the gear—preferably the identical jacket, fedora, whip, etc. that were in the movies.

Some of these “hard core” fans began contacting me with questions and sending their copies of the novels for autographs. By then, I was working on other novels and non-fiction projects, but I’ve always responded to the Indy fans. One of the early correspondents was Dale Dassel, who still comes here on the blog. He knows far more about the Indy saga than I do, and he knows my novels much better than I do. I wrote them, but I’ve never read them. Dale, on the other hand, has read them dozens of times, and that’s no exaggeration. Not long ago, he told me I should read them. “They’re really pretty good stories,” he said.

Indy fans typically are guys. Female fans are more muted. For example, my daughter visited an old friend in Denver a few years ago. The friend is a lawyer involved in environmental issues, a serious person. So Megan was surprised to see one of my Indy novels on her bookshelf. Then she found another and another, and realized her friend had all my books. “Did you know my dad wrote those books?” she asked. “What, I didn’t know that.”

That said, there was one woman who years ago wrote me a lot. Truthfully, she was a bit annoying. But I still responded. Then I didn’t hear from her for a few years, and I figured she’d moved on from her Indiana Jones fascination. Wrong. A couple of years ago, Jennifer was back again, and she was still very much among the so-called hard-core. I responded to her a few times, then it occurred to me – why don’t I introduce her to Dale Dassel, and the two of them can compare Indy notes since they obviously have so much in common. They might get along well.

At first, Dale seemed a bit hesitant and Jennifer was somewhat wary because I think other Indy fans had dissed her in the past. But eventually they agreed to exchange e-mails…and life for those two Indy recluses has never been the same.  Dale lives in Georgia and Jennifer in Buffalo. They became fast friends and a few months ago Dale visited her for a week, cementing their relationship.

Just recently I received the latest edition of their story. Dale wrote me from the Buffalo airport with Jennifer at his side. She was leaving Buffalo behind and joining Dale. “This past weekend we packed up her stuff and mailed it to Georgia. Jen has no reason to stay in NY since her parents are gone.”

They will initially stay with Dale’s father, where Dale has been living, then find their own place in Byron, Georgia. Meanwhile, Jennifer is coming home to one incredible Indiana Jones museum that Dale has created in the family house.

“You and Indiana Jones changed our lives!” Dale wrote in the email. “Our future is together; every time we watch an Indy movie, we will be side by side; we can help each other write Indy fan fiction, crack whips together… and all because George Lucas created Indiana Jones and Rob MacGregor wrote half of the novels in the series. And that’s truly a beautiful story.” 🥰

Dale is actually a quite accomplished novelist and Jennifer also is an inspired writer. I’ve suggested that they branch out. But so far, and I guess not surprisingly, they’re focused on Indy fan fiction. Dale’s novel Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, based on an Indiana Jones computer game story, was completed a decade ago and is a popular read among Indy’s hard core…and beyond.

On their way to a new life…



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The Mystical Underground: Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 6

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 6”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels and the Mystical Underground, as they present the sixth episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings will come out in multiple episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22, 2021. It will continue as possible each month through 2022.

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A synchro about…shoes?!


Recently, our gym, You Fit, repainted and rearranged its machines so there is hardly any breathing space between them. And this was done when new daily Covid cases in Florida were nearly at an all time high – 15,000 to 20,000.Go figure.

But. Now it’s late February, hardly anyone in the gyn wears a mask, cases are way down, and the machines are still as tight as dots on a page. Today, I was on a leg machine and happened to glance at the machine less than an arm’s length away. It was one of those calf machines where you position your position your feet and push up. I noticed the mesh of the guy’s light green shoes.

Wow, shoes that breathe.

Then, this afternoon at the dog park, our friend Paula said that when she got home today, there was a package on her porch from her guy, Scott. Turned out to be a pair of shoes. She showed us a photo – except for the color, they were identical to the shoes I’d seen at the gym.

Okay, message?

Well, first check the obvious. Our shoes protect our feet, which move us through life. We look for comfort and support in shoes, as in life. Then I noticed the name of this brand of shoes: NOBULL.

I think that’s probably the message.

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Two human in x-ray vision with brain. 10 EPS file with transparency effects and overlapping colors.

Mike Perry, who lives in the Cornwall in the UK, was one of our first blogging friends. He has a blog on synchronicity and on the beauty of Cornwall. Shortly after the new year, he emailed a synchronicity that occurred one evening when he and his wife, Karin, had friends over for dinner.


We had some friends at our house for an evening meal. We got talking and the subject came up about Karin’s early life in Germany (she was born in Germany).

Karin told them about the farm her family had and how it is now a hotel.  It was about 10 o’clock in the evening. I got out some photos I had taken, when in Germany,  which showed them what was Karin’s home on the farm.

They asked if she had any  friends still in Germany. Karin answered that there was only one but she had moved away now and she hadn’t heard from her for about three years. I showed our friends a photo of the house where Karin’s friend lived.

At that moment our phone rang. It was Karin’s friend in Germany! She told Karin she was looking through some photos and found a slip of paper with our phone number amongst her photos.

Even though it was quite late she felt compelled to phone the number!

Telepathy, for sure!


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The Mystical Underground: Philip Merry: The 9 Keys Of Synchronicity

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Philip Merry: The 9 Keys Of Synchronicity”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Philip Merry, the author of The 9 Keys of Synchronicity, a book that grew out of his Ph.D. research. Dr. Merry is a British native, who lives in Singapore. He has led workshops in leadership training for more than four decades and has addressed major world organizations in 61 countries. Philip is the only person with a grounded theory Ph.D. in synchronicity and leadership.

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The Shift


Is Covid really waning? It seems so.

Back in the early days of Covid, I took screenshots of the numbers that shut us down as a country. The numbers weren’t alarming – not compared to what they were during Delta and Omicron. Now, the numbers are truly encouraging. In Florida, for instance, our numbers for March 23 were a little over 5,000. What a difference from the a one-day high of 21,000 back in January 2022.

Today, March 9, those numbers were t 1609 according to Worldometer.

These days, I hear a lot of talk about how great it was to see the Canadian Freedom convoy, making a stand about freedom of choice when it comes to your body. You shouldn’t be mandated to do anything. Yet, there’s a huge element of hypocrisy in all this: what about the freedom of women to choose abortion over giving birth? When I’ve mentioned this fact to people who talk about freedom to choose what goes on with your own body, the reactions are mixed.

Abortion isn’t the same thing.

Abortion is murder.

The freedom should be uniform across the board.

My primary argument is that a pandemic is a public health crisis. So you take measures that protect your fellow humans. That seems simple enough. But it has become so politicized it now approaches satire.

Most of my family has had Covid in one variant or another. Rob was first, in March 2020, around the same time that WHO declared Covid a pandemic. We thought he had the flu. He was sick for about 3 weeks. The only reason we knew it was Covid is that in late April, during routine blood work, it was discovered he had antibodies.

My sister, Mary, and her kids and in laws were next – but not her husband. This was all pre-vaccine. Then it was friends, acquaintances.

Once the vaccines were available, we got them – Pfizer for Rob and me, Moderna for Megan. My sister’s family was a mix of the two. I still wore my masks everywhere in public – except at the dog park or when we were eating outside at a restaurant.

Around Thanksgiving, my sister  called and said she’d tested positive for Covid again. Mild symptoms. By day 5, she was back in her gym classes again.

Just before Christmas, Megan tested positive and was sick and didn’t make it home for Xmas. At this point, she hadn’t been boosted. But she made it home for New Year’s!

In January, after we returned from Orlando, where we’d helped Megan move, I woke up one night with terrible aches and pains and a fever, and tested positive the next morning. My bout with Covid? One night bad, the next four days fairly ordinary, maybe a slight congestion.

I attribute my mild case to vaccines and the booster.

Today, Rob and I went for our annual eye checkup. One of our doctor’s technicians caught Covid this past summer and was so sick she was out of work for a month.I figure she’s in her 40s. I asked if she’d been vaxxed since then and she shook her head. “I choose not to. I’ve got antibodies now.”

Yeah. I get it. Emergency vaccine authorizations and all that. Masks. Mandates. Lockdowns. But even once the vaccines were fully approved by the FDA, the conspiracy theories flourished. And even with the cases waning, the divisiveness continues.
We’re in the midst of something big and the pandemic was its trigger. Our collective humanity is caught in a paradigm shift. Trump was a facilitator, the divisiveness is a catalyst. Now there’s a war in Ukraine with Putin putting his nukes on high alert.

The big question is, well, pretty simple. Where do we end up? As a collective? As individuals?

We write about this paradigm shift in an upcoming book, The Shift: Reports from the Mystical Underground, which will be available this year.

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Pluto & War


Sometimes, the news feels like it goes in cycles that cover a lifetime. In October 1962, the world went through the Cuban Missile Crisis, a period of 13 days when the world looked to be on the brink of nuclear war. It started when an American U-2 spy plane secretly photographed nuclear missile sites being built by the Soviet Union on Cuba.

According to the JFK library, “President Kennedy did not want the Soviet Union and Cuba to know that he had discovered the missiles. He met in secret with his advisors for several days to discuss the problem. After many long and difficult meetings, Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba. The aim of this “quarantine,” as he called it, was to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies. He demanded the removal of the missiles already there and the destruction of the sites. On October 22, President Kennedy spoke to the nation about the crisis in a televised address.

“No one was sure how Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev would respond to the naval blockade and US demands. But the leaders of both superpowers recognized the devastating possibility of a nuclear war and publicly agreed to a deal in which the Soviets would dismantle the weapon sites in exchange for a pledge from the United States not to invade Cuba. In a separate deal, which remained secret for more than twenty-five years, the United States also agreed to remove its nuclear missiles from Turkey. Although the Soviets removed their missiles from Cuba, they escalated the building of their military arsenal; the missile crisis was over, the arms race was not.”

So, in October 1962, I was in boarding school in Massachusetts, my parents and sister were still in Venezuela. Boarding school was something my dad’s employer paid for, a perk. That employer was Creole, a subsidiary of what’s now Exxon Mobile.

I vividly recall air raid drills, where we were taught to scramble under our desks in case a nuke was headed our way. Yeah, under our desks. This time around, the war is televised. Social media brings clips of what’s happening on the ground, news channels interview Ukranians who have stayed behind, hiding out in subways with their kids and pets or with Ukranians who have fled for the border.

Any border.

Most of the world is against Putin and this war. Televised scenes are heartbreaking. Putin is invariably seen at the end of a long table, isolated from everyone.

Would Hitler have gotten as far as he did if that war had been televised? If we’d had Internet and social media and gmail and cell phones?

In the end, these things may not make an ultimate difference for Ukraine or for any of us if Putin is nuts enough to use nukes. But these scenarios probably qualify as events under the Pluto return for the U.S.

Pluto is about irrevocable change and transformation. Pluto is about power, the underworld, nukes, darkness, the subconscious, death and rebirth. It rules Scorpio. The Pluto return of the U.S. at 27 degrees Capricorn was exact on February 22, 2022. Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 , 2022. So apparently Russia is part of this country’s Pluto return.

And Putin, this oligarch with his huge yacht, the dictator who raised the nuclear alert, the guy who doesn’t give a shit about anyone except himself, is the dude trump called “a genius” for invading Ukraine.

That should tell us everything we ever need to know about either of them.


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The Mystical Underground: Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 5

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 5”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels and the Mystical Underground, as they present the fifth episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings will come out in six episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22. It will continue as possible each month through 2022.

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